Harbauer lab

Publikationen von Alina Rühmkorf

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Di Nardo, A.; Rühmkorf, A.; Award, P.; Brennecke, A.; Fagiolini, M.; Sahin, M.: Phenotypic characterization of Cdkl5-knockdown neurons establishes elongated cilia as a functional assay for CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder. Neuroscience Research 176, S. 73 - 78 (2022)
Strohm, L.; Hu, Z.; Suk, Y.; Rühmkorf, A.; Sternburg, E.; Gattringer, V.; Riemenschneider, H.; Berutti, R.; Graf, E.; Weishaupt, J. H. et al.; Brill, M. S.; Harbauer, A. B.; Dormann, D.; Dengjel, J.; Edbauer, D.; Behrends, C.: Multi-omics profiling identifies a deregulated FUS-MAP1B axis in ALS/FTD-associated UBQLN2 mutants. Life science alliance 5 (11), e202101327 (2022)
Wanderoy, S.; Rühmkorf, A.; Harbauer, A. B.: Microfluidics-assisted selective depolarization of axonal mitochondria. Journal of Visualized Experiments 186, e64196 (2022)
Di Nardo, A.; Lenoel, I.; Winden, K. D.; Rühmkorf, A.; Modi, M. E.; Barrett, L.; Ercan-Herbst, E.; Venugopal, P.; Behne, R.; Lopes, C. A.M. et al.; Kleiman, R. J.; Bettencourt-Dias, M.; Sahin, M.: Phenotypic screen with TSC-deficient neurons reveals heat-shock machinery as a druggable pathway for mTORC1 and reduced cilia. Cell Reports 31 (12), 107780 (2020)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Rühmkorf, A.; Harbauer, A. B.: Role of mitochondria-ER contact sites in mitophagy. Biomolecules 13 (8), 1198 (2023)
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