© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Jochen B. W. Wolf

Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Catalán, A.; Merondun, J.; Knief, U.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Epigenetic mechanisms of partial dosage compensation in an avian, female heterogametic system. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Krasheninnikova, A.; Smeele, S.; Snijders, M.; Haldar, E.; Carpenter, J.; Zamora, R.; Naguib, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Gahr, M.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Evolution of vocal production learning in parrots. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Merondun, J.; Wolf, J. B. W.: The contribution of epigenetic variation to evolution in crows. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology (2025)
Mueller, S. A.; Merondun, J.; Lečić, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Epigenetic variation in light of population genetic practice. Nature Communications 16, 1028 (2025)
Merondun, J.; Marques, C. I.; Andrade, P.; Meshcheryagina, S.; Galván, I.; Afonso, S.; Alves, J. M.; Araújo, P. M.; Bachurin, G.; Balacco, J. et al.; Bán, M.; Fedrigo, O.; Formenti, G.; Fossøy, F.; Fülöp, A.; Golovatin, M.; Granja, S.; Hewson, C.; Honza, M.; Howe, K.; Larson, G.; Marton, A.; Moskát, C.; Mountcastle, J.; Procházka, P.; Redkin, Y.; Sims, Y.; Šulc, M.; Tracey, A.; Wood, J. M. D.; Jarvis, E. D.; Hauber, M. E.; Carneiro, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoos. Science Advances 10 (17), eadl5255 (2024)
Tusso, S.; Suo, F.; Liang, Y.; Du, L.-L.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Reactivation of transposable elements following hybridization in fission yeast. Genome Research 32, S. 324 - 336 (2022)
Dussex, N.; Kutschera, V. E.; Wiberg, R. A. W.; Parker, D. J.; Hunt, G. R.; Gray, R. D.; Rutherford, K.; Abe, H.; Fleischer, R. C.; Ritchie, M. G. et al.; Rutz, C.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Gemmell, N. J.: A genome-wide investigation of adaptive signatures in protein-coding genes related to tool behaviour in New Caledonian and Hawaiian crows. Molecular Ecology 30 (4), 15775, S. 973 - 986 (2021)
Foote, A. D.; Hooper, R.; Alexander, A.; Baird, R. W.; Baker, C. S.; Ballance, L.; Barlow, J.; Brownlow, A.; Collins, T.; Constantine, R. et al.; Dalla Rosa, L.; Davison, N. J.; Durban, J. W.; Esteban, R.; Excoffier, L.; Martin, S. L. F.; Forney, K. A.; Gerrodette, T.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Guinet, C.; Hanson, M. B.; Li, S. H.; Martin, M. D.; Robertson, K. M.; Samarra, F. I. P.; de Stephanis, R.; Tavares, S. B.; Tixier, P.; Totterdell, J. A.; Wade, P.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Fan, G. Y.; Zhang, Y. L.; Morin, P. A.: Runs of homozygosity in killer whale genomes provide a global record of demographic histories. Molecular Ecology 30 (23), S. 6162 - 6177 (2021)
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Wolf, J. B. W.: A sex chromosome inversion is associated with copy number variation of mitochondrial DNA in zebra finch sperm. Royal Society Open Science 8 (9), 211025 (2021)
Lopes, F.; Oliveira, L. R.; Kessler, A.; Beux, Y.; Crespo, E.; Cardenas-Alayza, S.; Majluf, P.; Sepulveda, M.; Brownell, R. L.; Franco-Trecu, V. et al.; Paez-Rosas, D.; Chaves, J.; Loch, C.; Robertson, B. C.; Acevedo-Whitehouse, K.; Elorriaga-Verplancken, F. R.; Kirkman, S. P.; Peart, C. R.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Bonatto, S. L.: Phylogenomic discordance in the eared seals is best explained by incomplete lineage sorting following explosive radiation in the southern hemisphere. Systematic Biology 70 (4), S. 786 - 802 (2021)
Metzler, D.; Knief, U.; Penalba, J. V.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Assortative mating and epistatic mating-trait architecture induce complex movement of the crow hybrid zone. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 75 (12), S. 3154 - 3174 (2021)
Peart, C. R.; Williams, C.; Pophaly, S. D.; Neely, B. A.; Gulland, F. M. D.; Adams, D. J.; Ng, B. L.; Cheng, W.; Goebel, M. E.; Fedrigo, O. et al.; Haase, B.; Mountcastle, J.; Fungtammasan, A.; Formenti, G.; Collins, J.; Wood, J.; Sims, Y.; Torrance, J.; Tracey, A.; Howe, K.; Rhie, A.; Hoffman, J. I.; Johnson, J.; Jarvis, E. D.; Breen, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Hi-C scaffolded short- and long-read genome assemblies of the California sea lion are broadly consistent for syntenic inference across 45 million years of evolution. Molecular Ecology Resources 21 (7), S. 2455 - 2470 (2021)
