Publikationen von R. Klein

Zeitschriftenartikel (190)

Thuret, S.; Alavian, K.N.; Gassmann, M.; Lloyd, C.; Smits, S.M.; Smidt, M.P.; Klein, R.; Dyck, R.H.; Simon, H.: The neuregulin receptor, ErbB4, is not required for normal development and adult maintenance of the substantia nigra pars compacta. Journal of Neurochemistry 91 (6), S. 1302 - 1311 (2004)
Yang, X. D.; Klein, R.; Tian, X. L.; Cheng, H. T.; Kopan, R.; Shen, J.: Notch activation induces apoptosis in neural progenitor cells through a p53-dependent pathway. Developmental Biology 269 (1), S. 81 - 94 (2004)
Compagni, A.; Logan, M.; Klein, R.; Adams, R.H.: Control of skeletal patterning by ephrinB1-EphB interactions. Developmental Cell 5, S. 217 - 230 (2003)
Haigh, J. J.; Morelli, P. I.; Gerhardt, H.; Haigh, K.; Tsien, J.; Damert, A.; Miquerol, L.; Muhlner, U.; Klein, R.; Ferrara, N. et al.: Cortical and retinal defects caused by dosage-dependent reductions in VEGF-A paracrine signaling. Developmental Biology 26 (2), S. 225 - 241 (2003)
Helmbacher, F.; Dessaud, E.; Arber, S.; deLapeyriere, O.; Henderson, C.; Klein, R.; Maina, F.: Met signaling is required for recruitment of motor neurons to PEA3-positive motor pools. Neuron 39 (5), S. 767 - 777 (2003)
Kullander, K.; Butt, S. J. B.; Lebret, J. M.; Lundfald, L.; Restrepo, C. E.; Rydstrom, A.; Klein, R.; Kiehn, O.: Role of EphA4 and EphrinB3 in local neuronal circuits that control walking. Science 299 (5614), S. 1889 - 1892 (2003)
Palmer, A.; Klein, R.: Multiple roles of ephrins in morphogenesis, neuronal networking, and brain function. Genes and Development 17, S. 1429 - 1450 (2003)
Zimmer, M.; Palmer, A.; Köhler, J.; Klein, R.: EphB-ephrinB bi-directional endocytosis terminates adhesion allowing contact mediated repulsion. Nature Cell Biology 5 (10), S. 869 - 878 (2003)
Zörner, B.; Wolfer, D.P.; Brandis, D.; Kretz, O.; Zacher, C.; Madani, R.; Grunwald, I. C.; Lipp, H.-P.; Klein, R.; Henn, F.A. et al.: Forebrain-specific trkB-receptor knockout mice: Behaviorally more hyperactive than "depressive". Biological Psychiatry 54 (10), S. 972 - 982 (2003)
Grunwald, I. C.; Klein, R.: Axon guidance: Receptor complexes and signaling mechanisms. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 12 (3), S. 250 - 259 (2002)
He, X. P.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; McNamara, J. O.: Immunohistochemical evidence of seizure-induced activation of trkB receptors in the mossy fiber pathway of adult mouse hippocampus. The Journal of Neuroscience 22 (17), S. 7502 - 7508 (2002)
Ikeda, K.; Wang, L.H.; Torres, R.; Zhao, H.; Olaso, E.; Eng Francis, J.; Labrador, P.; Klein, R.; Lovett, D.; Yancopoulos, G.D. et al.: Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2) interacts with Src and Shc following its activation by Type I collagen. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, S. 19206 - 19212 (2002)
Klein, R.: Novel effector function for an old receptor. Nature Cell Biology 4 (1), S. E11 - E12 (2002)
Kullander, K.; Klein, R.: Mechanisms and functions of Eph and ephrin signalling. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3 (7), S. 475 - 486 (2002)
Minichiello, L.; Calella, A.; Medina, D.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.; Korte, M.: Mechanism of TrkB-mediated hippocampal long-term potentiation. Neuron 36 (1), S. 121 - 137 (2002)
Olaso, E.; Labrador, J.P.; Wang, L.; Ikeda, K.; Eng, F.J.; Klein, R.; Lovett, D.H.; Lin, H.C.; Friedman, S.L.: Discoidin domain receptor 2 regulates fibroblast proliferation and migration through the extracellular matrix in association with transcriptional activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, S. 3606 - 3613 (2002)
Palmer, A.; Zimmer, M.; Erdmann, K. S.; Eulenburg, V.; Porthin, A.; Heumann, R.; Deutsch, U.; Klein, R.: EphrinB phosphorylation and reverse signaling: Regulation by Src kinases and PTP-BL phosphatase. Molecular Cell 9 (4), S. 725 - 737 (2002)
