Publikationen der Abteilung "Schaltkreise - Information - Modelle"

Zeitschriftenartikel (167)

Borst, A.: Differential temporal filtering in the fly optic lobe. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Carrier, Y.; Rio, L. Q.; Formicola, N.; de Sousa-Xavier, V.; Tabet, M.; Chen, Y.-C. D.; Ali, A. H.; Wislez, M.; Orts, L.; Borst, A. et al.; Pinto-Teixeira, F.: Biased cell adhesion organizes the Drosophila visual motion integration circuit. Developmental Cell 60 (5), S. 762 - 779.e7 (2025)
Mari, J.; Zhang, R.; Mircic, S.; Serbe-Kamp, E.; Meier, M.; Leonhardt, A.; Drews, M. S.; del Grosso, N. A.; Antony, J. W.; Norman, K. A. et al.; Marzullo, T. C.; Gage, G. J.: Study while you sleep: Using targeted memory reactivation as an independent research project for undergraduates. Sourcebook of Laboratory Activities in Physiology 49 (1), S. 1 - 10 (2025)
Samara, E.; Schilling, T.; Ribeiro, I. M. A.; Haag, J.; Leonte, M.-B.; Borst, A.: Columnar cholinergic neurotransmission onto T5 cells of Drosophila. Current Biology (2025)
Borst, A.: Connectivity matrix seriation via relaxation. PLoS Computational Biology 20 (2), e1011904 (2024)
Madariaga, D.; Arro, D.; Irarrázaval, C.; Soto, A.; Guerra, F.; Romero, A.; Ovalle, F.; Fedrigolli, E.; Des Rosiers, T.; Serbe-Kamp, E. et al.; Marzullo, T.: A library of electrophysiological responses in plants - A model of transversal education and open science. Plant Signaling & Behavior 19 (1), 2310977 (2024)
Prech, S.; Groschner, L. N.; Borst, A.: An open platform for visual stimulation of insects. PLoS One 19 (4), e0301999 (2024)
Smith, K.; Pilger, A.; Amorim, M. L. M.; Mircic, S.; Reining, Z.; Ristow, N.; Miller, D.; Leonhardt, A.; Donovan, J.; Meier, M. et al.; Marzullo, T. C.; Serbe-Kamp, E.; Steiner, A. P.; Gage, G. J.: Low-cost classroom and laboratory exercises for investigating both wave and event-related electroencephalogram potentials. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education: JUNE: A publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 22 (3), S. A197 - A206 (2024)
Ammer, G.; Serbe-Kamp, E.; Mauss, A.; Richter, F. G.; Fendl, S.; Borst, A.: Multilevel visual motion opponency in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience 26, S. 1894 - 1905 (2023)
Borst, A.; Groschner, L. N.: How flies see motion. Annual Review of Neuroscience 46, S. 17 - 37 (2023)
Borst, A.; Leibold, C.: Connecting connectomes to physiology. The Journal of Neuroscience 43 (20), S. 3599 - 3610 (2023)
Braun, A.; Borst, A.; Meier, M.: Disynaptic inhibition shapes tuning of OFF motion detectors in Drosophila. Current Biology 33 (11), S. 2260 - 2269.e4 (2023)
Mishra, A.; Serbe-Kamp, E.; Borst, A.; Haag, J.: Voltage to calcium transformation enhances direction selectivity in Drosophila T4 neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 43 (14), S. 2497 - 2514 (2023)
Pirogova, N.; Borst, A.: Contrast normalization affects response time-course of visual interneurons. PLoS One 18 (6), e0285686 (2023)
Sigmund, F.; Berezin, O.; Beliakova, S.; Magerl, B.; Drawitsch, M.; Piovesan, A.; Goncalves, F.; Bodea, S.-V.; Winkler, S.; Bousraou, Z. et al.; Grosshauser, M.; Samara, E.; Pujol-Marti, J.; Schadler, S.; So, C.; Irsen, S.; Walch, A.; Kofler, F.; Piraud, M.; Kornfeld, J.; Briggman, K.; Westmeyer, G. G.: Genetically encoded barcodes for correlative volume electron microscopy. Nature Biotechnology 41, S. 1734 - 1745 (2023)
Ammer, G.; Viera, R. M.; Fendl, S.; Borst, A.: Anatomical distribution and functional roles of electrical synapses in Drosophila. Current Biology 32 (9), S. 2022 - 2036.e4 (2022)
Eisenbeiser, S.; Serbe-Kamp, E.; Gage, G. J.; Marzullo, T. C.: Gills just want to have fun: Can fish play games, just like us? Animals 12 (13), 1684 (2022)
Groschner, L. N.; Malis, J. G.; Zuidinga, B.; Borst, A.: A biophysical account of multiplication by a single neuron. Nature 603 (7899), S. 119 - 123 (2022)
Overman, M. J.; Drummond, N.; Butler, C. R.; Ahmed, S.: Tracking the clinical progression of posterior cortical atrophy: Implications for post-diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 93 (6), S. 683 - 684 (2022)
Ribeiro, I. M. A.; Eßbauer, W.; Kutlesa, R.; Borst, A.: Spatial and temporal control of expression with light-gated LOV-LexA. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12 (10), jkac178 (2022)
Leonte, M.-B.; Leonhardt, A.; Borst, A.; Mauss, A. S.: Aerial course stabilization is impaired in motion-blind flies. The Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (14), jeb242219 (2021)
Li, Y.; Chen, P.-J.; Lin, T.-Y.; Ting, C.-Y.; Muthuirulan, P.; Pursley, R.; Ilic, M.; Pirih, P.; Drews, M. S.; Menon, K. P. et al.; Zinn, K. G.; Pohida, T.; Borst, A.; Lee, C.-H.: Neural mechanism of spatio-chromatic opponency in the Drosophila amacrine neurons. Current Biology 31 (14), S. 3040 - 3052 (2021)
Shin, J.; Serbe, E.; Gage, G. J.: Authentic research investigations of a controversial question: Can plants learn? American Biology Teacher 83 (4), S. 222 - 228 (2021)
Wang, S.; Segev, I.; Borst, A.; Palmer, S.: Maximally efficient prediction in the early fly visual system may support evasive flight maneuvers. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (5), e1008965 (2021)
Borst, A.; Drews, M.; Meier, M.: The neural network behind the eyes of a fly. Current Opinion in Physiology 16, S. 33 - 42 (2020)
Borst, A.; Haag, J.; Mauss, A. S.: How fly neurons compute the direction of visual motion. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 206, S. 109 - 124 (2020)
Drews, M. S.; Leonhardt, A.; Pirogova, N.; Richter, F. G.; Schuetzenberger, A.; Braun, L.; Serbe, E.; Borst, A.: Dynamic signal compression for robust motion vision in flies. Current Biology 30 (2), S. 209 - 221.e8 (2020)
Fendl, S.; Viera, R. M.; Borst, A.: Conditional protein tagging methods reveal highly specific subcellular distribution of ion channels in motion-sensing neurons. eLife 9, e62953 (2020)
Hörmann, N.; Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Serbe, E.; Mayer, C.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: A combinatorial code of transcription factors specifies subtypes of visual motion-sensing neurons in Drosophila. Development 147 (9), dev186296 (2020)
Mauss, A. S.; Borst, A.: Optic flow-based course control in insects. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 60, S. 21 - 27 (2020)
Schuetzenberger, A.; Borst, A.: Seeing natural images through the eye of a fly with remote focusing two-photon microscopy. iScience 23 (6), 101170 (2020)
Bauer, K. E.; Segura, I.; Gaspar, I.; Scheuss, V.; IIlig, C.; Ammer, G.; Hutten, S.; Basyuk, E.; Fernandez-Moya, S. M.; Ehses, J. et al.; Bertrand, E.; Kiebler, M. A.: Live cell imaging reveals 3′-UTR dependent mRNA sorting to synapses. Nature Communications 10, 3178 (2019)