Schielzeth, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Community genomics: A community-wide perspective on within-species genetic diversity. American Journal of Botany 108 (11), S. 2108 - 2111 (2021)
Tusso, S.; Nieuwenhuis, B. P. S.; Weissensteiner, B.; Immler, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Experimental evolution of adaptive divergence under varying degrees of gene flow. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (3), S. 338 - 349 (2021)
Knief, U.; Bossu, C. M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Extra-pair paternity as a strategy to reduce the costs of heterospecific reproduction? Insights from the crow hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33 (5), S. 727 - 733 (2020)
Knief, U.; Forstmeier, W.; Pei, Y.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Kempenaers, B.: A test for meiotic drive in hybrids between Australian and Timor zebra finches. Ecology and Evolution 10 (23), S. 13464 - 13475 (2020)
Kutschera, V. E.; Poelstra, J. W.; Botero-Castro, F.; Dussex, N.; Gennnnell, N. J.; Hunt, G. R.; Ritchie, M. G.; Rutz, C.; Wiberg, R. A. W.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Purifying selection in corvids is less efficient on islands. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (2), S. 469 - 474 (2020)
Mugal, C. F.; Kutschera, V. E.; Botero-Castro, F.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Kaj, I.: Polymorphism data assist estimation of the nonsynonymous over synonymous fixation rate ratio omega for closely related species. Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (1), S. 260 - 279 (2020)
Paris, M.; Boyer, R.; Jaenichen, R.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Karageorgi, M.; Green, J.; Cagnon, M.; Parinello, H.; Estoup, A.; Gautier, M. et al.; Gompel, N.; Prud’homme, B.: Near‑chromosome level genome assembly of the fruit pest Drosophila suzukii using long‑read sequencing. Scientific Reports 10, 11227 (2020)
Peart, C. R.; Tusso, S.; Pophaly, S. D.; Botero-Castro, F.; Wu, C. C.; Aurioles-Gamboa, D.; Baird, A. B.; Bickham, J. W.; Forcada, J.; Galimberti, F. et al.; Gemmell, N. J.; Hoffman, J. I.; Kovacs, K. M.; Kunnasranta, M.; Lydersen, C.; Nyman, T.; de Oliveira, L. R.; Orr, A. J.; Sanvito, S.; Valtonen, M.; Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Determinants of genetic variation across eco-evolutionary scales in pinnipeds. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (8), S. 1095 - 1104 (2020)
Penalba, J. V.; Wolf, J. B. W.: From molecules to populations: Appreciating and estimating recombination rate variation. Nature Reviews Genetics 21 (8), S. 476 - 492 (2020)
Weissensteiner, M. H.; Bunikis, I.; Catalan, A.; Francoijs, K. J.; Knief, U.; Heim, W.; Peona, V.; Pophaly, S. D.; Sedlazeck, F. J.; Suh, A. et al.; Warmuth, V. M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Discovery and population genomics of structural variation in a songbird genus. Nature Communications 11, 3403 (2020)
Eisenhauer, N.; Bonkowski, M.; Brose, U.; Buscot, F.; Durka, W.; Ebeling, A.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Hines, J. et al.; Jesch, A.; Lange, M.; Meyer, S.; Roscher, C.; Scheu, S.; Schielzeth, H.; Schloter, M.; Schulz, S.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Wirth, C.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Schmid, B.: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and ecoevolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5, e47042 (2019)
Foote, A. D.; Martin, M. D.; Louis, M.; Pacheco, G.; Robertson, K. M.; Sinding, M. H. S.; Amaral, A. R.; Baird, R. W.; Baker, C. S.; Ballance, L. et al.; Barlow, J.; Brownlow, A.; Collins, T.; Constantine, R.; Dabin, W.; Dalla Rosa, L.; Davison, N. J.; Durban, J. W.; Esteban, R.; Ferguson, S. H.; Gerrodette, T.; Guinet, C.; Hanson, M. B.; Hoggard, W.; Matthews, C. J. D.; Samarra, F. I. P.; de Stephanis, R.; Tavares, S. B.; Tixier, P.; Totterdell, J. A.; Wade, P.; Excoffier, L.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Morin, P. A.: Killer whale genomes reveal a complex history of recurrent admixture and vicariance. Molecular Ecology 28 (14), S. 3427 - 3444 (2019)
