© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Ioanna Salvarina

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Salvarina, I.; Gravier, D.; Rothhaupt, K.-O.: Seasonal bat activity related to insect emergence at three temperate lakes. Ecology and Evolution 8 (7), S. 3738 - 3750 (2018)
Salvarina, I.; Koutrakis, E.; Leonardos, I.: Comparative study of feeding behaviour of five Mugilidae species juveniles from two estuarine systems in the North Aegean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98 (2), S. 283 - 297 (2018)
Salvarina, I.; Gravier, D.; Rothhaupt, K.-O.: Seasonal insect emergence from three different temperate lakes. Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters 62, S. 47 - 56 (2017)
Salvarina, I.: Bats and aquatic habitats: A review of habitat use and anthropogenic impacts. Mammal Review 46 (2), S. 131 - 143 (2016)
Pokharel, K.; Yohannes, E.; Salvarina, I.; Storch, I.: Isotopic evidence for dietary niche overlap between barking deer and four-horned antelope in Nepal. Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 22 (1), 6 (2015)
Stergiou, K. I.; Bobori, D. C.; Ekmekçi, F. G.; Gökoğlu, M.; Karachle, P. K.; Minos, G.; Özvarol, Y.; Salvarina, I.; Tarkan, A. S.; Vilizzi, I.: New fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (April, 2014). Mediterranean Marine Science 15 (1), S. 213 - 224 (2014)
Bobori, D. C.; Salvarina, I.; Michaloudi, E.: Fish dietary patterns in the eutrophic Lake Volvi (East Mediterranean). Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 19, S. 139 - 149 (2013)
Lam, M. M.-Y.; Martin-Creuzburg, D.; Rothhaupt, K.-O.; Safi, K.; Yohannes, E.; Salvarina, I.: Tracking diet preferences of bats using stable isotope and fatty acid signatures of faeces. PLoS One 8 (12), e83452 (2013)
Salvarina, I.; Yohannes, E.; Siemers, B. M.; Koselj, K.: Advantages of using fecal samples for stable isotope analysis in bats: Evidence from a triple isotopic experiment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 27 (17), S. 1945 - 1953 (2013)
Bobori, D. C.; Moutopoulos, D. K.; Bekri, M.; Salvarina, I.; Munoz, A. I. P.: Length-weight relationships of freshwater fish species caught in three Greek lakes. Journal of Biological Research Thessaloniki 14, S. 219 - 224 (2010)
Bobori, D. C.; Salvarina, I.: Seasonal variation of fish abundance and biomass in gillnet catches of an East Mediterranean lake: Lake Doirani. Journal of Environmental Biology 31 (6), S. 995 - 1000 (2010)
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