Publikationen von Johannes Krietsch
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
141 (3), ukae016 (2024)
Variation in nuptial color in relation to sex, individual quality and mating success in the sex-role reversed Phalaropus fulicarius (Red Phalarope). Ornithology
35 (1), arad084 (2024)
Mutual mate guarding with limited sexual conflict in a sex-role-reversed shorebird. Behavioral Ecology
729, S. 1 - 29 (2024)
From land to sea: The fall migration of the red phalarope through the Western Hemisphere. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 2023
77 (12), S. 2590 - 2605 (2023)
Egg size variation in the context of polyandry: A case study using long-term field data from snowy plovers. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution
92 (8), S. 1639 - 1657 (2023)
Sexual transmission may drive pair similarity of the cloacal microbiome in a polyandrous species. Journal of Animal Ecology 2022
183, S. 77 - 92 (2022)
Extrapair paternity in a sequentially polyandrous shorebird: Limited evidence for the sperm storage hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 2021
8, 683071 (2021)
Seabird migration strategies: Flight budgets, diel activity patterns, and lunar influence. Frontiers in Marine Science
14 (5), e12824 (2021)
Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters 2020
287 (1920), 20192789 (2020)
Wind conditions influence breeding season movements in a nomadic polygynous shorebird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2017
578, S. 213 - 225 (2017)
Consistent variation in individual migration strategies of brown skuas. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 2016
39 (4), S. 573 - 582 (2016)
Long-term dataset reveals declines in breeding success and high fluctuations in the number of breeding pairs in two skua species breeding on King George Island. Polar Biology Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Mating behaviour of two polygamous shorebird species in the Arctic. Dissertation, 163 S. (2023)