Publikationen von Hubert Schwabl

Zeitschriftenartikel (114)

Marshall, R. C.; Leisler, B.; Catchpole, C. K.; Schwabl, H.: Male song quality affects circulating but not yolk steroid concentrations in female canaries (Serinus canaria). The Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (24), S. 4593 - 4598 (2005)
Michl, G.; Torok, J.; Peczely, P.; Garamszegi, L. Z.; Schwabl, H.: Female collared flycatchers adjust yolk testosterone to male age, but not to attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology 16 (2), S. 383 - 388 (2005)
Pilz, K. M.; Adkins-Regan, E.; Schwabl, H.: No sex difference in yolk steroid concentrations of avian eggs at laying. Biology Letters 1 (3), S. 318 - 321 (2005)
Schwabl, H.; Flinks, H.; Gwinner, E.: Testosterone, reproductive stage, and territorial behavior of male and female European stonechats Saxicola torquata. Hormones and Behavior 47 (5), S. 503 - 512 (2005)
Schwagmeyer, P. L.; Schwabl, H.; Mock, D. W.: Dynamics of biparental care in house sparrows: Hormonal manipulations of paternal contributions. Animal Behaviour 69, S. 481 - 488 (2005)
Tschirren, B.; Saladin, V.; Fitze, P. S.; Schwabl, H.; Richner, H.: Maternal yolk testosterone does not modulate parasite susceptibility or immune function in great tit nestlings. Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (4), S. 675 - 682 (2005)
Cariello, M. O.; Lima, M. R.; Schwabl, H.; Macedo, R. H.: Egg characteristics are unreliable in determining maternity in communal clutches of guira cuckoos Guira guira. Journal of Avian Biology 35 (2), S. 117 - 124 (2004)
Macedo, R. H. F.; Cariello, M. O.; Graves, J.; Schwabl, H.: Reproductive partitioning in communally breeding guira cuckoos, Guira guira. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55 (3), S. 213 - 222 (2004)
Macedo, R. H. F.; Cariello, M. O.; Pacheco, A. M.; Schwabl, H.: Significance of social parameters on differential nutrient investment in guira cuckoo, Guira guira, eggs. Animal Behaviour 68, S. 685 - 694 (2004)
Pilz, K. M.; Quiroga, M.; Schwabl, H.; Adkins-Regan, E.: European starling chicks benefit from high yolk testosterone levels during a drought year. Hormones and Behavior 46 (2), S. 179 - 192 (2004)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.; Sharp, P. J.: Removing the confound of time in investigating the regulation of serial behaviours: Testosterone, prolactin and the transition from sexual to parental activity in male American kestrels. Animal Behaviour 67 (6), S. 1151 - 1161 (2004)
Strasser, R.; Schwabl, H.: Yolk testosterone organizes behavior and male plumage coloration in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56 (5), S. 491 - 497 (2004)
Tschirren, B.; Richner, H.; Schwabl, H.: Ectoparasite-modulated deposition of maternal androgens in great tit eggs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 271 (1546), S. 1371 - 1375 (2004)
Pilz, K. M.; Smith, H. G.; Sandell, M. I.; Schwabl, H.: Interfemale variation in egg yolk androgen allocation in the European starling: Do high-quality females invest more? Animal Behaviour 65, S. 841 - 850 (2003)
Verboven, N.; Monaghan, P.; Evans, D. M.; Schwabl, H.; Evans, N.; Whitelaw, C.; Nager, R. G.: Maternal condition, yolk androgens and offspring performance: A supplemental feeding experiment in the lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 270 (1530), S. 2223 - 2232 (2003)
Groothuis, T. G.; Schwabl, H.: Determinants of within- and among-clutch variation in levels of maternal hormones in Black-Headed Gull eggs. Functional Ecology 16 (3), S. 281 - 289 (2002)
Whittingham, L. A.; Schwabl, H.: Maternal testosterone in tree swallow eggs varies with female aggression. Animal Behaviour 63, S. 63 - 67 (2002)
Eising, C. M.; Eikenaar, C.; Schwabl, H.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Maternal androgens in black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) eggs: Consequences for chick development. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 268 (1469), S. 839 - 846 (2001)
French, J. B.; Nisbet, I. C. T.; Schwabl, H.: Maternal steroids and contaminants in common tern eggs: A mechanism of endocrine disruption? Comparative biochemistry and physiology / C. 128 (1), S. 91 - 98 (2001)
Petrie, M.; Schwabl, H.; Brande-Lavridsen, N.; Burke, T.: Sex differences in avian yolk hormone levels. Nature 412 (6846), S. 498 - 498 (2001)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.: Plasma corticosterone in nestling American kestrels: Effects of age, handling stress, yolk androgens, and body condition. General and Comparative Endocrinology 122 (2), S. 205 - 212 (2001)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.: Covariation of clutch size, laying date, and incubation tendency in the American Kestrel. The Condor 103 (3), S. 570 - 578 (2001)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.; Sharp, P. J.: Regulation of yolk-androgen concentrations by plasma prolactin in the American kestrel. Hormones and Behavior 40 (4), S. 462 - 471 (2001)
Birkhead, T.; Schwabl, H.; Burke, T.: Testosterone and maternal effects - integrating mechanisms and function. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15 (3), S. 86 - 87 (2000)
