Publikationen von Herwig Baier

Zeitschriftenartikel (126)

Orger, M. B.; Baier, H.: Channeling of red and green cone inputs to the zebrafish optomotor response. Visual Neuroscience 22 (3), S. 275 - 281 (2005)
Wehman, A. M.; Staub, W.; Meyers, J. R.; Raymond, P. A.; Baier, H.: Genetic dissection of the zebrafish retinal stem-cell compartment. Developmental Biology 281 (1), S. 53 - 65 (2005)
Xiao, T.; Roser, T.; Staub, W.; Baier, H.: A GFP-based genetic screen reveals mutations that disrupt the architecture of the zebrafish retinotectal projection. Development 132 (13), S. 2955 - 2967 (2005)
Gahtan, E.; Baier, H.: Of lasers, mutants, and see-through brains: Functional neuroanatomy in zebrafish. Journal of Neurobiology 59 (1), S. 147 - 161 (2004)
Kay, J. N.; Baier, H.: Out-foxing fate: Molecular switches create neuronal diversity in the retina. Neuron 43 (6), S. 759 - 760 (2004)
Kay, J. N.; Roeser, T.; Mumm, J. S.; Godinho, L.; Mrejeru, A.; Wong, R. O. L.; Baier, H.: Transient requirement for ganglion cells during assembly of retinal synaptic layers. Development 131 (6), S. 1331 - 1342 (2004)
Page-McCaw, P. S.; Chung, S. C.; Muto, A.; Roeser, T.; Staub, W.; Finger-Baier, K.; Korenbrot, J. I.; Baier, H.: Retinal network adaptation to bright light requires tyrosinase. Nature Neuroscience 7 (12), S. 1329 - 1336 (2004)
Goldsmith, P.; Baier, H.; Harris, W. A.: Two zebrafish mutants, ebony and ivory, uncover benefits of neighborhood on photoreceptor survival. Journal of Neurobiology 57 (3), S. 235 - 245 (2003)
Loosli, F.; Staub, W.; Finger-Baier, K.; Ober, E. A.; Verkade, H.; Wittbrodt, J.; Baier, H.: Loss of eyes in zebrafish caused by mutation of chokh/rx3. EMBO Reports 4 (9), S. 894 - 899 (2003)
Roeser, T.; Baier, H.: Visuomotor behaviors in larval zebrafish after GFP-guided laser ablation of the optic tectum. The Journal of Neuroscience 23 (9), S. 3726 - 3734 (2003)
Kay, J. N.; Finger-Baier, K.; Roeser, T.; Staub, W.; Baier, H.: Retinal ganglion cell genesis requires lakritz, a zebrafish atonal homolog. Neuron 30 (3), S. 725 - 736 (2001)
Baier, H.: Zebrafish on the move: Towards a behavior-genetic analysis of vertebrate vision. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 10 (4), S. 451 - 455 (2000)
Baier, H.; Copenhagen, D.: Combining physiology and genetics in the zebrafish retina. Journal of Physiology-London 524 (1), S. 1 - 1 (2000)
Orger, M. B.; Smear, M. C.; Anstis, S. M.; Baier, H.: Perception of Fourier and non-Fourier motion by larval zebrafish. Nature Neuroscience 3 (11), S. 1128 - 1133 (2000)
Geisler, R.; Rauch, G. J.; Baier, H.; van Bebber, F.; Bross, L.; Dekens, M. P. S.; Finger, K.; Fricke, C.; Gates, M. A.; Geiger, H. et al.; Geiger-Rudolph, S.; Gilmour, D.; Glaser, S.; Gnugge, L.; Habeck, H.; Hingst, K.; Holley, S.; Keenan, J.; Kirn, A.; Knaut, H.; Lashkari, D.; Maderspacher, F.; Martyn, U.; Neuhauss, S.; Neumann, C.; Nicolson, T.; Pelegri, F.; Ray, R.; Rick, J. M.; Roehl, H.; Roeser, T.; Schauerte, H. E.; Schier, A. F.; Schonberger, U.; Schonthaler, H. B.; Schulte-Merker, S.; Seydler, C.; Talbot, W. S.; Weiler, C.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Haffter, P.: A radiation hybrid map of the zebrafish genome. Nature Genetics 23 (1), S. 86 - 89 (1999)
Neuhauss, S. C. F.; Biehlmaier, O.; Seeliger, M. W.; Das, T.; Kohler, K.; Harris, W. A.; Baier, H.: Genetic disorders of vision revealed by a behavioral screen of 400 essential loci in zebrafish. The Journal of Neuroscience 19 (19), S. 8603 - 8615 (1999)
Goodhill, G. J.; Baier, H.: Axon guidance: Stretching gradients to the limit. Neural computation 10 (3), S. 521 - 527 (1998)
Voigt, T.; Baier, H.; de Lima, A. D.: Synchronization of neuronal activity promotes survival of individual rat neocortical neurons in early development. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 9 (5), S. 990 - 999 (1997)
Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.; Trowe, T.; Karlstrom, R. O.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Genetic dissection of the retinotectal projection. Development 123 (1), S. 415 - 425 (1996)
Karlstrom, R. O.; Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Brand, M.; Crawford, A. D.; Grunewald, B.; Haffter, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Meyer, S. U. et al.; Muller, B. K.; Richter, S.; van Eeden, F. J. M.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Zebrafish mutations affecting retinotectal axon pathfinding. Development 123 (1), S. 427 - 438 (1996)
Trowe, T.; Klostermann, S.; Baier, H.; Granato, M.; Crawford, A. D.; Grunewald, B.; Hoffmann, H.; Karlstrom, R. O.; Meyer, S. U.; Müller, B. et al.; Richter, S.; Nüsslein-Volhard, C.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Mutations disrupting the ordering and topographic mapping of axons in the retinotectal projection of the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Development 123 (1), S. 439 - 450 (1996)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Attractive axon guidance molecules. Science 265 (5178), S. 1541 - 1542 (1994)
Baier, H.; Klostermann, S.: Axon guidance and growth cone collapse in vitro. Neuroprotocols 4 (2), S. 96 - 105 (1994)
Baier, H.; Korsching, S.: Olfactory glomeruli in the zebrafish form an invariant pattern and are identifiable across animals. The Journal of Neuroscience 14 (1), S. 219 - 230 (1994)
Baier, H.; Rotter, S.; Korsching, S.: Connectional topography in the zebrafish olfactory system: Random positions but regular spacing of sensory neurons projecting to an individual glomerulus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91 (24), S. 11646 - 11650 (1994)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Axon guidance by gradients of a target-derived component. Science 255 (5043), S. 472 - 475 (1992)

