Publikationen von Wolfgang Goymann
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (160)
25 (8), S. 1600 - 1613 (2012)
Independence among physiological traits suggests flexibility in the face of ecological demands on phenotypes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
3 (4), S. 757 - 765 (2012)
On the use of non-invasive hormone research in uncontrolled, natural environments: The problem with sex, diet, metabolic rate and the individual. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
279 (1742), S. 3527 - 3534 (2012)
A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clock. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2011
278 (1722), S. 3233 - 3242 (2011)
Ignoring the challenge? Male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) do not increase testosterone levels during territorial conflicts but they do so in response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
60 (5), S. 565 - 571 (2011)
Simulating winning in the wild - The behavioral and hormonal response of black redstarts to single and repeated territorial challenges of high and low intensity. Hormones and Behavior
59 (1), S. 44 - 50 (2011)
Hormonal correlates of social status and courtship display in the cooperatively lekking lance-tailed manakin. Hormones and Behavior
153 (1), S. 46 - 58 (2011)
Experimentally elevated testosterone levels enhance courtship behaviour and territoriality but depress acquired immune response in Red bishops Euplectes orix. Ibis
59 (1), S. 187 - 192 (2011)
Food availability but not melatonin affects nocturnal restlessness in a wild migrating passerine. Hormones and Behavior
42 (6), S. 485 - 489 (2011)
Testosterone and year-round territoriality in tropical and non-tropical songbirds. Journal of Avian Biology
26 (1), S. 44 - 54 (2011)
Seasonal and diel variation of hormone metabolites in European stonechats: On the importance of high signal-to-noise ratios in noninvasive hormone studies. Journal of Biological Rhythms
174 (2), S. 219 - 224 (2011)
Rearing conditions have long-term consequences for stress responsiveness in free-living great tits. General and Comparative Endocrinology
22 (6), S. 1312 - 1319 (2011)
Throat patch size and darkness covaries with testosterone in females of a sex-role reversed species. Behavioral Ecology 2010
21 (6), S. 1147 - 1155 (2010)
Threat signaling in female song-evidence from playbacks in a sex-role reversed bird species. Behavioral Ecology
6 (4), S. 478 - 481 (2010)
Body fat influences departure from stopover sites in migratory birds: Evidence from whole-island telemetry. Biology Letters
5 (9), e12930 (2010)
Stressful dieting: Nutritional conditions but not compensatory growth elevate corticosterone levels in Zebra finch nestlings and fledglings. PLoS One
58 (2), S. 317 - 325 (2010)
Impact of season and social challenge on testosterone and corticosterone levels in a year-round territorial bird. Hormones and Behavior
151 (3), S. 607 - 614 (2010)
European robins (Erithacus rubecula) lack an increase in testosterone during simulated territorial intrusions. Journal of Ornithology
365 (1553), S. 2737 - 2750 (2010)
Hormonal mechanisms of cooperative behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 2009
150 (4), S. 827 - 838 (2009)
A single functional testis and long deferent duct papillae: The peculiar male reproductive tract of the classically polyandrous, sex-role reversed Black coucal (Centropus grillii). Journal of Ornithology
5 (3), S. 302 - 305 (2009)
Stopover decision during migration: Physiological conditions predict nocturnal restlessness in wild passerines. Biology Letters
64 (2), S. 193 - 204 (2009)
Females alter their song when challenged in a sex-role reversed bird species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
163 (1-2), S. 149 - 157 (2009)
Social modulation of androgens in male birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology
20 (6), S. 1185 - 1193 (2009)
Paternity in the classical polyandrous black coucal (Centropus grillii) - A cuckoo accepting cuckoldry? Behavioral Ecology 2008
81 (5), S. 673 - 681 (2008)
Constitutive immune function responds more slowly to handling stress than corticosterone in a shorebird. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
23 (3), S. 274 - 277 (2008)
A gentler method to raise melatonin levels in birds. Journal of Biological Rhythms
275 (1638), S. 1053 - 1060 (2008)
