© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Martin Wikelski

Zeitschriftenartikel (301)

Longarini, A.; Duriez, O.; Shepard, E.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Scacco, M.: Effect of harness design for tag attachment on the flight performance of five soaring species. BMC Movement Ecology 11, 39 (2023)
Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; de Grissac, S.; Anderson, D. J.; Cole, N. C.; Fell, A.; Grémillet, D.; Lempidakis, E.; Lerma, M.; McKee, J. L. et al.: Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 33 (6), S. 1179 - 1184.e3 (2023)
Scacco, M.; Arrondo, E.; Donázar, J. A.; Flack, A.; Sánchez‑Zapata, J. A.; Duriez, O.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: The species‑specificity of energy landscapes for soaring birds, and its consequences for transferring suitability models across species. Landscape Ecology 38 (1), S. 239 - 252 (2023)
Garde, B.; Wilson, R. P.; Fell, A.; Cole, N.; Tatayah, V.; Holton, M. D.; Rose, K. A. R.; Metcalfe, R. S.; Robotka, H.; Wikelski, M. et al.: Ecological inference using data from accelerometers needs careful protocols. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13 (4), S. 813 - 825 (2022)
Krishnan, K.; Garde, B.; Bennison, A.; Cole, N. C.; Cole, E.-L.; Darby, J.; Elliott, K. H.; Fell, A.; Gómez-Laich, A.; de Grissac, S. et al.: The role of wingbeat frequency and amplitude in flight power. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 19 (193), 20220168 (2022)
Rose, K. A. R.; Wilson, R. P.; Ramenda, C.; Robotka, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E.: Wake respirometry allows breath-by-breath assessment of ventilation and CO2 production in unrestrained animals. iScience 25 (9), 104878 (2022)
Curk, T.; Scacco, M.; Safi, K.; Wikelski, M.; Fiedler, W.; Kemp, R.; Wolter, K.: Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Animal Biotelemetry 9, 11 (2021)
Jax, E.; Mueller, I.; Börno, S.; Borlinghaus, H.; Eriksson, G.; Fricke, E.; Timmermann, B.; Pendl, H.; Fiedler, W.; Klein, K. et al.: Health monitoring in birds using bio‑loggers and whole blood transcriptomics. Scientific Reports 11, 10815 (2021)
Linek, N.; Brzęk, P.; Gienapp, P.; O'Mara, M. T.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Schmidt, A.; Shipley, J. R.; Taylor, J. R. E.; Tiainen, J.; Volkmer, T. et al.: A partial migrant relies upon a range‑wide cue set but uses population‑specific weighting for migratory timing. BMC Movement Ecology 9, 63 (2021)
Turjeman, S.; Eggers, U.; Rotics, S.; Fiedler, W.; Centeno‐Cuadros, A.; Kaatz, M.; Zurell, D.; Jeltsch, F.; Wikelski, M.; Nathan, R.: Estimating nest‐switching in free‐ranging wild birds: An assessment of the most common methodologies, illustrated in the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Ibis 163 (3), S. 1110 - 1119 (2021)
Curk, T.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Lecomte, N.; Aarvak, T.; Burnham, K.; Dietz, A.; Franke, A.; Gauthier, G.; Jacobsen, K.-O.; Kidd, J. et al.: Arctic avian predators synchronise their spring migration with the northern progression of snowmelt. Scientific Reports 10, 7220 (2020)
Marques, A. T.; Santos, C. D.; Hanssen, F.; Muñoz, A.; Onrubia, A.; Wikelski, M.; Moreira, F.; Palmeirim, J. M.; Silva, J. P.: Wind turbines cause functional habitat loss for migratory soaring birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (1), S. 93 - 103 (2020)
Soultan, A.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Classifying biogeographic realms of the endemic fauna in the Afro‐Arabian region. Ecology and Evolution 10 (16), S. 8669 - 8680 (2020)
Wüest, R. O.; Zimmermann, N. E.; Zurell, D.; Alexander, J. M.; Fritz, S. A.; Hof, C.; Kreft, H.; Normand, S.; Cabral, J. S.; Szekely, E. et al.: Macroecology in the age of Big Data – Where to go from here? Journal of Biogeography 47 (1), S. 1 - 12 (2020)
Cheng, Y.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Flack, A.: "Closer-to-home" strategy benefits juvenile survival in a longdistance migratory bird. Ecology and Evolution 9 (16), S. 8945 - 8952 (2019)
Gupte, P. R.; Koffijberg, K.; Müskens, G. J. D. M.; Wikelski, M.; Kölzsch, A.: Family size dynamics in wintering geese. Journal of Ornithology 160 (2), S. 363 - 375 (2019)
