Publikationen von Simone Wanderoy

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Hees, J. T.; Wanderoy, S.; Lindner, J.; Helms, M.; Murali Mahadevan, H.; Harbauer, A.: Insulin signalling regulates Pink1 mRNA localization via modulation of AMPK activity to support PINK1 function in neurons. Nature Metabolism 6 (3), S. 514 - 530 (2024)
Mauker, P.; Beckmann, D.; Kitowski, A.; Heise, C.; Wientjens, C.; Davidson, A. J.; Wanderoy, S.; Fabre, G.; Harbauer, A.; Wood, W. et al.; Wilhelm, C.; Thorn-Seshold, J.; Misgeld, T.; Kerschensteiner, M.; Thorn-Seshold, O.: Fluorogenic chemical probes for wash-free imaging of cell membrane damage in ferroptosis, necrosis, and axon injury. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (16), S. 11072 - 11082 (2024)
Harbauer, A. B.; Hees, J. T.; Wanderoy, S.; Segura, I.; Gibbs, W.; Cheng, Y.; Ordonez, M.; Cai, Z.; Cartoni, R.; Ashrafi, G. et al.; Wang, C.; Perocchi, F.; He, Z.; Schwarz, T. L.: Neuronal mitochondria transport Pink1 mRNA via synaptojanin 2 to support local mitophagy. Neuron 110 (9), S. 1516 - 1531.e9 (2022)
Wanderoy, S.; Rühmkorf, A.; Harbauer, A. B.: Microfluidics-assisted selective depolarization of axonal mitochondria. Journal of Visualized Experiments 186, e64196 (2022)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Wanderoy, S.; Hees, J. T.; Klesse, R.; Edlich, F.; Harbauer, A. B.: Kill one or kill the many: Interplay between mitophagy and apoptosis. Biological Chemistry 402 (1), S. 73 - 88 (2021)
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