Publikationen von Blanca Jimeno
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Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
119, S. 111 - 119 (2019)
Coupling lifespan and aging? The age at onset of body mass decline associates positively with sex-specific lifespan but negatively with environment-specific lifespan. Experimental Gerontology
9, 15869 (2019)
Developmental conditions modulate DNA methylation at the glucocorticoid receptor gene with cascading effects on expression and corticosterone levels in zebra finches. Scientific Reports 2018
32 (3), S. 713 - 721 (2018)
Male but not female zebra finches with high plasma corticosterone have lower survival. Functional Ecology
8, 13020 (2018)
Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of "stress". Scientific Reports
221 (23), jeb187880 (2018)
Glucocorticoid–temperature association is shaped by foraging costs in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology
188 (3), S. 517 - 526 (2018)
Baseline glucose level is an individual trait that is negatively associated with lifespan and increases due to adverse environmental conditions during development and adulthood. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 2017
93, S. 175 - 183 (2017)
Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions. Hormones and Behavior
220 (23), S. 4426 - 4431 (2017)
Strong association between corticosterone and temperature dependent metabolic rate in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology