© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Hans Ulrich Kleindienst

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Winter, Y.; Merten, S. v.; Kleindienst, H. U.: Visual landmark orientation by flying bats at a large-scale touch and walk screen for bats, birds and rodents. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 141 (2), S. 283 - 290 (2005)
Seibt, U.; Wickler, W.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Sonnenschein, E.: Structure, geography and origin of dialects in the traditive song of the forest weaver Ploceus bicolor sclateri in Natal, S. Africa. Behaviour 139, S. 1237 - 1265 (2002)
Hennig, R. M.; Fonseca, P. J.; Weber, T.; Moore, T. E.; Huber, F.; Popov, A. V.; Kleindienst, H. U.: Comparative investigation of the role of the tensor muscle during cicada sound production. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 87, S. 85 - 85 (1994)
Hennig, R. M.; Weber, T.; Huber, F.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Moore, T. E.; Popov, A. V.: Auditory threshold change in singing cicadas. The Journal of Experimental Biology 187 (1), S. 45 - 55 (1994)
Hennig, R. M.; Weber, T.; Moore, T.E.; Huber, F.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Popov, A.V.: Function of the tensor muscle in the cicada Tibicen Linnei. The Journal of Experimental Biology 187 (1), S. 33 - 44 (1994)
Hennig, R. M.; Weber, T.; Huber, F.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Moore, T. E.; Popov, A. V.: A new function for an old structure: The "timbal muscle" in cicada females. Die Naturwissenschaften 80 (7), S. 324 - 326 (1993)
Schmitz, B.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Schildberger, K.; Huber, F.: Acoustic orientation in adult, female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer) after unilateral foreleg amputation in the larva. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 162 (6), S. 715 - 728 (1988)
Oldfield, B. P.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Huber, F.: Physiology and tonotopic organization of auditory receptors in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 159 (4), S. 457 - 464 (1986)
Schildberger, K.; Wohlers, D. W.; Schmitz, B.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Huber, F.: Morphological and physiological changes in central auditory neurons following unilateral foreleg amputation in larval crickets. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 158 (3), S. 291 - 300 (1986)
Selverston, A. I.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Huber, F.: Synaptic connectivity between cricket auditory interneurons as studied by selective photoinactivation. The Journal of Neuroscience 5 (5), S. 1283 - 1292 (1985)
Huber, F.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Weber, T.; Thorson, J.: Auditory behavior of the cricket. III: Tracking of male calling song by surgically and developmentally one-eared females, and the curious role of the anterior tympanum. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 155 (6), S. 725 - 738 (1984)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Huber, F.; Kleindienst, H. U.; Moore, T. E.; Schildberger, K.; Weber, T.: Acoustic communication in periodical cicadas: Neuronal responses to songs of sympatric species. In: Sensory systems and communication in arthropods: Including the first comprehensive collection of contributions by Soviet scientists, S. 217 - 228 (Hg. Gribakin, F. G.; Wiese, K.; Popov, A. V.). Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Leningrad, 08. Oktober 1989 - 15. Oktober 1989. Birkhäuser, Basel (1990)
Kleindienst, H. U.; Schildberger, K.; Huber, F.: Sound localization in intact and one-eared crickets. In: Sensory systems and communication in arthropods: Including the first comprehensive collection of contributions by Soviet scientists, S. 254 - 258 (Hg. Gribakin, F. G.; Wiese, K.; Popov, A. V.). Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods, Leningrad, 08. Oktober 1989 - 15. Oktober 1989. Birkhäuser, Basel (1990)
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