© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Rouven Schmidt

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Sprau, P.; Schmidt, R.; Roth, T.; Amrhein, V.; Naguib, M.: Effects of rapid broadband trills on responses to song overlapping in nightingales. Ethology 116 (4), S. 300 - 308 (2010)
Brumm, H.; Schmidt, R.; Schrader, L.: Noise-dependent vocal plasticity in domestic fowl. Animal Behaviour 78 (3), S. 741 - 746 (2009)
Roth, T.; Sprau, P.; Schmidt, R.; Naguib, M.; Amrhein, V.: Sex specific timing of mate searching and territory prospecting in the nightingale: Nocturnal life of females. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1664), S. 2045 - 2050 (2009)
Naguib, M.; Schmidt, R.; Sprau, P.; Roth, T.; Floercke, C.; Amrhein, V.: The ecology of vocal signaling: Male spacing and communication distance of different song traits in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology 19 (5), S. 1034 - 1040 (2008)
Schmidt, R.; Kunc, H. P.; Amrhein, V.; Naguib, M.: Aggressive responses to broadband trills are related to subsequent pairing success in nightingales. Behavioral Ecology 19 (3), S. 635 - 641 (2008)
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