© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Manfred Gahr

Zeitschriftenartikel (155)

Alcami, P.; Ma, S.; Gahr, M.: Telemetry reveals rapid duel-driven song plasticity in a naturalistic social environment. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Ko, M.-C.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Bakker, A.; Sohnius-Wilhelmi, N.; Alcami, P.; Gahr, M.: From silence to song: Testosterone triggers extensive transcriptional changes in the female canary HVC. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, e13476 (2025)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Smeele, S.; Snijders, M.; Haldar, E.; Carpenter, J.; Zamora, R.; Naguib, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Gahr, M.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Evolution of vocal production learning in parrots. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Loveland, J. L.; Zemella, A.; Jovanović, V. M.; Möller, G.; Sager, C. P.; Bastos, B.; Dyar, K. A.; Fusani, L.; Gahr, M.; Giraldo Deck, L. M. et al.; Goymann, W.; Lank, D. B.; Tokarz, J.; Nowick, K.; Küpper, C.: A single gene orchestrates androgen variation underlying male mating morphs in ruffs. Science 387 (6732), S. 406 - 412 (2025)
Peona, V.; Blom, M. P. K.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Milá, B.; Ashari, H.; Thébaud, C.; Benz, B. W.; Christidis, L.; Gahr, M.; Irestedt, M. et al.; Suh, A.: The hidden structural variability in avian genomes. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Schönhofer, B.; Gahr, M.: Bedeutung und Mechanismen des Vogelgesangs: Inspiration für die Pneumologie. Pneumologie (2025)
Hillebrecht, T.; Korbel, R.; Rinder, M.; Gahr, M.: Circadian corticosterone profile in laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Animals 14 (6), 873 (2024)
Leitao, A.; Gahr, M.: Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (18), e2312323121 (2024)
Lengyel, K.; Rudra, M.; Berghof, T. V. L.; Leitao, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Dittrich, F.; Duda, D.; Klinger, R.; Schleibinger, S.; Sid, H. et al.; Trost, L.; Vikkula, H.; Schusser, B.; Gahr, M.: Unveiling the critical role of androgen receptor signaling in avian sexual development. Nature Communications 15, 8970 (2024)
Monte, A.; Leitao, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; da Matos, R. S.; Trappschuh, M.; da Silva, M. L.; Gahr, M.: Testosterone treatment unveils testosterone-insensitive song in an early-branched hummingbird. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 36 (1), S. 41 - 69 (2024)
Khalil, S.; Enbody, E. D.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Welklin, J. F.; Koch, R. E.; Toomey, M. B.; Sin, S. Y. W.; Edwards, S. V.; Gahr, M.; Schwabl, H. et al.; Webster, M. S.; Karubian, J.: Testosterone coordinates gene expression across different tissues to produce carotenoid-based red ornamentation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (4), msad056 (2023)
Monte, A.; da Silva, M. L.; Gahr, M.: Absence of song suggests heterogeneity of vocal-production learning in hummingbirds. Journal of Ornithology 164 (3), S. 721 - 727 (2023)
Robotka, H.; Thomas, L.; Yu, K.; Wood, W.; Elie, J.E.; Gahr, M.; Theunissen, F. E.: Sparse ensemble neural code for a complete vocal repertoire. Cell Reports 42 (2), 112034 (2023)
Sadanandan, K. R.; Ko, M.-C.; Low, G. W.; Gahr, M.; Edwards, S. V.; Hiller, M.; Sackton, T. B.; Rheindt, F. E.; Sin, S. Y. W.; Baldwin, M. W.: Convergence in hearing-related genes between echolocating birds and mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (43), e23073401 (2023)
Voigt, C.; Gahr, M.; Bennett, N. C.: Differential regulation of Kiss1 gene expression by oestradiol in the hypothalamus of the female Damaraland mole-rat, an induced ovulator. General and Comparative Endocrinology 341, 114334 (2023)
Arnold, F.; Staniszewski, M. S.; Pelzl, L.; Ramenda, C.; Gahr, M.; Hoffmann, S.: Vision and vocal communication guide three-dimensional spatial coordination of zebra finches during wind-tunnel flights. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, S. 1221 - 1230 (2022)
