Publikationen von Jonathan I. Benichov
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (9)
33 (15), S. 3169 - 3178.e3 (2023)
Wild nightingales flexibly match whistle pitch in real time. Current Biology 2022
119 (23), e2118448119 (2022)
A feedforward inhibitory premotor circuit for auditory-vocal interactions in zebra finches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
13, 5218 (2022)
High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons. Nature Communications 2020
11, 221 (2020)
Inhibition within a premotor circuit controls the timing of vocal turn-taking in zebra finches. Nature Communications 2016
26 (3), S. 309 - 318 (2016)
The forebrain song system mediates predictive call timing in female and male zebra finches. Current Biology
10, 255 (2016)
Finding the beat: From socially coordinated vocalizations in songbirds to rhythmic entrainment in humans. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012
33 (2), S. 250 - 256 (2012)
Word recognition within a linguistic context: Effects of age, hearing acuity, verbal ability, and cognitive function. Ear and Hearing
51 (8), S. 576 - 583 (2012)
The hidden effect of hearing acuity on speech recall, and compensatory effects of self-paced listening. International Journal of Audiology 2010
25 (3), S. 730 - 735 (2010)
Response latencies in auditory sentence comprehension: Effects of linguistic versus perceptual challenge. Psychology and Aging Review Article (1)
Review Article
86, 102867 (2024)
A neuroethological view of the multifaceted sensory influences on birdsong. Current Opinion in Neurobiology