Grosser, S.; Sauer, J.; Paijmans, A. J.; Caspers, B. A.; Forcada, J.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Hoffman, J. I.: Fur seal microbiota are shaped by the social and physical environment, show mother-offspring similarities and are associated with host genetic quality. Molecular Ecology 28 (9), S. 2406 - 2422 (2019)
Holtmann, B.; Buskas, J.; Steele, M.; Solokovskis, K.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Dominance relationships and coalitionary aggression against conspecifics in female carrion crows. Scientific Reports 9, 15922 (2019)
Hooper, R.; Brealey, J. C.; van der Valk, T.; Alberdi, A.; Durban, J. W.; Fearnbach, H.; Robertson, K. M.; Baird, R. W.; Hanson, M. B.; Wade, P. et al.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Morin, P. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Foote, A. D.; Guschanski, K.: Host-derived population genomics data provides insights into bacterial and diatom composition of the killer whale skin. Molecular Ecology 28 (2), S. 484 - 502 (2019)
Knief, U.; Bossu, C. M.; Saino, N.; Hansson, B.; Poelstra, J.; Vijay, N.; Weissensteiner, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Epistatic mutations under divergent selection govern phenotypic variation in the crow hybrid zone. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (4), S. 570 - 576 (2019)
Tao, Y. T.; Suo, F.; Tusso, S.; Wang, Y. K.; Huang, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Du, L. L.: Intraspecific diversity of fission yeast mitochondrial genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 11 (8), S. 2312 - 2329 (2019)
Tusso, S.; Nieuwenhuis, B. P. S.; Sedlazeck, F. J.; Davey, J. W.; Jeffares, D. C.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Ancestral admixture is the main determinant of global biodiversity in fission yeast. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (9), S. 1975 - 1989 (2019)
Wu, C. C.; Klaesson, A.; Buskas, J.; Ranefall, P.; Mirzazadeh, R.; Soderberg, O.; Wolf, J. B. W.: In situ quantification of individual mRNA transcripts in melanocytes discloses gene regulation of relevance to speciation. The Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (5), jeb194431 (2019)
Humble, E.; Dasmahapatra, K. K.; Martinez-Barrio, A.; Gregorio, I.; Forcada, J.; Polikeit, A. C.; Goldsworthy, S. D.; Goebel, M. E.; Kalinowski, J.; Wolf, J. B. W. et al.; Hoffman, J. I.: RAD sequencing and a hybrid Antarctic fur seal genome assembly reveal rapidly decaying linkage disequilibrium, global population structure and evidence for inbreeding. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 8 (8), S. 2709 - 2722 (2018)
Nieuwenhuis, B. P. S.; Tusso, S.; Bjerling, P.; Stangberg, J.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Immler, S.: Repeated evolution of self-compatibility for reproductive assurance. Nature Communications 9, 1639 (2018)
Stoffel, M. A.; Humble, E.; Paijmans, A. J.; Acevedo-Whitehouse, K.; Chilvers, B. L.; Dickerson, B.; Galimberti, F.; Gemmell, N. J.; Goldsworthy, S. D.; Nichols, H. J. et al.; Krüger, O.; Negro, S.; Osborne, A.; Pastor, T.; Robertson, B.C.; Sanvito, S.; Schultz, J. K.; Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Hoffman, J. I.: Demographic histories and genetic diversity across pinnipeds are shaped by human exploitation, ecology and life-history. Nature Communications 9, 4836 (2018)
Dutoit, L.; Vijay, N.; Mugal, C. F.; Bossu, C. M.; Burri, R.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Ellegren, H.: Covariation in levels of nucleotide diversity in homologous regions of the avian genome long after completion of lineage sorting. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1849), 20162756 (2017)
Ellegren, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Parallelism in genomic landscapes of differentiation, conserved genomic features and the role of linked selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (8), S. 1516 - 1518 (2017)
Nabholz, B.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Colonisation of subterranean ecosystems leads to larger genome in waterlouse (Aselloidea). Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology, 100029 (2017)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Peart, C. R.; Tusso, S.; Maayan, I.; Brelsford, A.; Wheat, C. W.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Bioinformatic processing of RAD-seq data dramatically impacts downstream population genetic inference. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (8), S. 907 - 917 (2017)
