Publikationen der Abteilung "Verhaltensneurobiologie"
Zeitschriftenartikel (24)
10 (11), 1099 (2021)
Extensive GJD2 expression in the song motor pathway reveals the extent of electrical synapses in the songbird brain. Biology
7 (20), eabe2405 (2021)
Traffic noise disrupts vocal development and suppresses immune function. Science Advances
9, 583555 (2021)
DNA methylation regulates transcription factor specific neurodevelopmental but not sexually dimorphic gene expression dynamics in zebra finch telencephalon. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
138 (3), ukab023 (2021)
Season, anthocyanin supplementation, and flight training have mixed effects on the antioxidant system of migratory European Starlings. Ornithology
224 (21), jeb243158 (2021)
Flight training and dietary antioxidants have mixed effects on the oxidative status of multiple tissues in a female migratory songbird. The Journal of Experimental Biology
16 (4), S. 784 - 796 (2021)
Highly efficient genome modification of cultured primordial germ cells with lentiviral vectors to generate transgenic songbirds. Stem Cell Reports
43 (8), 2100071 (2021)
The tyranny of phylogeny - A plea for a less dogmatic stance on two-species comparisons. Bioessays
130, 104930 (2021)
The relationship between daily behavior, hormones, and a color dimorphism in a seabird under natural continuous light. Hormones and Behavior
75 (5), S. 1003 - 1010 (2021)
Life history and environment predict variation in testosterone across vertebrates. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution
15, 680530 (2021)
The gene expression profile of the song control nucleus HVC shows sex specificity, hormone responsiveness, and species specificity among songbirds. Frontiers in Neuroscience
60 (1), S. 103 - 107 (2021)
"Müssen wir nicht größer denken?" Nachgedanken zum 2. Braunkehlchen-Symposium. Ornithologischer Anzeiger
60 (1), S. 90 - 94 (2021)
Was zeichnet ein gutes Braunkehlchen-Gebiet aus? Zur Einschätzung der Habitatqualität. Ornithologischer Anzeiger
38 (1), S. 108 - 127 (2021)
An unbiased molecular approach using 3’-UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life. Molecular Biology and Evolution
52 (10), e02722 (2021)
Barred buttonquail males outlive females. Journal of Avian Biology
52 (9), e02703 (2021)
The multifaceted vocal duets of white-browed sparrow weavers are based on complex duetting rules. Journal of Avian Biology
288 (1943), 20202371 (2021)
Coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with alternative reproductive tactics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
127, 104877 (2021)
Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism. Hormones and Behavior
288 (1961), 20211137 (2021)
Embryo movement is more frequent in avian brood parasites than birds with parental reproductive strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
128, 104913 (2021)
Acute aggressive behavior perturbates the oxidative status of a wild bird independently of testosterone and progesterone. Hormones and Behavior
18, 38 (2021)
Natural variation in yolk fatty acids, but not androgens, predicts offspring fitness in a wild bird. Frontiers in Zoology
127 (1), S. 1 - 13 (2021)
The evolution of reversed sex roles and classical polyandry: Insights from coucals and other animals. Ethology
18, 8 (2021)
Neuroendocrine patterns underlying seasonal song and year-round territoriality in male black redstarts. Frontiers in Zoology
162 (4), S. 1163 - 1172 (2021)
Seasonal and diurnal variation of vocal behaviour in duetting White-browed Sparrow Weavers. Journal of Ornithology
181, S. 137 - 149 (2021)
Is female mate choice repeatable across males with nearly identical songs? Animal Behaviour Review Article (1)
Review Article
11 (6), S. 2431 - 2448 (2021)
Geographic patterns in seasonal changes of body mass, skull, and brain size of common shrews. Ecology and Evolution