Publikationen von M. Zimmer

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Essmann, C. L.; Martinez, E.; Geiger, J. C.; Zimmer, M.; Traut, M. H.; Stein, V.; Klein, R.; Acker-Palmer, A.: Serine phosphorylation of ephrinB2 regulates trafficking of synaptic AMPA receptors. Nature Neuroscience 11 (9), S. 1035 - 1043 (2008)
Zimmer, M.; Palmer, A.; Köhler, J.; Klein, R.: EphB-ephrinB bi-directional endocytosis terminates adhesion allowing contact mediated repulsion. Nature Cell Biology 5 (10), S. 869 - 878 (2003)
Campbell, P. K.; Waymire, K. G.; Heier, R. L.; Sharer, C.; Day, D. E.; Reimann, H.; Jaje, J. M.; Friedrich, G. A.; Burmeister, M.; Bartness, T. J. et al.: Mutation of a novel gene results in abnormal development of spermatid flagella, loss of intermale aggression and reduced body fat in mice. Genetics 162 (1), S. 307 - 320 (2002)
Palmer, A.; Zimmer, M.; Erdmann, K. S.; Eulenburg, V.; Porthin, A.; Heumann, R.; Deutsch, U.; Klein, R.: EphrinB phosphorylation and reverse signaling: Regulation by Src kinases and PTP-BL phosphatase. Molecular Cell 9 (4), S. 725 - 737 (2002)
Kullander, K.; Croll, S. D.; Zimmer, M.; Pan, L.; McClain, J.; Hughes, V.; Zabski, S.; DeChiara, T. M.; Klein, R.; Yancopoulos, G. D. et al.: Ephrin-B3 is the midline barrier that prevents corticospinal tract axons from recrossing, allowing for unilateral motor control. Genes and Development 15 (7), S. 877 - 888 (2001)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Zimmer, M.: Mechanisms of Eph/ephrin mediated cell-cell communication. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München (2003)