Publikationen von Krisztina Kupan

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Algora, H.; Tolliver, J. D. M.; Pakanen, V.-M.; Kupan, K.; Belojevic, J.; Rönkä, N.; Küpper, C.; Koivula, K.: Nests, threats, and leks: Nonrandom distributions of nests in ruffs (Calidris pugnax). Ecology and Evolution 15 (3), e70997 (2025)
Rohr‑Bender, V. A.; Kupan, K.; Lopez-Nava, G.; Forstmeier, W.; Hertel, A.; Razumov, V.; Martin, K.; Kempenaers, B.; Küpper, C.: Sex and morph variation in activity from early ontogeny to maturity in ruffs (Calidris pugnax). Ethology 131 (3), e13543 (2025)
Volkmer, T.; Kupan, K.; Rohr‑Bender, V. A.; Guirao‑Ortiz, M.; Cruz‑López, M.; del Angel, S. G.; Rodrigues, L. F.; Eberhart-Hertel, L. J.; Küpper, C.: Hidden in plain sight: Camouflage and hiding behaviour of wild precocial chicks in an open landscape. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78 (6), 73 (2024)
Tolliver, J. D. M.; Kupan, K.; Lank, D. B.; Schindler, S.; Küpper, C.: Fitness benefits from co-display favour subdominant male-male partnerships between phenotypes. Animal Behaviour 197, S. 131 - 154 (2023)
Kupan, K.; Székely, T.; Cruz-López, M.; Seymour, K.; Küpper, C.: Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers. Behavioral Ecology 32 (3), S. 428 - 439 (2021)
Halimubieke, N.; Kupan, K.; Valdebenito, J. O.; Kubelka, V.; Carmona-Isunza, M. C.; Burgas, D.; Catlin, D.; St. Clair, J. J. H.; Cohen, J.; Figuerola, J. et al.; Yasué, M.; Johnson, M.; Mencarelli, M.; Cruz-López, M.; Stantial, M.; Weston, M. A.; Lloyd, P.; Que, P.; Montalvo, T.; Bansal, U.; McDonald, G. C.; Liu, Y.; Kosztolányi, A.; Székely, T.: Successful breeding predicts divorce in plovers. Scientific Reports 10, 15576 (2020)
Halimubieke, N.; Valdebenito, J. O.; Harding, P.; Cruz‐López, M.; Serrano‐Meneses, M. A.; James, R.; Kupan, K.; Székely, T.: Mate fidelity in a polygamous shorebird, the snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus). Ecology and Evolution 9 (18), S. 10734 - 10745 (2019)
Kupan, K.; Kiraly, I.; Kupan, K.; Kreko, K.; Miklosi, A.; Topal, J.: Interacting effect of two social factors on 18-month-old infants’ imitative behavior: Communicative cues and demonstrator presence. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 161, S. 186 - 194 (2017)
Almalki, M.; Kupan, K.; Carmona-Isunza, M. C.; López, P.; Veiga, A.; Kosztolányi, A.; Székely, T.; Küpper, C.: Morphological and genetic differentiation among Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus populations in Macaronesia. Ardeola 64 (1), S. 3 - 16 (2016)
Stoddard, M. C.; Kupan, K.; Eyster, H. N.; Rojas-Abreu, W.; Cruz-López, M.; Serrano-Meneses, M. A.; Küpper, C.: Camouflage and clutch survival in plovers and terns. Scientific Reports 6, 32059 (2016)
Olah, K.; Kupan, K.; Csík, A.; Kiraly, I.; Topal, J.: Feature or location? Infants and adults adopt different strategies to search for a hidden toy in an ambiguous task. Infant Behavior and Development 41, S. 73 - 79 (2015)
Teglas, E.; Gergely, A.; Kupan, K.; Miklosi, A.; Topal, J.: Dogs’ gaze following is tuned to human communicative signals. Current Biology 22 (3), S. 209 - 212 (2012)
Kupan, K.; Miklósi, Á.; Gergely, G.; Topál, J.: Why do dogs (Canis familiaris) select the empty container in an observational learning task? Animal Cognition 14 (2), S. 259 - 268 (2011)
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