© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Desiree Brucks

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Brucks, D.; Petelle, M. B.; Baldoni, C.; Krasheninnikova, A.; Rovegno, E.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Intra- and interspecific variation in self-control capacities of parrots in a delay of gratification task. Animal Cognition 25 (2), S. 473 - 491 (2022)
Brucks, D.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Parrots voluntarily help each other to obtain food rewards. Current Biology 30 (2), S. 292 - 297 (2020)
de Montaigu, C. T.; Durdevic, K.; Brucks, D.; Krasheninnikova, A.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Blue‐throated macaws (Ara glaucogularis) succeed in a cooperative task without coordinating their actions. Ethology 126 (2), S. 267 - 277 (2020)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Brucks, D.; Blanc, S.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Assessing African grey parrots' prosocial tendencies in a token choice paradigm. Royal Society Open Science 6 (12), 190696 (2019)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Brucks, D.; Buffenoir, N.; Blanco, D. R.; Soulet, D.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Parrots do not show inequity aversion. Scientific Reports 9, 16416 (2019)

Editorial (1)

Brucks, D.; Petelle, M. B.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Krasheninnikova, A.: On the role of training in delay of gratification paradigms: A reply to Pepperberg 2022. Animal Cognition 26 (3), S. 721 - 726 (2023)
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