Meier, M.; Borst, A.: Extreme compartmentalization in a Drosophila amacrine cell. Current Biology 29 (9), S. 1545 - 1550.e2 (2019)
Pollak, D. J.; Feller, K. D.; Serbe, E.; Mircic, S.; Gage, G. J.: An electrophysiological investigation of power-amplification in the ballistic mantis shrimp punch. Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education: JUNE: A publication of FUN, Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience 17 (2), S. T12 - T18 (2019)
Schilling, T.; Ali, A. H.; Leonhardt, A.; Borst, A.; Pujol-Marti, J.: Transcriptional control of morphological properties of direction-selective T4/T5 neurons in Drosophila. Development 146 (2), dev169763 (2019)
Sigmund, F.; Pettinger, S.; Kube, M.; Schneider, F.; Schifferer, M.; Schneider, S.; Efremova, M. V.; Pujol-Marti, J.; Aichler, M.; Walch, A. et al.; Misgeld, T.; Dietz, H.; Westmeyer, G. G.: Iron-sequestering nanocompartments as multiplexed electron microscopy gene reporters. ACS Nano 13 (7), S. 8114 - 8123 (2019)
Stanley, C. E.; Mauss, A. S.; Borst, A.; Cooper, R. L.: The effects of chloride flux on Drosophila heart rate. Methods and Protocols 2 (3), 73 (2019)
Boergens, K. M.; Kapfer, C.; Helmstaedter, M.; Denk, W.; Borst, A.: Full reconstruction of large lobula plate tangential cells in Drosophila from a 3D EM dataset. PLoS One 13 (11), e0207828 (2018)
Borst, A.: A biophysical mechanism for preferred direction enhancement in fly motion vision. PLoS Computational Biology 14 (6), e1006240 (2018)
Busch, C.; Borst, A.; Mauss, A. S.: Bi-directional control of walking behavior by horizontal optic flow sensors. Current Biology 28 (24), S. 4037 - 4045.e5 (2018)
Dan, O.; Hopp, E.; Borst, A.; Segev, I.: Non-uniform weighting of local motion inputs underlies dendritic computation in the fly visual system. Scientific Reports 8, 5787 (2018)
Ribeiro, I. M. A.; Drews, M.; Bahl, A.; Machacek, C.; Borst, A.; Dickson, B. J.: Visual projection neurons mediating directed courtship in Drosophila. Cell 174 (3), S. 607 - 621.e18 (2018)
Richter, F. G.; Fendl, S.; Haag, J.; Drews, M. S.; Borst, A.: Glutamate signaling in the fly visual system. iScience 7, S. 85 - 95 (2018)
Arenz, A.; Drews, M. S.; Richter, F. G.; Ammer, G.; Borst, A.: The temporal tuning of the Drosophila motion detectors is determined by the dynamics of their input elements. Current Biology 27 (7), S. 929 - 944 (2017)
Haag, J.; Mishra, A.; Borst, A.: A common directional tuning mechanism of Drosophila motion-sensing neurons in the ON and in the OFF pathway. eLife 6, e29044 (2017)
Leonhardt, A.; Meier, M.; Serbe, E.; Eichner, H.; Borst, A.: Neural mechanisms underlying sensitivity to reverse-phi motion in the fly. PLoS One 12 (12), e0189019 (2017)
Mauss, A. S.; Busch, C.; Borst, A.: Optogenetic neuronal silencing in Drosophila during visual processing. Scientific Reports 7, 13823 (2017)
Mauss, A. S.; Vlasits, A.; Borst, A.; Feller, M.: Visual circuits for direction selectivity. Annual Review of Neuroscience 40, S. 211 - 230 (2017)
Pankova, K.; Borst, A.: Transgenic line for the identification of cholinergic release sites in Drosophila melanogaster. The Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (8), S. 1405 - 1410 (2017)
Wang, S.; Borst, A.; Zaslaysky, N.; Tishby, N.; Segev, I.: Efficient encoding of motion is mediated by gap junctions in the fly visual system. PLoS Computational Biology 13 (12), e1005846 (2017)
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