Publikationen von Rüdiger Klein

Zeitschriftenartikel (190)

Maina, F.; Hilton, M. C.; Ponzetto, C.; Davies, A. M.; Klein, R.: Met receptor signaling is required for sensory nerve development and HGF promotes axonal growth and survival of sensory neurons. Genes and Development 11 (24), S. 3341 - 3350 (1997)
Orioli, D.; Klein, R.: The Eph receptor family: Axonal guidance by contact repulsion. Trends in Genetics 13 (9), S. 354 - 359 (1997)
Schimmang, T.; AlvarezBolado, G.; Minichiello, L.; Vazquez, E.; Giraldez, F.; Klein, R.; Represa, J.: Survival of inner ear sensory neurons in trk mutant mice. Mechanisms of Development 64 (1-2), S. 77 - 85 (1997)
Schober, A.; Minichiello, L.; Keller, M.; Huber, K.; Layer, P. G.; Roig-López, J. L.; Garcı́a-Arrarás, J. E.; Klein, R.; Unsicker, K.: Reduced acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in adrenal medulla and loss of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in TrkA-deficient, but not TrkB-deficient, mice. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (3), S. 891 - 903 (1997)
Brambilla, R.; Brückner, K.; Orioli, D.; Bergemann, A. D.; Flanagan, J. G.; Klein, R.: Similarities and differences in the way transmembrane-type ligands interact with the Elk subclass of Eph receptors. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 8 (2-3), S. 199 - 209 (1996)
Henkemeyer, M.; Orioli, D.; Henderson, J. T.; Saxton, T. M.; Roder, J.; Pawson, T.; Klein, R.: Nuk controls pathfinding of commissural axons in the mammalian central nervous system. Cell 86 (1), S. 35 - 46 (1996)
Maina, F.; Casagranda, F.; Audero, E.; Simeone, A.; Comoglio, P. M.; Klein, R.; Ponzetto, C.: Uncoupling of Grb2 from the Met receptor in vivo reveals complex roles in muscle development. Cell 87 (3), S. 531 - 542 (1996)
Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.: TrkB and TrkC neurotrophin receptors cooperate in promoting survival of hippocampal and cerebellar granule neurons. Genes and Development 10 (22), S. 2849 - 2858 (1996)
Orioli, D.; Henkemeyer, M.; Lempe, G.; Klein, R.; Pawson, T.: Sek4 and Nuk receptors cooperate in guidance of commissural axons and in palate formation. The EMBO Journal 15 (22), S. 6035 - 6049 (1996)
Pinon, L. G. P.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; Davies, A. M.: Timing of neuronal death in trkA, trkB and trkC mutant embryos reveals developmental changes in sensory neuron dependence on Trk signalling. Development 122 (10), S. 3255 - 3261 (1996)
Bergemann, A. D.; Cheng, H. J.; Brambilla, R.; Klein, R.; Flanagan, J. G.: ELF-2, a new member of the Eph ligand family, is segmentally expressed in mouse embryos in the region of the hindbrain and newly forming somites. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 15 (9), S. 4921 - 4929 (1995)
Brambilla, R.; Klein, R.: Telling axons where to grow: A role for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases in guidance. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 6 (6), S. 487 - 495 (1995)
Brambilla, R.; Schnapp, A.; Casagranda, F.; Labrador, J. P.; Bergemann, A. D.; Flanagan, J. G.; Pasquale, E. B.; Klein, R.: Membrane-bound LERK2 ligand can signal through three different Eph-related receptor tyrosine kinases. The EMBO Journal 14 (13), S. 3116 - 3126 (1995)
Davies, A. M.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.: Developmental changes in NT3 signaling via TrkA and TrkB in embryonic neurons. The EMBO Journal 14 (18), S. 4482 - 4489 (1995)
Gassmann, M.; Casagranda, F.; Orioli, D.; Simon, H.; Lai, C.; Klein, R.; Lemke, G.: Aberrant neural and cardiac development in mice lacking the ErbB4 neuregulin receptor. Nature 378 (6555), S. 390 - 394 (1995)
Minichiello, L.; Piehl, F.; Vazquez, E.; Schimmang, T.; Hokfelt, T.; Represa, J.; Klein, R.: Differential effects of combined trk receptor mutations on dorsal root ganglion and inner ear sensory neurons. Development 121 (12), S. 4067 - 4075 (1995)
Schimmang, T.; Minichiello, L.; Vazquez, E.; Jose, I. S.; Giraldez, F.; Klein, R.; Represa, J.: Developing inner ear sensory neurons require TrkB and TrkC receptors for innervation of their peripheral targets. Development 121 (10), S. 3381 - 3391 (1995)
Tannahill, L.; Klein, R.; Schachner, M.: The neurotrophin receptors TrkA and TrkB are inhibitory for neurite outgrowth. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 7 (6), S. 1424 - 1428 (1995)
Klein, R.: Role of neurotrophins in mouse neuronal development. The FASEB Journal 8 (10), S. 738 - 744 (1994)
Klein, R.; Silossantiago, I.; Smeyne, R. J.; Lira, S. A.; Brambilla, R.; Bryant, S.; Zhang, L.; Snider, W. D.; Barbacid, M.: Disruption of the neurotrophin-3 receptor gene trkC eliminates Ia muscle afferents and results in abnormal movements. Nature 368 (6468), S. 249 - 251 (1994)