Jewell, O. J. D.; Gleiss, A. C.; Jorgensen, S. J.; Andrzejaczek, S.; Moxley, J. H.; Beatty, S. J.; Wikelski, M.; Block, B. A.; Chapple, T. K.: Cryptic habitat use of white sharks in kelp forest revealed by animal-borne video. Biology Letters 15 (4), 20190085 (2019)
Klein, K.; Sommer, B.; Nim, H. T.; Flack, A.; Safi, K.; Nagy, M.; Feyer, S. P.; Zhang, Y.; Rehberg, K.; Gluschkow, A. et al.: Fly with the flock: Immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 16 (153), 20180794 (2019)
Kleyheeg, E.; Fiedler, W.; Safi, K.; Waldenström, J.; Wikelski, M.; van Toor, M. L.: A comprehensive model for the quantitative estimation of seed dispersal by migratory mallards. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 40 (2019)
Kölzsch, A.; Müskens, G. J. D. M.; Szinai, P.; Moonen, S.; Glazov, P.; Kruckenberg, H.; Wikelski, M.; Nolet, B. A.: Flyway connectivity and exchange primarily driven by moult migration in geese. BMC Movement Ecology 7, 3 (2019)
Lowerre-Barbieri, S. K.; Kays, R.; Thorson, J. T.; Wikelski, M.: The ocean’s movescape: Fisheries management in the bio-logging decade (2018–2028). ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 (2), S. 477 - 488 (2019)
O'Mara, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Kranstauber, B.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Common noctules exploit low levels of the aerosphere. Royal Society Open Science 6 (2), 181942 (2019)
Scacco, M.; Flack, A.; Duriez, O.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Static landscape features predict uplift locations for soaring birds across Europe. Royal Society Open Science 6 (1), 181440 (2019)
Smolyar, I.; Bromage, T.; Wikelski, M.: Layered patterns in nature, medicine, and materials: Quantifying anisotropic structures and cyclicity. PeerJ 7, e7813 (2019)
Sommer, B.; Feyer, S.; Klinkhammer, D.; Klein, K.; Wieland, J.; Fink, D.; Fiedler, W.; Flack, A.; Nagy, M.; Wikelski, M. et al.: BinocularsVR – A VR experience for the exhibition "From Lake Constance to Africa, a long distance travel with ICARUS". Electronic Imaging, S. 177-1 - 177-8 (2019)
Soultan, A.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Risk of biodiversity collapse under climate change in the Afro-Arabian region. Scientific Reports 9, 955 (2019)
Tucker, M. A.; Alexandrou, O.; Bierregaard Jr., R. O.; Bildstein, K. L.; Böhning‐Gaese, K.; Bracis, C.; Brzorad, J. N.; Buechley, E. R.; Cabot, D.; Calabrese, J. M. et al.: Large birds travel farther in homogeneous environments. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (5), S. 576 - 587 (2019)
van Toor, M. L.; O'Mara, M. T.; Abedi-Lartey, M.; Wikelski, M.; Fahr, J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Linking colony size with quantitative estimates of ecosystem services of African fruit bats. Current Biology 29 (7), S. R225 - R240 (2019)
Flack, A.; Nagy, M.; Fiedler, W.; Couzin, I. D.; Wikelski, M.: From local collective behaviour to global migratory patterns in white storks. Science 360 (6391), S. 911 - 914 (2018)
Gagliardo, A.; Pollonara, E.; Wikelski, M.: Only natural local odours allow homeward orientation in homing pigeons released at unfamiliar sites. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 204 (8), S. 761 - 771 (2018)
Lazaro, J.; Hertel, M.; LaPoint, S. D.; Wikelski, M.; Stiehler, M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Cognitive skills of common shrews (Sorex araneus) vary with seasonal changes in skull size and brain mass. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (2), jeb166595 (2018)
Nagy, M.; Couzin, I. D.; Fiedler, W.; Wikelski, M.; Flack, A.: Synchronization, coordination and collective sensing during thermalling flight of freely migrating white storks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 373 (1746), 20170011 (2018)
Rotics, S.; Kaatz, M.; Turjeman, S.; Zurell, D.; Wikelski, M.; Sapir, N.; Eggers, U.; Fiedler, W.; Jeltsch, F.; Nathan, R.: Early arrival at breeding grounds: Causes, costs and a trade-off with overwintering latitude. Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (6), S. 1627 - 1638 (2018)
Scharf, A. K.; Belant, J. L.; Beyer Jr., D. E.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Habitat suitability does not capture the essence of animal-defined corridors. BMC Movement Ecology 6, 18 (2018)