Progesterone modulates aggression in sex-role reversed female African black coucals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
157 (3), S. 241 - 248 (2008)
Tropical field endocrinology: Ecology and evolution of testosterone concentrations in male birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology
155 (3), S. 511 - 516 (2008)
The decoy matters! Hormonal and behavioural differences in the reaction of territorial European robins towards stuffed and live decoys. General and Comparative Endocrinology 2007
51 (4), S. 463 - 476 (2007)
Distinguishing seasonal androgen responses from male-male androgen responsiveness - Revisiting the Challenge Hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior
150 (2), S. 191 - 195 (2007)
Use of ethanol for preserving steroid and indoleamine hormones in bird plasma. General and Comparative Endocrinology
80 (2), S. 228 - 240 (2007)
Hormonal responses to male-male social challenge in the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus: Single-broodedness as an explanatory variable. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
67 (12), S. 1560 - 1573 (2007)
Sex-role reversal is reflected in the brain of African black coucals (Centropus grillii). Developmental Neurobiology
22 (6), S. 554 - 557 (2007)
Green matters! Growing vegetation stimulates breeding under short-day conditions in wild canaries (Serinus canaria). Journal of Biological Rhythms 2006
50 (5), S. 779 - 785 (2006)
Testosterone and corticosterone during the breeding cycle of equatorial and European stonechats (Saxicola torquata axillaris and S. t. rubicola). Hormones and Behavior
49 (5), S. 644 - 653 (2006)
Low ambient temperature increases food intake and dropping production, leading to incorrect estimates of hormone metabolite concentrations in European stonechats. Hormones and Behavior
59 (5), S. 666 - 673 (2006)
Age-dependent association between testosterone and crown UV coloration in male blue tits (Parus caeruleus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
147 (2), S. 133 - 140 (2006)
Plasma steroid hormones in two Arctic-breeding shorebirds: Monogamy versus polygyny. General and Comparative Endocrinology 2005
1046, S. IX - X (2005)
Two workshops in ornithology: A general introduction: Dedication to Eberhard Gwinner. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
48 (4), S. 484 - 491 (2005)
Difficulties and special issues associated with field research in behavioral neuroendocrinology. Hormones and Behavior
1046, S. 35 - 53 (2005)
Noninvasive monitoring of hormones in bird Droppings: Physiological validation, sampling, extraction, sex differences, and the influence of diet on hormone metabolite levels. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
1046, S. 1 - 4 (2005)
Introduction to the European Science Foundation technical meeting: Analysis of hormones in droppings and egg yolk of birds. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
146 (4), S. 314 - 324 (2005)
Breeding biology, sexually dimorphic development and nestling testosterone concentrations of the classically polyandrous African black coucal, Centropus grillii. Journal of Ornithology 2004
164 (3), S. 327 - 334 (2004)
Testosterone in tropical birds: Effects of environmental and social factors. American Naturalist
68 (4), S. 733 - 740 (2004)
Competing females and caring males. Sex steroids in African black coucals, Centropus grillii. Animal Behaviour
67 (3), S. 591 - 602 (2004)
Allostatic load, social status and stress hormones: The costs of social status matter. Animal Behaviour
110 (10), S. 807 - 823 (2004)
Competing females and caring males. Polyandry and sex-role reversal in African black coucals, Centropus grillii. Ethology
139 (2), S. 124 - 130 (2004)
Excremental androgen metabolite concentrations and gonad sizes in temperate zone vs. tropical Stonechats (Saxicola torquata ssp.). General and Comparative Endocrinology 2003
Wetteifernde Weibchen und fürsorgliche Männchen - Geschlechterrollentausch beim Afrikanischen Grillkuckuck. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, S. 513 - 518 (2003)
76 (4), S. 586 - 593 (2003)
Defense of females, but not social status, predicts plasma androgen levels in male spotted hyenas. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology
43 (4), S. 474 - 479 (2003)
Social status does not predict corticosteroid levels in postdispersal male spotted hyenas. Hormones and Behavior