Publikationen der Forschungsgruppe "Neuronale Grundlagen vokaler Kommunikation"

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Costalunga, G.; Kobylkov, D.; Rosa-Salva, O.; Vallortigara, G.; Mayer, U.: Light-incubation effects on lateralisation of single unit responses in the visual Wulst of domestic chicks. Brain Structure & Function 227 (2), S. 497 - 513 (2022)
Norton, P.; Benichov, J. I.; Pexirra, M.; Schreiber, S.; Vallentin, D.: A feedforward inhibitory premotor circuit for auditory-vocal interactions in zebra finches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (23), e2118448119 (2022)
Sibille, J.; Gehr, C.; Benichov, J. I.; Balasubramanian, H.; Teh, K. L.; Lupashina, T.; Vallentin, D.; Kremkow, J.: High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons. Nature Communications 13, 5218 (2022)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Banerjee, A.; Vallentin, D.: Convergent behavioral strategies and neural computations during vocal turn-taking across diverse species. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 73, 102529 (2022)
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