Dudouit, C.; Maury, C.; Bosca, J.; Bakker, A.; Gahr, M.; Aubin, T.; Rybak, F.; Geberzahn, N.: Vocal performance during spontaneous song is equal in male and female European robins. Animal Behaviour 193, S. 193 - 203 (2022)
Ota, N.; Gahr, M.: Context-sensitive dance-vocal displays affect song patterns and partner responses in a socially monogamous songbird. Ethology 128 (1), S. 61 - 69 (2022)
Alcami, P.; Totagera, S.; Sohnius-Wilhelmi, N.; Leitner, S.; Grothe, B.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Gahr, M.: Extensive GJD2 expression in the song motor pathway reveals the extent of electrical synapses in the songbird brain. Biology 10 (11), 1099 (2021)
Gessara, I.; Dittrich, F.; Hertel, M.; Hildebrand, S.; Pfeifer, A.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; McGrew, M.; Gahr, M.: Highly efficient genome modification of cultured primordial germ cells with lentiviral vectors to generate transgenic songbirds. Stem Cell Reports 16 (4), S. 784 - 796 (2021)
Ko, M.-C.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Bakker, A.; Gahr, M.: The gene expression profile of the song control nucleus HVC shows sex specificity, hormone responsiveness, and species specificity among songbirds. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 680530 (2021)
Kuhl, H.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; Bakker, A.; Mayr, G.; Nikolaus, G.; Boerno, S. T.; Klages, S.; Timmermann, B.; Gahr, M.: An unbiased molecular approach using 3’-UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (1), S. 108 - 127 (2021)
Lemazina, A.; Trost, L.; Gahr, M.; Hoffmann, S.: The multifaceted vocal duets of white-browed sparrow weavers are based on complex duetting rules. Journal of Avian Biology 52 (9), e02703 (2021)
Loveland, J. L.; Giraldo Deck, L. M.; Lank, D. B.; Goymann, W.; Gahr, M.; Küpper, C.: Functional differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are associated with alternative reproductive tactics based on an inversion polymorphism. Hormones and Behavior 127, 104877 (2021)
Villavicencio, C. P.; Windley, H.; D'Amelio, P. B.; Gahr, M.; Goymann, W.; Quispe Valdez, R.: Neuroendocrine patterns underlying seasonal song and year-round territoriality in male black redstarts. Frontiers in Zoology 18, 8 (2021)
Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Gahr, M.; Ter Maat, A.: Seasonal and diurnal variation of vocal behaviour in duetting White-browed Sparrow Weavers. Journal of Ornithology 162 (4), S. 1163 - 1172 (2021)
Adreani, M. N.; D'Amelio, P. B.; Gahr, M.; Ter Maat, A.: Life-stage dependent plasticity in the auditory system of a songbird is signal and emitter-specific. Frontiers in Neuroscience 14, 588672 (2020)
Düring, D. N.; Dittrich, F.; Diales da Rocha, M.; Tachibana, R. O.; Mori, C.; Okanoya, K.; Boehringer, R.; Ehret, B.; Grewe, B. F.; Gerber, S. et al.; Ma, S.; Rauch, M.; Paterna, J.-C.; Kasper, R.; Gahr, M.; Hahnloser, R. H. R.: Fast retrograde access to projection neuron circuits underlying vocal learning in songbirds. Cell Reports 33 (6), 108364 (2020)
George, J. M.; Bell, Z. W.; Condliffe, D.; Dohrer, K.; Abaurrea, T.; Spencer, K.; Leitao, A.; Gahr, M.; Hurd, P. J.; Clayton, D. F.: Acute social isolation alters neurogenomic state in songbird forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (38), S. 23311 - 23316 (2020)
Gill, L.; van Schaik, J.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Gahr, M.: Genetic monogamy despite frequent extrapair copulations in "strictly monogamous" wild jackdaws. Behavioral Ecology 31 (1), S. 247 - 260 (2020)
Ko, M.-C.; van Meir, V.; Vellema, M.; Gahr, M.: Characteristics of song, brain-anatomy and blood androgen levels in spontaneously singing female canaries. Hormones and Behavior 117, 104614 (2020)
Kriesell, H. J.; Le Bohec, C.; Cerwenka, A. F.; Hertel, M.; Robin, J.-P.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Gahr, M.; Aubin, T.; Düring, D. N.: Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: Morphological traits of two-voiced sound production. Frontiers in Zoology 17, 5 (2020)
Ma, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Neurotelemetry reveals putative predictive activity in HVC during call-based vocal communications in zebra finches. The Journal of Neuroscience 40 (32), S. 6219 - 6227 (2020)
