Publikationen der Abteilung "Gene - Schaltkreise - Verhalten"

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Bruckner, J. J.; Stednitz, S. J.; Grice, M. Z.; Zaidan, D.; Massaquoi, M. S.; Larsch, J.; Tallafuss, A.; Guillemin, K.; Washbourne, P.; Eisen, J. S.: The microbiota promotes social behavior by modulating microglial remodeling of forebrain neurons. PLoS Biology 20 (11), e3001838 (2022)
Kappel, J. M.; Förster, D.; Slangewal, K.; Shainer, I.; Svara, F. N.; Donovan, J.; Sherman, S.; Januszewski, M.; Baier, H.; Larsch, J.: Visual recognition of social signals by a tectothalamic neural circuit. Nature 608 (7921), S. 146 - 152 (2022)
Svara, F. N.; Förster, D.; Kubo, F.; Januszewski, M.; Dal Maschio, M.; Schubert, P. J.; Kornfeld, J.; Wanner, A. A.; Laurell, E.; Denk, W. et al.; Baier, H.: Automated synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits in the larval zebrafish brain. Nature Methods 19 (11), S. 1357 - 1366 (2022)
Tallafuss, A.; Stednitz, S. J.; Voeun, M.; Levichev, A.; Larsch, J.; Eisen, J.; Washbourne, P.: Egr1 is necessary for forebrain dopaminergic signaling during social behavior. eNeuro 9 (2), 0035-22.2022 (2022)
Vettkötter, D.; Schneider, M.; Goulden, B. D.; Dill, H.; Liewald, J.; Zeiler, S.; Guldan, J.; Ateş, Y. A.; Watanabe, S.; Gottschalk, A.: Rapid and reversible optogenetic silencing of synaptic transmission by clustering of synaptic vesicles. Nature Communications 13, 7827 (2022)
von Bernhardi, J. E.; Biechl, D.; Miek, L.; Herget, U.; Ryu, S.; Wullimann, M. F.: A versatile transcription factor: Multiple roles of orthopedia a (otpa) beyond its restricted localization in dopaminergic systems of developing and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) brains. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 530 (14), S. 2537 - 2561 (2022)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Wullimann, M. F.: The neuromeric/prosomeric model in teleost fish neurobiology. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 97 (6), S. 336 - 360 (2022)
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