Postigo, A.; Calella, A. M.; Fritzsch, B.; Knipper, M.; Katz, D.; Eilers, A.; Schimmang, T.; Lewin, G. R.; Klein, R.; Minichiello, L.: Distinct requirements for TrkB and TrkC signaling in target innervation by sensory neurons. Genes and Development 16 (5), S. 633 - 645 (2002)
Vyssotski, A.L.; Dell'Omo, G.; Poletaeva, I.I.; Vyssotski, D.L.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; Wolfer, D.P.; Lipp, H.-P.: Long-term monitoring of hippocampus-dependent behavior in naturalistic settings: Mutant mice lacking neurotrophin receptor TrkB in the forebrain show spatial learning but impaired behavioral flexibility. Hippocampus 12 (1), S. 27 - 38 (2002)
Zhang, S.Q.; Tsiaras, B.; Araki, T.; Wen, G.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; Neel, B.G.: Receptor-specific regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase activation by the protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp2. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 22, S. 4062 - 4072 (2002)
Adams, R. H.; Diella, F.; Hennig, S.; Helmbacher, F.; Deutsch, U.; Klein, R.: The cytoplasmic domain of the ligand ephrinB2 is required for vascular morphogenesis but not cranial neural crest migration. Cell 104 (1), S. 57 - 69 (2001)
Graus-Porta, D.; Blaess, S.; Senften, M.; Littlewood-Evans, A.; Damsky, C.; Huang, Z.; Orban, P.; Klein, R.; Schittny, J. C.; Muller, U.: β1-Class integrins regulate the development of laminae and folia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex. Neuron 31 (3), S. 367 - 379 (2001)
Grunwald, I. C.; Korte, M.; Wolfer, D.; Wilkinson, G. A.; Unsicker, K.; Lipp, H. P.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.: Kinase-independent requirement of EphB2 receptors in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neuron 32 (6), S. 1027 - 1040 (2001)
Klein, R.: Excitatory Eph receptors and adhesive ephrin ligands. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 13 (2), S. 196 - 203 (2001)
Kullander, K.; Croll, S. D.; Zimmer, M.; Pan, L.; McClain, J.; Hughes, V.; Zabski, S.; DeChiara, T. M.; Klein, R.; Yancopoulos, G. D. et al.: Ephrin-B3 is the midline barrier that prevents corticospinal tract axons from recrossing, allowing for unilateral motor control. Genes and Development 15 (7), S. 877 - 888 (2001)
Kullander, K.; Mather, N. K.; Diella, F.; Dottori, M.; Boyd, A. W.; Klein, R.: Kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions of EphA4 receptors in major axon tract formation in vivo. Neuron 29 (1), S. 73 - 84 (2001)
Labrador, J. P.; Azcoitia, V.; Tuckermann, J.; Lin, C.; Olaso, E.; Manes, S.; Brückner, K.; Goergen, J. L.; Lemke, G.; Yancopoulos, G. et al.: The collagen receptor DDR2 regulates proliferation and its elimination leads to dwarfism. EMBO Reports 2 (5), S. 446 - 452 (2001)
Maina, F.; Pante, G.; Helmbacher, F.; Andres, R.; Porthin, A.; Davies, A. M.; Ponzetto, C.; Klein, R.: Coupling met to specific pathways results in distinct developmental outcomes. Molecular Cell 7 (6), S. 1293 - 1306 (2001)
Adams, R. H.; Klein, R.: Eph receptors and ephrin ligands: Essential mediators of vascular development. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 10 (5), S. 183 - 188 (2000)
Adams, R. H.; Porras, A.; Alonso, G.; Jones, M.; Vintersten, K.; Panelli, S.; Valladares, A.; Perez, L.; Klein, R.; Nebreda, A. R.: Essential role of p38α MAP kinase in placental but not embryonic cardiovascular development. Molecular Cell 6 (1), S. 109 - 116 (2000)
Brüning, J. C.; Gautam, D.; Burks, D. J.; Gillette, J.; Schubert, M.; Orban, P. C.; Klein, R.; Krone, W.; Müller-Wieland, D.; Kahn, C. R.: Role of brain insulin receptor in control of body weight and reproduction. Science 289 (5487), S. 2122 - 2125 (2000)
Caton, A.; Hacker, A.; Naeem, A.; Livet, J.; Maina, F.; Bladt, F.; Klein, R.; Birchmeier, C.; Guthrie, S.: The branchial arches and HGF are growth-promoting and chemoattractant for cranial motor axons. Development 127 (8), S. 1751 - 1766 (2000)