Monte, A.; Cerwenka, A. F.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Gahr, M.; Düring, D. N.: The hummingbird syrinx morphome: A detailed three-dimensional description of the black jacobin’s vocal organ. BMC Zoology 5 (1), 7 (2020)
Boman, J.; Frankl-Vilches, C.; da Silva dos Santos, M.; de Oliveira, E. H. C.; Gahr, M.; Suh, A.: The genome of blue-capped cordon-bleu uncovers hidden diversity of LTR retrotransposons in zebra finch. Genes 10 (4), 301 (2019)
Diales da Rocha, M.; Düring, D. N.; Bethge, P.; Voigt, F. F.; Hildebrand, S.; Helmchen, F.; Pfeifer, A.; Hahnloser, R. H. R.; Gahr, M.: Tissue clearing and light sheet microscopy: Imaging the unsectioned adult zebra finch brain at cellular resolution. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13, 13 (2019)
Düring, D. N.; Diales da Rocha, M.; Dittrich, F.; Gahr, M.; Hahnloser, R. H. R.: Expansion light sheet microscopy resolves subcellular structures in large portions of the songbird brain. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 13, 2 (2019)
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Duets recorded in the wild reveal that interindividually coordinated motor control enables cooperative behavior. Nature Communications 10, 2577 (2019)
Hoffmann, S.; Trost, L.; Voigt, C.; Leitner, S.; Lemazina, A.; Sagunsky, H.; Abels, M.; Kollmansperger, S.; Ter Maat, A.; Gahr, M.: Die neuronalen Grundlagen von Duettgesang – eine neurophysiologische Freilandstudie. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2019)
Kumar, N.; Lohrentz, A.; Gahr, M.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Steroid receptors and their regulation in avian extraembryonic membranes provide a novel substrate for hormone mediated maternal effects. Scientific Reports 9, 11501 (2019)
Kumar, N.; van Dam, A.; Permentier, H.; van Faassen, M.; Kema, I.; Gahr, M.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Avian yolk androgens are metabolized instead of taken up by the embryo during the first days of incubation. The Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (7), jeb193961 (2019)
Liévin‐Bazin, A.; Pineaux, M.; Le Covec, M.; Gahr, M.; Bovet, D.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Food sharing and affiliation: An experimental and longitudinal study in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus). Ethology 125 (5), S. 276 - 288 (2019)
O'Neill, L.; Picaud, A.; Maehner, J.; Gahr, M.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Two macaw species can learn to solve an optimised two-trap problem, but without functional causal understanding. Behaviour 156 (5-8), S. 691 - 720 (2019)
Vellema, M.; Diales da Rocha, M.; Bascones, S.; Zsebök, S.; Dreier, J.; Leitner, S.; van der Linden, A.; Brewer, J.; Gahr, M.: Accelerated redevelopment of vocal skills is preceded by lasting reorganization of the song motor circuitry. eLife 8, e43194 (2019)
Frankl-Vilches, C.; Gahr, M.: Androgen and estrogen sensitivity of bird song: A comparative view on gene regulatory levels. Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 204 (1), S. 113 - 126 (2018)
Gahr, M.: Vocal communication: Decoding sexy songs. Current Biology 28 (7), S. R315 - R317 (2018)
Kumar, N.; van Faassen, M.; de Vries, B.; Kema, I.; Gahr, M.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Gonadal steroid levels in rock pigeon eggs do not represent adequately maternal allocation. Scientific Reports 8, 11213 (2018)
Kumar, N.; van Faassen, M.; Kema, I.; Gahr, M.; Groothuis, T. G. G.: Early embryonic modification of maternal hormones differs systematically among embryos of different laying order: A study in birds. General and Comparative Endocrinology 269, S. 53 - 59 (2018)
Liévin-Bazin, A.; Pineaux, M.; Clerc, O.; Gahr, M.; von Bayern, A. M. P.; Bovet, D.: Emotional responses to conspecific distress calls are modulated by affiliation in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus). PLoS One 13 (10), e0205314 (2018)
Ota, N.; Gahr, M.; Soma, M.: Couples showing off: Audience promotes both male and female multimodal courtship display in a songbird. Science Advances 4 (10), eaat4779 (2018)
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