Publikationen von Inbal Shainer

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Shainer, I.; Kappel, J. M.; Laurell, E.; Donovan, J.; Schneider, M.; Kuehn, E.; Arnold-Ammer, I.; Stemmer, M.; Larsch, J.; Baier, H.: Transcriptomic neuron types vary topographically in function and morphology. Nature 638 (8052), S. 1023 - 1033 (2025)
Wullimann, M. F.; Mokayes, N.; Shainer, I.; Kuehn, E.; Baier, H.: Genoarchitectonics of the larval zebrafish diencephalon. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 532 (3), e25549 (2024)
Shainer, I.; Kuehn, E.; Laurell, E.; Al Kassar, M.; Mokayes, N.; Sherman, S.; Larsch, J.; Kunst, M.; Baier, H.: A single-cell resolution gene expression atlas of the larval zebrafish brain. Science Advances 9 (8), eade9909 (2023)
Shainer, R.; Kram, V.; Kilts, T. M.; Li, L.; Doyle, A. D.; Shainer, I.; Martin, D.; Simon, C. G. J.; Zeng-Brouwers, J.; Schaefer, L. et al.; Young, M. F.: Biglycan regulates bone development and regeneration. Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1119368 (2023)
Kappel, J. M.; Förster, D.; Slangewal, K.; Shainer, I.; Svara, F. N.; Donovan, J.; Sherman, S.; Januszewski, M.; Baier, H.; Larsch, J.: Visual recognition of social signals by a tectothalamic neural circuit. Nature 608 (7921), S. 146 - 152 (2022)
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