Torres-Medina, F.; Cabezas, S.; Marchant, T. A.; Wikelski, M.; Romero, L. M.; Hau, M.; Carrete, M.; Tella, J. L.; Blas, J.: Corticosterone implants produce stress-hyporesponsive birds. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (19), jeb173864 (2018)
Tucker, M. A.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Fagan, W. F.; Fryxell, J. M.; Moorter, B. V.; Alberts, S. C.; Ali, A. H.; Allen, A. M.; Attias, N.; Avgar, T. et al.: Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359 (6374), S. 466 - 469 (2018)
van Toor, M. L.; Kranstauber, B.; Newman, S. H.; Prosser, D. J.; Takekawa, J. Y.; Technitis, G.; Weibel, R.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Integrating animal movement with habitat suitability for estimating dynamic migratory connectivity. Landscape Ecology 33 (6), S. 879 - 893 (2018)
Wingfield, J. C.; Hau, M.; Boersma, P. D.; Romero, L. M.; Hillgarth, N.; Ramenofsky, M.; Wrege, P.; Scheibling, R.; Kelley, J. P.; Walker, B. et al.: Effects of El Niño and La Niña Southern Oscillation events on the adrenocortical responses to stress in birds of the Galapagos Islands. General and Comparative Endocrinology 259, S. 20 - 33 (2018)
Zurell, D.; von Wehrden, H.; Rotics, S.; Kaatz, M.; Groß, H.; Schlag, L.; Schäfer, M.; Sapir, N.; Turjeman, S.; Wikelski, M. et al.: Home range size and resource use of breeding and non-breeding White Storks along a land use gradient. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 79 (2018)
Bastille‐Rousseau, G.; Gibbs, J. P.; Yackulic, C. B.; Frair, J. L.; Cabrera, F.; Rousseau, L.; Wikelski, M.; Kümmeth, F.; Blake, S.: Animal movement in the absence of predation: Environmental drivers of movement strategies in a partial migration system. Oikos 126 (7), S. 1004 - 1019 (2017)
Dechmann, D. K. N.; LaPoint, S. D.; Dullin, C.; Hertel, M.; Taylor, J. R. E.; Zub, K.; Wikelski, M.: Profound seasonal shrinking and regrowth of the ossified braincase in phylogenetically distant mammals with similar life histories. Scientific Reports 7, 42443 (2017)
Dechmann, D. K. N.; Wikelski, M.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Safi, K.; O'Mara, M. T.: Determinants of spring migration departure decision in a bat. Biology Letters 13 (9), 20170395 (2017)
Franchini, P.; Irisarri, I.; Fudickar, A. M.; Schmidt, A.; Meyer, A.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J.: Animal tracking meets migration genomics: Transcriptomic analysis of a partially migratory bird species. Molecular Ecology 26 (12), S. 3204 - 3216 (2017)
Hawkes, L. A.; Batbayar, N.; Butler, P. J.; Chua, B.; Frappell, P. B.; Meir, J. U.; Milsom, W. K.; Natsagdorj, T.; Parr, N.; Scott, G. R. et al.: Do bar-headed geese train for high altitude flights? Integrative and Comparative Biology 57 (2), S. 231 - 239 (2017)
Juvaste, R.; Arriero, E.; Gagliardo, A.; Holland, R.; Huttunen, M. J.; Mueller, I.; Thorup, K.; Wikelski, M.; Hannila, J.; Penttinen, M.-L. et al.: Satellite tracking of red-listed nominate lesser black-backed gulls (Larus f. fuscus): Habitat specialisation in foraging movements raises novel conservation needs. Global Ecology and Conservation 10, S. 220 - 230 (2017)
LaPoint, S. D.; Keicher, L.; Wikelski, M.; Zub, K.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Growth overshoot and seasonal size changes in the skulls of two weasel species. Royal Society Open Science 4 (1), 160947 (2017)
Lazaro, J.; Dechmann, D. K. N.; LaPoint, S. D.; Wikelski, M.; Hertel, M.: Profound reversible seasonal changes of individual skull size in a mammal. Current Biology 27 (20), S. R1106 - R1107 (2017)
Norbu, N.; Ugyen; Wikelski, M.; Wilcove, D. S.: Partial altitudinal migration of the near threatened satyr tragopan Tragopan satyra in the Bhutan Himalayas: Implications for conservation in mountainous environments. Oryx 51 (1), S. 166 - 173 (2017)
O'Mara, M. T.; Rikker, S.; Wikelski, M.; Ter Maat, A.; Pollock, H. S.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Heart rate reveals torpor at high body temperatures in lowland tropical free-tailed bats. Royal Society Open Science 4 (12), 171359 (2017)
O'Mara, M. T.; Wikelski, M.; Voigt, C. C.; Ter Maat, A.; Pollock, H. S.; Burness, G.; Desantis, L. M.; Dechmann, D. K. N.: Cyclic bouts of extreme bradycardia counteract the high metabolism of frugivorous bats. eLife 6, e26686 (2017)