Smeyne, R. J.; Klein, R.; Schnapp, A.; Long, L. K.; Bryant, S.; Lewin, A.; Lira, S. A.; Barbacid, M.: Severe sensory and sympathetic neuropathies in mice carrying a disrupted Trk/NGF receptor gene. Nature 368 (6468), S. 246 - 249 (1994)
Beck, K. D.; Lamballe, F.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.; Schauwecker, P. E.; McNeill, T. H.; Finch, C. E.; Hefti, F.; Day, J. R.: Induction of noncatalytic TrkB neurotrophin receptors during axonal sprouting in the adult hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience 13 (9), S. 4001 - 4014 (1993)
Ip, N. Y.; Stitt, T. N.; Tapley, P.; Klein, R.; Glass, D. J.; Fandl, J.; Greene, L. A.; Barbacid, M.; Yancopoulos, G. D.: Similarities and differences in the way neurotrophins interact with the Trk receptors in neuronal and nonneuronal cells. Neuron 10 (2), S. 137 - 149 (1993)
Klein, R.; Smeyne, R. J.; Wurst, W.; Long, L. K.; Auerbach, B. A.; Joyner, A. L.; Barbacid, M.: Targeted disruption of the trkB neurotrophin receptor gene results in nervous system lesions and neonatal death. Cell 75 (1), S. 113 - 122 (1993)
Marsh, H. N.; Scholz, W. K.; Lamballe, F.; Klein, R.; Nanduri, V.; Barbacid, M.; Palfrey, H. C.: Signal transduction events mediated by the BDNF receptor gp 145trkB in primary hippocampal pyramidal cell culture. The Journal of Neuroscience 13 (10), S. 4281 - 4292 (1993)
Steininger, T. L.; Wainer, B. H.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.; Palfrey, H. C.: High-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (Trk) immunoreactivity is localized in cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain and striatum in the adult rat brain. Brain Research 612 (1-2), S. 330 - 335 (1993)
Klein, R.; Lamballe, F.; Bryant, S.; Barbacid, M.: The trkB tyrosine protein kinase is a receptor for neurotrophin-4. Neuron 8 (5), S. 947 - 956 (1992)
Barbacid, M.; Lamballe, F.; Pulido, D.; Klein, R.: The trk family of tyrosine protein kinase receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: BBA 1072 (2-3), S. 115 - 127 (1991)
Cordon-Cardo, C.; Tapley, P.; Jing, S. Q.; Nanduri, V.; Orourke, E.; Lamballe, F.; Kovary, K.; Klein, R.; Jones, K. R.; Reichardt, L. F. et al.; Barbacid, M.: The trk tyrosine protein kinase mediates the mitogenic properties of nerve growth factor and neurotrophin-3. Cell 66 (1), S. 173 - 183 (1991)
Klein, R.; Jing, S. Q.; Nanduri, V.; Orourke, E.; Barbacid, M.: The trk proto-oncogene encodes a receptor for nerve growth factor. Cell 65 (1), S. 189 - 197 (1991)
Klein, R.; Nanduri, V.; Jing, S. Q.; Lamballe, F.; Tapley, P.; Bryant, S.; Cordon-Cardo, C.; Jones, K. R.; Reichardt, L. F.; Barbacid, M.: The trkB tyrosine protein kinase is a receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3. Cell 66 (2), S. 395 - 403 (1991)
Lamballe, F.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.: trkC, a new member of the trk family of tyrosine protein kinases, is a receptor for neurotrophin-3. Cell 66 (5), S. 967 - 979 (1991)
Coulier, F.; Kumar, R.; Ernst, M.; Klein, R.; Martin-Zanca, D.; Barbacid, M.: Human trk oncogenes activated by point mutation, in-frame deletion and duplication of the tyrosine kinase domain. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 10 (8), S. 4202 - 4210 (1990)
Klein, R.; Conway, D.; Parada, L. F.; Barbacid, M.: The trkB tyrosine protein kinase gene codes for a second neurogenic receptor that lacks the catalytic kinase domain. Cell 61 (4), S. 647 - 656 (1990)
Klein, R.; Martinzanca, D.; Barbacid, M.; Parada, L. F.: Expression of the tyrosine kinase receptor gene trkB is confined to the murine embryonic and adult nervous system. Development 109 (4), S. 845 - 850 (1990)
Klein, R.; Parada, L. F.; Coulier, F.; Barbacid, M.: trkB, a novel tyrosine protein kinase receptor expressed during mouse neural development. The EMBO Journal 8 (12), S. 3701 - 3709 (1989)
Klein, R.; Thiel, H. J.: A high-molecular-weight PDGF-like factor secreted by v-sis-transformed cells leads to growth stimulation and transformation. Oncogene Research 2 (4), S. 311 - 324 (1988)
Klein, R.; Thiel, H. J.: Highly glycosylated PDGF-like molecule secreted by simian sarcoma virus - transformed cells. Virology 164 (2), S. 403 - 410 (1988)
Schickedanz, J.; Philipson, L.; Ansorge, W.; Pepperkok, R.; Klein, R.; Koszinowski, U. H.: The 89,000-Mr murine cytomegalovirus immediate-early protein stimulates c-fos expression and cellular DNA synthesis. Journal of Virology 62 (9), S. 3341 - 3347 (1988)
Klein, R.; Bleiholder, B.; Jung, A.; Erkert, H. G.: Diurnal variation of several blood parameters in the owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus griseimembra. Folia primatologica 45 (3-4), S. 195 - 203 (1985)

