© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Jessica K. Schnell

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Balsby, T. J. S.; Eldermire, E. R. B.; Schnell, J. K.; Poesel, A.; Walsh, R. E.; Bradbury, J. W.: Function of vocalization length and warble repertoire size in orange-fronted conures. Animal Behaviour 134, S. 301 - 310 (2017)
Brodie, J. F.; Mohd-Azlan, J.; Schnell, J. K.: How individual links affect network stability in a large-scale, heterogeneous metacommunity. Ecology 97 (7), S. 1658 - 1667 (2016)
Schnell, J. K.; Harris, G. M.; Pimm, S. L.; Russell, G. J.: Estimating extinction risk with metapopulation models of large-scale fragmentation. Conservation Biology 27 (3), S. 520 - 530 (2013)
Schnell, J. K.; Harris, G. M.; Pimm, S. L.; Russell, G. J.: Quantitative analysis of forest fragmentation in the Atlantic Forest reveals more threatened bird species than the current Red List. PLoS One 8 (5), e65357 (2013)

Buchkapitel (1)

Schnell, J. K.; Safi, K.: Metapopulation capacity meets evolutionary distinctness: Spatial fragmentation complements phylogenetic rarity in prioritization. In: Biodiversity conservation and phylogenetic systematics. Preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis, Bd. 14, Part III, S. 319 - 332 (Hg. Pellens, R.; Grandcolas, P.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2016)
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