Fan, G.; Egles, C.; Sun, Y.; Minichiello, L.; Renger, J. J.; Klein, R.; Liu, G. S.; Jaenisch, R.: Knocking the NT4 gene into the BDNF locus rescues BDNF deficient mice and reveals distinct NT4 and BDNF activities. Nature Neuroscience 3 (4), S. 350 - 357 (2000)
Korte, M.; Minichiello, L.; Klein, R.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Shc-binding site in the TrkB receptor is not required for hippocampal long-term potentiation. Neuropharmacology 39 (5), S. 717 - 724 (2000)
Adams, R. H.; Wilkinson, G. A.; Weiss, C.; Diella, F.; Gale, N. W.; Deutsch, U.; Risau, W.; Klein, R.: Roles of ephrinB ligands and EphB receptors in cardiovascular development: Demarcation of arterial/venous domains, vascular morphogenesis, and sprouting angiogenesis. Genes and Development 13 (3), S. 295 - 306 (1999)
Brückner, K.; Labrador, J. P.; Scheiffele, P.; Herb, A.; Seeburg, P. H.; Klein, R.: EphrinB ligands recruit GRIP family PDZ adaptor proteins into raft membrane microdomains. Neuron 22 (3), S. 511 - 524 (1999)
Holder, N.; Klein, R.: Eph receptors and ephrins: Effectors of morphogenesis. Development 126 (10), S. 2033 - 2044 (1999)
Klein, R.: Neural development: Bidirectional signals establish boundaries. Current Biology 9 (18), S. R691 - R694 (1999)
Lu, Q.; Gore, M.; Zhang, Q.; Camenisch, T.; Boast, S.; Casagranda, F.; Lai, C.; Skinner, M. K.; Klein, R.; Matsushima, G. K. et al.: Tyro-3 family receptors are essential regulators of mammalian spermatogenesis. Nature 398 (6729), S. 723 - 728 (1999)
Maina, F.; Klein, R.: Hepatocyte growth factor, a versatile signal for developing neurons. Nature Neuroscience 2 (3), S. 213 - 217 (1999)
Minichiello, L.; Korte, M.; Wolfer, D.; Kuhn, R.; Unsicker, K.; Cestari, V.; Rossi-Arnaud, C.; Lipp, H. P.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.: Essential role for TrkB receptors in hippocampus-mediated learning. Neuron 24 (2), S. 401 - 414 (1999)
Tronche, F.; Kellendonk, C.; Kretz, O.; Gass, P.; Anlag, K.; Orban, P. C.; Bock, R.; Klein, R.; Schutz, G.: Disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in the nervous system results in reduced anxiety. Nature Genetics 23 (1), S. 99 - 103 (1999)
Bergemann, A. D.; Zhang, L.; Chiang, M. K.; Brambilla, R.; Klein, R.; Flanagan, J. G.: Ephrin-B3, a ligand for the receptor EphB3, expressed at the midline of the developing neural tube. Oncogene 16 (4), S. 471 - 480 (1998)
Brückner, K.; Klein, R.: Signaling by Eph receptors and their ephrin ligands. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 8 (3), S. 375 - 382 (1998)
Maina, F.; Hilton, M. C.; Andres, R.; Wyatt, S.; Klein, R.; Davies, A. M.: Multiple roles for hepatocyte growth factor in sympathetic neuron development. Neuron 20 (5), S. 835 - 846 (1998)
Minichiello, L.; Casagranda, F.; Tatche, R. S.; Stucky, C. L.; Postigo, A.; Lewin, G. R.; Davies, A. M.; Klein, R.: Point mutation in trkB causes loss of NT4-dependent neurons without major effects on diverse BDNF responses. Neuron 21 (2), S. 335 - 345 (1998)
Schober, A.; Wolf, N.; Huber, K.; Hertel, R.; Kriegistein, K.; Minichiello, L.; Kahane, N.; Widenfalk, J.; Kalcheim, C.; Olson, L. et al.: TrkB and neurotrophin-4 are important for development and maintenance of sympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the adrenal medulla. The Journal of Neuroscience 18 (18), S. 7272 - 7284 (1998)
Brambilla, R.; Gnesutta, N.; Minichiello, L.; White, G.; Roylance, A. J.; Herron, C. E.; Ramsey, M.; Wolfer, D. P.; Cestari, V.; RossiArnaud, C. et al.: A role for the Ras signalling pathway in synaptic transmission and long-term memory. Nature 390 (6657), S. 281 - 286 (1997)
Brückner, K.; Pasquale, E. B.; Klein, R.: Tyrosine phosphorylation of transmembrane ligands for Eph receptors. Science 275 (5306), S. 1640 - 1643 (1997)
Labrador, J. P.; Brambilla, R.; Klein, R.: The N-terminal globular domain of Eph receptors is sufficient for ligand binding and receptor signaling. The EMBO Journal 16 (13), S. 3889 - 3897 (1997)