Buchkapitel (8)

Gaitanos, T.; Dudanova, I.; Sakkou, M.; Klein, R.; Paixao, S.: The Eph receptor family. In: Receptor tyrosine kinases: Family and subfamilies, S. 165 - 264 (Hg. Wheeler, D. L.; Yarden, Y.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2015)
Filosa, A.; Klein, R.: Ephrins and Eph receptors – Synaptogenesis and synaptic function. In: Cellular Migration and Formation of Neuronal Connections. Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience, S. 659 - 670 (Hg. Rubenstein, J.; Rakic, P.). Academic Press, San Diego (2013)
Hübener, M.; Klein, R.: Elektrisch aktiv: Funktion und Entwicklung des Gehirns. In: Zukunft Gehirn: Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Herausforderungen. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, S. 12 - 36 (Hg. Bonhoeffer, T.; Gruss, P.). C.H Beck, München (2011)
Klein, R.: Eph receptors. In: Handbook of Cell Signaling, Bd. 1, S. 421 - 426 (Hg. Bradshaw, R. A.; Dennis, E. A.). Academic Press, Amsterdam, Heidelberg (2004)
Plück-Becklas, A.-R.; Klein, R.: Tiermodelle. In: Molekulare Medizin: Grundlagen - Pathomechanismen - Klinik, S. 238 - 250 (Hg. Kulozik, A. E.; Hagemeier, C.; Bartram, C. R.). Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston (2000)
Klein, R.; Bandtlow, C.: Neurotrophe Faktoren. In: Klinische Neurobiologie, S. 39 - 59 (Hg. Herdegen, T.; Tölle, T. R.; Bähr, M.). Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg (1997)
Pasquale, E. B.; Matthews, W.; Klein, R.: LERK2 and LERK5/HTK-L. In: Human Cytokines: Handbook for Basic and Clinical Research, Bd. III (Hg. Aggarwal, B. B.; Gutterman, J. U.). Blackwell Science (1996)
Martin-Zanca, D.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.; Parada, L. F.: Expression of the trk protein tyrosine kinase receptor gene family is limited exclusively to the murine embryonic and mature nervous system. In: The avian model in developmental biology: From organism to genes (Hg. LeDouarin, N. M.). Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (1990)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Lamballe, F.; Klein, R.; Barbacid, M.: The trk family of oncogenes and neurotrophin receptors. In: Multistage Carcinogenesis: Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Tokyo, S. 153 - 170 (Hg. Harris, C. C.; Hirohashi, S.; Ito, N.; Pitot, H. C.; Sugimura, T. et al.). Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Tokyo, Tokyo, 19. November 1991 - 21. November 1991. Japan Scientific Society Press, Tokyo (1992)

Sonstige (1)

Köhler, J.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.; Kossel, A.H.: EphB2 receptors tagged with enhanced fluorescent protein to study their dynamics in living neurons, (2003)
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