Jenni, L.; Jenni-Eiermann, S.; Spina, F.; Schwabl, H.: Regulation of protein breakdown and adrenocortical response to stress in birds during migratory flight. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 278 (5), S. R1182 - R1189 (2000)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.: Yolk androgens reduce offspring survival. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 267 (1451), S. 1451 - 1456 (2000)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.; Sharp, P. J.: The role of prolactin in the regulation of clutch size and onset of incubation behavior in the American kestrel. Hormones and Behavior 38 (3), S. 168 - 176 (2000)
Schwabl, H.: Developmental changes and among-sibling variation of corticosterone levels in an altricial avian species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 116 (3), S. 403 - 408 (1999)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.: Daily estradiol and progesterone levels relative to laying and onset of incubation in canaries. General and Comparative Endocrinology 114 (2), S. 257 - 268 (1999)
Sockman, K. W.; Schwabl, H.: Hypothermic tolerance in an embryonic American kestrel (Falco sparverius). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 76 (7), S. 1399 - 1402 (1998)
Tchernichovski, O.; Schwabl, H.; Nottebohm, F.: Context determines the sex appeal of male zebra finch song. Animal Behaviour 55 (4), S. 1003 - 1010 (1998)
Jarvis, E. D.; Schwabl, H.; Ribeiro, S.; Mello, C. V.: Brain gene regulation by territorial singing behavior in freely ranging songbirds. NeuroReport 8 (8), S. 2073 - 2077 (1997)
Kirn, J. R.; Schwabl, H.: Photoperiod regulation of neuron death in the adult canary. Journal of Neurobiology 33 (3), S. 223 - 231 (1997)
Schwabl, H.: The contents of maternal testosterone in house sparrow Passer domesticus eggs vary with breeding conditions. Naturwissenschaften 84, S. 406 - 408 (1997)
Schwabl, H.; Mock, D. W.; Gieg, J. A.: A hormonal mechanism for parental favouritism. Nature 386 (6622), S. 231 - 231 (1997)
Schwabl, H.: Maternal testosterone in the avian egg enhances postnatal growth. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 114 (3), S. 271 - 276 (1996)
Schwabl, H.: Environment modifies the testosterone levels of a female bird and its eggs. Journal of Experimental Zoology 276 (2), S. 157 - 163 (1996)
Schwabl, H.: Individual variation of the acute adrenocortical response to stress in the white-throated sparrow. Zoology 99 (2), S. 113 - 120 (1995)
Fornasari, L.; Bottoni, L.; Schwabl, H.; Massa, R.: Testosterone in the breeding cycle of the male Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 4 (2), S. 193 - 196 (1994)
Gwinner, E.; Rödl, T.; Schwabl, H.: Pair territoriality of wintering stonechats: Behaviour, function and hormones. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 34 (5), S. 321 - 327 (1994)
Gwinner, E.; Schwabl-Benzinger, I.; Schwabl, H.; Dittami, J.: Twenty-four hour melatonin profiles in a nocturnally migrating bird during and between migratory seasons. General and Comparative Endocrinology 90 (1), S. 119 - 124 (1993)
Schwabl, H.: Yolk is a source of maternal testosterone for developing birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90 (24), S. 11446 - 11450 (1993)
Gwinner, E.; Schwabl, H.; Schwabl-Benzinger, I.: The migratory time program of the garden warbler: Is there compensation for interruptions? Ornis Scandinavica 23 (3), S. 264 - 270 (1992)
Gwinner, E.; Zeman, M.; Schwabl-Benzinger, I.; Jenni-Eiermann, S.; Jenni, L.; Schwabl, H.: Corticosterone levels of passerine birds during migratory flight. Die Naturwissenschaften 79 (6), S. 276 - 278 (1992)
Schwabl, H.: Winter and breeding territorial behaviour and levels of reproductive hormones of migratory European Robins. Ornis Scandinavica 23 (3), S. 271 - 276 (1992)
Schwabl, H.; Sonnenschein, E.: Antiphonal duetting and sex hormones in the tropical bush shrike Laniarius funebris (HARTLAUB). Hormones and Behavior 26 (3), S. 295 - 307 (1992)
Bluhm, C.K.; Schwabl, H.; Schwabl, I.; Perera, A.; Follett, B.K.; Goldsmith, A.R.; Gwinner, E.: Variation in hypothalamic gonadotrophin-releasing hormone content plasma and pituitary LH, and in-vitro testosterone release in a long-distance migratory bird, the garden warbler (Sylvia borin), under constant photoperiods. Journal of Endocrinology 128 (3), S. 339 - 345 (1991)
Kriner, E.; Schwabl, H.: Control of winter song and territorial aggression of female robins (Erithacus rubecula) by testosterone. Ethology 87 (1-2), S. 37 - 44 (1991)
Schwabl, H.; Bairlein, F.; Gwinner, E.: Basal and stress-induced corticosterone levels of garden warblers, Sylvia borin, during migration. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 161 (6), S. 576 - 580 (1991)
Schwabl, H.; Gwinner, E.; Benvenuti, S.; Ioalé, P.: Exposure of dunnocks (Prunella modularis) to their previous wintering site modifies autumnal activity pattern: Evidence for site recognition? Ethology 88 (1), S. 35 - 45 (1991)
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