Publikationen von Mihai Valcu

Zeitschriftenartikel (80)

Dale, J.; Dey, C. J.; Delhey, K.; Kempenaers, B.; Valcu, M.: The effects of life-history and sexual selection on male and female plumage coloration. Nature 527 (7578), S. 367 - 370 (2015)
Dey, C. J.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.; Dale, J.: Carotenoid-based bill coloration functions as a social, not sexual, signal in songbirds (Aves: Passeriformes). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (1), S. 250 - 258 (2015)
Schlicht, L.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Spatial patterns of extra-pair paternity: Beyond paternity gains and losses. Journal of Animal Ecology 84 (2), S. 518 - 531 (2015)
Schlicht, L.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Male extraterritorial behavior predicts extrapair paternity pattern in blue tits, Cyanistes caeruleus. Behavioral Ecology 26 (5), S. 1404 - 1413 (2015)
Bulla, M.; Valcu, M.; Rutten, A. L.; Kempenaers, B.: Biparental incubation patterns in a high-Arctic breeding shorebird: How do pairs divide their duties? Behavioral Ecology 25 (1), S. 152 - 164 (2014)
Da Silva, A.; Samplonius, J. M.; Schlicht, E.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Artificial night lighting rather than traffic noise affects the daily timing of dawn and dusk singing in common European songbirds. Behavioral Ecology 25 (5), S. 1037 - 1047 (2014)
Schlicht, L.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Thiessen polygons as a model for animal territory estimation. Ibis 156 (1), S. 215 - 219 (2014)
Schlicht, L.; Valcu, M.; Loes, P.; Girg, A.; Kempenaers, B.: No relationship between female emergence time from the roosting place and extrapair paternity. Behavioral Ecology 25 (3), S. 650 - 659 (2014)
Valcu, M.; Dale, J.; Griesser, M.; Nakagawa, S.; Kempenaers, B.: Global gradients of avian longevity support the classic evolutionary theory of ageing. Ecography 37 (10), S. 930 - 938 (2014)
Steiger, S. S.; Valcu, M.; Spoelstra, K.; Helm, B.; Wikelski, M.; Kempenaers, B.: When the sun never sets: Diverse activity rhythms under continuous daylight in free-living arctic-breeding birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1764), 20131016 (2013)
Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Valcu, M.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Kuhn, S.; Kuemmeth, F.; Heidrich, W.; Kempenaers, B.: Adaptive sleep loss in polygynous pectoral sandpipers. Science 337 (6102), S. 1654 - 1658 (2012)
Schlicht, L.; Girg, A.; Loes, P.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Male extrapair nestlings fledge first. Animal Behaviour 83 (6), S. 1335 - 1343 (2012)
Valcu, M.; Dale, J.; Kempenaers, B.: rangeMapper: A platform for the study of macroecology of life-history traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (9), S. 945 - 951 (2012)
Yohannes, E.; Lee, R. W.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Feather deuterium as an indicator of age-class in the Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos. Ibis 154 (4), S. 868 - 873 (2012)
Valcu, M.; Valcu, C.-M.: Data transformation practices in biomedical sciences. Nature methods 8 (2), S. 104 - 105 (2011)
Jacot, A.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Within-season divorce in Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Journal of Ornithology 151 (2), S. 477 - 482 (2010)
Kempenaers, B.; Borgstroem, P.; Loes, P.; Schlicht, E.; Valcu, M.: Artificial night lighting affects dawn song, extra-pair siring success, and lay date in songbirds. Current Biology 20 (19), S. 1735 - 1739 (2010)
Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Spatial autocorrelation: An overlooked concept in behavioral ecology. Behavioral Ecology 21 (5), S. 902 - 905 (2010)
Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Is spatial autocorrelation an intrinsic property of territory size? Oecologia 162 (3), S. 609 - 615 (2010)
Yohannes, E.; Valcu, M.; Lee, R. W.; Kempenaers, B.: Resource use for reproduction depends on spring arrival time and wintering area in an arctic breeding shorebird. Journal of Avian Biology 41 (5), S. 580 - 590 (2010)
Jacot, A.; Valcu, M.; van Oers, K.; Kempenaers, B.: Experimental nest site limitation affects reproductive strategies and parental investment in a hole-nesting passerine. Animal Behaviour 77 (5), S. 1075 - 1083 (2009)
Muck, C.; Kempenaers, B.; Kuhn, S.; Valcu, M.; Goymann, W.: Paternity in the classical polyandrous black coucal (Centropus grillii) - A cuckoo accepting cuckoldry? Behavioral Ecology 20 (6), S. 1185 - 1193 (2009)
Yohannes, E.; Krizanauskiene, A.; Valcu, M.; Bensch, S.; Kempenaers, B.: Prevalence of malaria and related haemosporidian parasites in two shorebird species with different winter habitat distribution. Journal of Ornithology 150 (1), S. 287 - 291 (2009)
Steiger, S. S.; Fidler, A. E.; Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Avian olfactory receptor gene repertoires: Evidence for a well-developed sense of smell in birds? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1649), S. 2309 - 2317 (2008)
Valcu, M.; Kempenaers, B.: Causes and consequences of breeding dispersal and divorce in a blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus, population. Animal Behaviour 75 (6), S. 1949 - 1963 (2008)
Kempenaers, B.; Lanctot, R. B.; Gill, V.; Hatch, S.; Valcu, M.: Do females trade copulations for food? An experimental study on kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla). Behavioral Ecology 18 (2), S. 345 - 353 (2007)
Valcu, C.-M.; Valcu, M.: Reproducibility of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis at different replication levels. Journal of Proteome Research 6 (12), S. 4677 - 4683 (2007)
Foerster, K.; Valcu, M.; Johnsen, A.; Kempenaers, B.: A spatial genetic structure and effects of relatedness on mate choice in a wild bird population. Molecular Ecology 15 (14), S. 4555 - 4567 (2006)
Valcu, M.: Seasonal changes in bird species diversity at the interface between forest and reed-bed. Biodiversity and Conservation 15 (11), S. 3459 - 3467 (2006)
Cogălniceanu, D.; Valcu, C.-M.; Valcu, M.; Găldean, N.; Staicu, G.: Seasonal variability of temperature in alpine lakes from Retezat National Park, Romania. Annals of Bacău University 9, S. 152 - 157 (2004)

Buchkapitel (1)

Valcu, C.-M.; Valcu, M.: Sources of experimental variation in 2-D maps: The importance of experimental design in gel-based proteomics. In: 2-D PAGE map analysis. Methods and protocols, Bd. 1384, S. 3 - 37 (Hg. Marengo, E.; Robotti, E.). Humana Press, Clifton, N.J. (2016)

Kommentar (1)

Commentary on: Vojtěch Kubelka, Miroslav Šálek, Pavel Tomkovich, Zsolt Végvári, Robert P. Freckleton, Tamás Székely, Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds, Science 362 (6415), pp. 680-683. (2021)
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