Publikationen von Elizabeth Yohannes
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Zeitschriftenartikel (15)
15, 39 (2018)
Seasonality at the equator: Isotope signatures and hormonal correlates of molt phenology in a non-migratory Amazonian songbird. Frontiers in Zoology 2016
7 (11), e01566 (2016)
Stable isotopes predict reproductive performance of European starlings breeding in anthropogenic environments. Ecosphere 2013
6 (4), S. 307 - 312 (2013)
Nest composition and yolk hormones: Do female European starlings adjust yolk androgens to nest quality? Avian Biology Research
27 (17), S. 1945 - 1953 (2013)
Advantages of using fecal samples for stable isotope analysis in bats: Evidence from a triple isotopic experiment. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2012
154 (4), S. 868 - 873 (2012)
Feather deuterium as an indicator of age-class in the Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos. Ibis 2010
81 (3), S. 273 - 275 (2010)
Using stable isotopes to trace resource acquisition and trophic position in four Afrotropical birds with different diets. Ostrich
41 (5), S. 580 - 590 (2010)
Resource use for reproduction depends on spring arrival time and wintering area in an arctic breeding shorebird. Journal of Avian Biology 2009
150 (2), S. 369 - 381 (2009)
Passerine migration strategies and body mass variation along geographic sectors across East Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula. Journal of Ornithology
40 (2), S. 126 - 134 (2009)
Migration speeds among eleven species of long-distance migrating passerines across Europe, the desert and eastern Africa. Journal of Avian Biology
150 (1), S. 287 - 291 (2009)
Prevalence of malaria and related haemosporidian parasites in two shorebird species with different winter habitat distribution. Journal of Ornithology 2008
149 (2), S. 261 - 265 (2008)
Philopatry of winter moult area in migratory Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus demonstrated by stable isotope profiles. Journal of Ornithology
158 (2), S. 299 - 306 (2008)
Isotope signatures in winter moulted feathers predict malaria prevalence in a breeding avian host. Oecologia 2007
85 (6), S. 703 - 708 (2007)
Establishing elemental turnover in exercising birds using a wind tunnel: Implications for stable isotope tracking of migrants. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie
38 (3), S. 347 - 355 (2007)
Feather stable-isotope profiles reveal stopover habitat selection and site fidelity in nine migratory species moving through sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 2005
36 (3), S. 235 - 241 (2005)
Stable isotope analyses of feathers help identify autumn stopover sites of three long-distance migrants in northeastern Africa. Journal of Avian Biology