Vijay, N.; Weissensteiner, M.; Burri, R.; Kawakami, T.; Ellegren, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Genomewide patterns of variation in genetic diversity are shared among populations, species and higher-order taxa. Molecular Ecology 26 (16), S. 4284 - 4295 (2017)
Weissensteiner, M. H.; Pang, A. W. C.; Bunikis, I.; Hoijer, I.; Vinnere-Petterson, O.; Suh, A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Combination of short-read, long-read, and optical mapping assemblies reveals large-scale tandem repeat arrays with population genetic implications. Genome Research 27 (5), S. 697 - 708 (2017)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Ellegren, H.: Making sense of genomic islands of differentiation in light of speciation. Nature Reviews Genetics 18 (2), S. 87 - 100 (2017)
Foote, A. D.; Vijay, N.; Avila-Arcos, M. C.; Baird, R. W.; Durban, J. W.; Fumagalli, M.; Gibbs, R. A.; Hanson, M. B.; Korneliussen, T. S.; Martin, M. D. et al.; Robertson, K. M.; Sousa, V. C.; Vieira, F. G.; Vinar, T.; Wade, P.; Worley, K. C.; Excoffier, L.; Morin, P. A.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Genome-culture coevolution promotes rapid divergence of killer whale ecotypes. Nature Communications 7, 11693 (2016)
Humble, E.; Martinez-Barrio, A.; Forcada, J.; Trathan, P. N.; Thorne, M. A. S.; Hoffmann, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Hoffman, J. I.: A draft fur seal genome provides insights into factors affecting SNP validation and how to mitigate them. Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (4), S. 909 - 921 (2016)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Northrup, J. M.; Wikelski, M.; Wittemyer, G.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Forecasting ecological genomics: High-tech animal instrumentation meets high-throughput sequencing. PLoS Biology 14 (1), e1002350 (2016)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Alves, P. C.; Bergstrom, L.; Colling, G.; Dalen, L.; De Meester, L.; Ekblom, R.; Fior, S.; Hajibabaei, M. et al.; Hoezel, A. R.; Hoglund, J.; Jensen, E. L.; Krutzen, M.; Norman, A. J.; Osterling, E. M.; Ouborg, N. J.; Piccolo, J.; Primmer, C. R.; Reed, F. A.; Roumet, M.; Salmona, J.; Schwartz, M. K.; Segelbacher, G.; Thaulow, J.; Valtonen, M.; Vergeer, P.; Weissensteiner, M.; Wheat, C. W.; Vila, C.; Zielinski, P.: Genomics in conservation: Case studies and bridging the gap between data and application. Reply to Garner et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (2), S. 83 - 84 (2016)
Trillmich, F.; Meise, K.; Kalberer, S.; Mueller, B.; Piedrahita, P.; Porschmann, U.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Krüger, O.: On the challenge of interpreting census data: Insights from a study of an endangered pinniped. PLoS One 11 (5), e0154588 (2016)
Vijay, N.; Bossu, C. M.; Poelstra, J. W.; Weissensteiner, M. H.; Suh, A.; Kryukov, A. P.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Evolution of heterogeneous genome differentiation across multiple contact zones in a crow species complex. Nature Communications 7, 13195 (2016)
von Rönn, J. A. C.; Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Disruptive selection without genome-wide evolution across a migratory divide. Molecular Ecology 25 (11), S. 2529 - 2541 (2016)
Camus, M. F.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Morrow, E. H.; Dowling, D. K.: Single nucleotides in the mtDNA sequence modify Mitochondrial molecular function and are associated with Sex-specific effects on fertility and aging. Current Biology 25 (20), S. 2717 - 2722 (2015)
Foote, A. D.; Liu, Y.; Thomas, G. W. C.; Vinař, T.; Alföldi, J.; Deng, J.; Dugan, S.; van Elk, C. E.; Hunter, M. E.; Joshi, V. et al.; Khan, Z.; Kovar, C.; Lee, S. L.; Lindblad-Toh, K.; Mancia, A.; Nielsen, R.; Qin, X.; Qu, J.; Raney, B. J.; Vijay, N.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Hahn, M. W.; Muzny, D. M.; Worley, K. C.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Gibbs, R. A.: Convergent evolution of the genomes of marine mammals. Nature Genetics 47 (3), S. 272 - 275 (2015)
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