Publikationen von Peter Santema
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (38)
292 (2038), 20242225 (2025)
Large-scale sampling of potential breeding sites in male ruffs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2024
78 (11), S. 1751 - 1760 (2024)
Variance partitioning of nest provisioning rates in blue tits: Individual repeatability, heritability, and partner interactions. Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution
22 (4), e3002584 (2024)
Removal of older males increases extra-pair siring success of yearling males. PLoS Biology
14 (4), e11196 (2024)
Video evidence that cuckoos farm their hosts by ejecting nestlings. Ecology and Evolution
35 (1), arad111 (2024)
The risk of brood parasitism does not affect levels of extrapair paternity in a cuckoo host. Behavioral Ecology 2023
19 (11), 20230391 (2023)
Sexual selection for extreme physical performance in a polygynous bird is associated with exceptional sex differences in oxygen carrying capacity. Biology Letters
34 (1), S. 150 - 159 (2023)
Patterns of extra-territorial nest-box visits in a songbird suggest a role in extrapair mating. Behavioral Ecology
34 (3), S. 346 - 353 (2023)
Experimentally advancing morning emergence time does not increase extra-pair siring success in blue tit males. Behavioral Ecology
198, S. 21 - 31 (2023)
Start and end of daily activity predict extrapair siring success independently of age in male blue tits. Animal Behaviour
290 (2011), 20232266 (2023)
A dawn and dusk chorus will emerge if males sing in the absence of their mate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
33 (6), S. 1125 - 1129.e3 (2023)
Brood parasitism risk drives birds to breed near humans. Current Biology
290 (1993), 20222094 (2023)
Experimental evidence that cuckoos choose host nests following an egg matching strategy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
290 (2006), 20231219 (2023)
Differences in the costs and benefits of choosiness may explain variation in cuckoo egg-matching strategy: A reply to Wang and Liang (2023). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2022
33 (6), S. 1153 - 1160 (2022)
The mere presence of cuckoos in breeding area alters egg-ejection decisions in Daurian redstarts. Behavioral Ecology 2021
52 (5), e02755 (2021)
Offspring provisioning by extra‐pair males in blue tits. Journal of Avian Biology
181, S. 61 - 69 (2021)
Effects of exposure to predator models on fledging behaviour in blue tits. Animal Behaviour
174, S. 79 - 86 (2021)
Why do nestling birds fledge early in the day? Animal Behaviour
180, S. 143 - 150 (2021)
Experimental evidence that nestlings adjust their fledging time to each other in a multiparous bird. Animal Behaviour
52 (10), e02826 (2021)
Sperm numbers on the perivitelline layers of blue tit eggs are repeatable within a clutch, but independent of the occurrence of extra-pair paternity. Journal of Avian Biology
288 (1953), 20210228 (2021)
Host personality predicts cuckoo egg rejection in Daurian redstarts Phoenicurus auroreus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2020
51 (6), e02499 (2020)
Extra‐pair copulations can insure female blue tits against male infertility. Journal of Avian Biology
89 (2), S. 647 - 657 (2020)
Exposure to predator models during the fertile period leads to higher levels of extra‐pair paternity in blue tits. Journal of Animal Ecology 2019
7, 94 (2019)
Testing the conditional cooperation model: What can we learn from parents taking turns when feeding offspring? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
155, S. 97 - 109 (2019)
Effects of predator call playbacks on reproductive success and extrapair paternity in blue tits. Animal Behaviour
30 (5), S. 1283 - 1288 (2019)
Playback of predator calls inhibits and delays dawn singing in a songbird community. Behavioral Ecology 2018
87 (5), S. 1239 - 1250 (2018)
Complete brood failure in an altricial bird is almost always associated with the sudden and permanent disappearance of a parent. Journal of Animal Ecology 2017
123, S. 117 - 127 (2017)
Blue tits do not return faster to the nest in response to either short- or long-term begging playbacks. Animal Behaviour
31 (6), S. 1210 - 1219 (2017)
Oxidative status and fitness components in the Seychelles warbler. Functional Ecology 2016
11 (4), e0153161 (2016)
Validation of a fecal glucocorticoid assay to assess adrenocortical activity in meerkats using physiological and biological stimuli. PLoS One
114, S. 93 - 99 (2016)
Intrabrood rank, age and adult presence predict novelty seeking in individual Arabian babblers, Turdoides squamiceps. Animal Behaviour
27 (3), S. e2 - e5 (2016)
Evidence for conditional cooperation in biparental care systems? A comment on Johnstone et al. Behavioral Ecology 2014
29 (8), S. 476 - 484 (2014)
Group augmentation and the evolution of cooperation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 2013
85 (3), S. 655 - 661 (2013)
Meerkat helpers increase sentinel behaviour and bipedal vigilance in the presence of pups. Animal Behaviour
24 (5), S. 1122 - 1127 (2013)
Effects of cortisol administration on cooperative behavior in meerkat helpers. Behavioral Ecology 2012
83 (3), S. 827 - 832 (2012)
Dominant female meerkats do not use aggression to elevate work rates of helpers in response to increased brood demand. Animal Behaviour 2011
45, S. 20 - 27 (2011)
Population trend and distribution of the vulnerable common hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius, in the Mara Region of Kenya. Oryx 2009
63 (5), S. 661 - 672 (2009)
Seasonal decline in reproductive performance varies with colony size in the fairy martin, Petrochlidon ariel. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
40 (1), S. 57 - 66 (2009)
Does foraging efficiency vary with colony size in the fairy martin, Petrochelidon ariel? Journal of Avian Biology