© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Shinichi Nakagawa

Zeitschriftenartikel (24)

Sanchez Tojar, A.; Winney, I.; Girndt, A.; Simons, M. J. P.; Nakagawa, S.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Winter territory prospecting is associated with life-history stage but not activity in a passerine. Journal of Avian Biology 48 (3), S. 407 - 416 (2017)
Schroeder, J.; Hsu, Y.-H.; Winney, I.; Simons, M. J. P.; Nakagawa, S.; Burke, T.: Predictably philandering females prompt poor paternal provisioning. American Naturalist 188 (2), S. 219 - 230 (2016)
Hsu, Y.-H.; Schroeder, J.; Winney, I.; Burke, T.; Nakagawa, S.: Are extra-pair males different from cuckolded males? A case study and a meta-analytic examination. Molecular Ecology 24 (7), S. 1558 - 1571 (2015)
Karlsson, M.; Schroeder, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Smith, H. G.; Burke, T.; Westerdahl, H.: House sparrow Passer domesticus survival is not associated with MHC-I diversity, but possibly with specific MHC-I alleles. Journal of Avian Biology 46 (2), S. 167 - 174 (2015)
Nakagawa, S.; Schroeder, J.; Burke, T.: Sugar-free extrapair mating: A comment on Arct et al. Behavioral Ecology 26 (4), S. 973 - 974 (2015)
Schroeder, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Rees, M.; Mannarelli, M.-E.; Burke, T.: Reduced fitness in progeny from old parents in a natural population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (13), S. 4021 - 4025 (2015)
Simons, M. J. P.; Winney, I.; Nakagawa, S.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Limited catching bias in a wild population of birds with near-complete census information. Ecology and Evolution 5 (16), S. 3500 - 3506 (2015)
Winney, I.; Nakagawa, S.; Hsu, Y.-H.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Troubleshooting the potential pitfalls of cross-fostering. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (5), S. 584 - 592 (2015)
Forstmeier, W.; Nakagawa, S.; Griffith, S. C.; Kempenaers, B.: Female extra-pair mating: Adaptation or genetic constraint? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 29 (8), S. 456 - 464 (2014)
Hsu, Y.-H.; Schroeder, J.; Winney, I.; Burke, T.; Nakagawa, S.: Costly infidelity: Low lifetime fitness of extra-pair offspring in a passerine bird. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 68 (10), S. 2873 - 2884 (2014)
Valcu, M.; Dale, J.; Griesser, M.; Nakagawa, S.; Kempenaers, B.: Global gradients of avian longevity support the classic evolutionary theory of ageing. Ecography 37 (10), S. 930 - 938 (2014)
Nakagawa, S.; Schielzeth, H.: A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (2), S. 133 - 142 (2013)
Santos, E. S. A.; Jamieson, I. G.; Santos, L. L. S.; Nakagawa, S.: Low genetic and morphological differentiation between an introduced population of dunnocks in New Zealand and an ancestral population in England. Biological Invasions 15 (1), S. 185 - 197 (2013)
Schroeder, J.; Cleasby, I. R.; Dugdale, H. L.; Nakagawa, S.; Burke, T.: Social and genetic benefits of parental investment suggest sex differences in selection pressures. Journal of Avian Biology 44 (2), S. 133 - 140 (2013)
Dawson, D. A.; Horsburgh, G. J.; Krupa, A. P.; Stewart, I. R. K.; Skjelseth, S.; Jensen, H.; Ball, A. D.; Spurgin, L. G.; Mannarelli, M.-E.; Nakagawa, S. et al.; Schroeder, J.; Vangestel, C.; Hinten, G. N.; Burke, T.: Microsatellite resources for Passeridae species: A predicted microsatellite map of the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Molecular Ecology Notes 12 (3), S. 501 - 523 (2012)
Dingemanse, N. J.; Dochtermann, N. A.; Nakagawa, S.: Defining behavioural syndromes and the role of "syndrome deviation" in understanding their evolution. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66 (11), S. 1543 - 1548 (2012)
Nakagawa, S.; Santos, E. S. A.: Methodological issues and advances in biological meta-analysis. Evolutionary Ecology 26 (5), S. 1253 - 1274 (2012)
Rutkowska, J.; Lagisz, M.; Nakagawa, S.: The long and the short of avian W chromosomes: No evidence for gradual W shortening. Biology Letters 8 (4), S. 636 - 638 (2012)
Santos, E. S. A.; Nakagawa, S.: The costs of parental care: A meta-analysis of the trade-off between parental effort and survival in birds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (9), S. 1911 - 1917 (2012)
Schroeder, J.; Burke, T.; Mannarelli, M.-E.; Dawson, D. A.; Nakagawa, S.: Maternal effects and heritability of annual productivity. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (1), S. 149 - 156 (2012)
Schroeder, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Cleasby, I. R.; Burke, T.: Passerine birds breeding under chronic noise experience reduced fitness. PLoS One 7 (7), e39200 (2012)
Cleasby, I. R.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.; Nakagawa, S.: Food supplements increase adult tarsus length, but not growth rate, in an island population of house sparrows (Passer domesticus). BMC Research Notes 4, 431 (2011)
Nakagawa, S.; Schielzeth, H.: Repeatability for Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: A practical guide for biologists. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 85 (4), S. 935 - 956 (2010)
Zsolt Garamszegi, L.; Calhim, S.; Dochtermann, N. A.; Hegyi, G.; Hurd, P. L.; Jorgensen, C.; Kutsukake, N.; Lajeunesse, M. J.; Pollard, K. A.; Schielzeth, H. et al.; Symonds, M. R. E.; Nakagawa, S.: Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology 20 (6), S. 1363 - 1375 (2009)
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