Buchkapitel (4)

Kubo, F.; Baier, H.: Combining genetic targeting and optical stimulation for circuit dissection in the zebrafish nervous system. In: Dahlem Conferences. Optogenetics, S. 101 - 107 (Hg. Hegemann, P.; Sigrist, S.). de Gruyter, Berlin (2013)
Orger, M. B.; Gahtan, E.; Muto, A.; Page-McCaw, P.; Smear, M. C.; Baier, H.: Behavioral screening assays in zebrafish. In: Zebrafish: Genetics Genomics and Informatics, Bd. 77, 2 Aufl., S. 53 - 68 (Hg. Detrich, H. W.; Westerfield, M.; Zon, L. I.). Elsevier Academic Press Inc, San Diego (2004)
Baier, H.: Genetic approaches to axon pathfinding. In: Dahlem Conferences. Mechanistic Relationships Between Development and Learning: Beyond Metaphor (Hg. Carew, T. J.; Menzel, R.; Shatz, C. J.). Wiley, Chichester (1998)
Baier, H.; Bonhoeffer, F.: Axon guidance in vitro by a target-derived cell membrane component. In: The Nerve Growth Cone, S. 195 - 206 (Hg. Letourneau, P. C.). Raven, New York (1991)

Editorial (1)

Baier, H.: Obituary Friedrich Bonhoeffer (1932-2021). Neuron 109 (8), S. 1255 - 1257 (2021)

Review Article (2)

Review Article
Baier, H.; Scott, E. K.: The visual systems of zebrafish. Annual Review of Neuroscience 47, S. 255 - 276 (2024)
Review Article
Baier, H.; Wullimann, M. F.: Anatomy and function of retinorecipient arborization fields in zebrafish. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 529 (15), S. 3454 - 3476 (2021)
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