Publikationen von Lina Maria Giraldo Deck

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Loveland, J. L.; Zemella, A.; Jovanović, V. M.; Möller, G.; Sager, C. P.; Bastos, B.; Dyar, K. A.; Fusani, L.; Gahr, M.; Giraldo Deck, L. M. et al.; Goymann, W.; Lank, D. B.; Tokarz, J.; Nowick, K.; Küpper, C.: A single gene orchestrates androgen variation underlying male mating morphs in ruffs. Science 387 (6732), S. 406 - 412 (2025)
Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Loveland, J. L.; Goymann, W.; Lank, D. B.; Küpper, C.: A supergene affects androgen concentrations during early development in a bird with alternative reproductive morphs. Hormones and Behavior 166, 105645 (2024)
Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Loveland, J. L.; Goymann, W.; Tschirren, B.; Burke, T.; Kempenaers, B.; Lank, D. B.; Küpper, C.: Intralocus conflicts associated with a supergene. Nature Communications 13, 1384 (2022)
Loveland, J. L.; Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Kelly, A. M.: How inversion variants can shape neural circuitry: Insights from the three-morph mating tactics of ruffs. Frontiers in Physiology 13, 1011629 (2022)
Loveland, J. L.; Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Lank, D. B.; Goymann, W.; Gahr, M.; Küpper, C.: Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism. Hormones and Behavior 127, 104877 (2021)
Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Goymann, W.; Safari, I.; Dawson, D. A.; Stocks, M.; Burke, T.; Lank, D. B.; Küpper, C.: Development of intraspecific size variation in black coucals, white‐browed coucals and ruffs from hatching to fledging. Journal of Avian Biology 51 (8), e02440 (2020)
Altimiras, J.; Lindgren, I.; Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Matthei, A.; Garitano-Zavala, Á.: Aerobic performance in tinamous is limited by their small heart. A novel hypothesis in the evolution of avian flight. Scientific Reports 7, 15964 (2017)
Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Habel, J. C.; Meimberg, H.; Garitano-Zavala, Á.: Genetic evidence for promiscuity in the Ornate Tinamou Nothoprocta ornata (Aves: Tinamiformes). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 120 (3), S. 604 - 611 (2017)
Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Habel, J. C.; Curto, M.; Husemann, M.; Sturm, S.; Garitano-Zavala, Á.; Meimberg, H.: New microsatellite markers for two sympatric tinamou species, the Ornate Tinamou (Nothoprocta ornata) and Darwin's Nothura (Nothura darwinii). Avian Biology Research 9 (3), S. 139 - 146 (2016)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Giraldo Deck, L. M.: Pleiotropic effects of a supergene underlying male alternative reproductive tactics. Dissertation, Universität Konstanz (2022)
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