Publikationen von J. B. W. Wolf

Zeitschriftenartikel (94)

Jeglinski, J. W. E.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Werner, C.; Costa, D. P.; Trillmich, F.: Differences in foraging ecology align with genetically divergent ecotypes of a highly mobile marine top predator. Oecologia 179 (4), S. 1041 - 1052 (2015)
Lopes, F.; Hoffman, J. I.; Valiati, V. H.; Bonatto, S. L.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Trillmich, F.; Oliveira, L. R.: Fine-scale matrilineal population structure in the Galapagos fur seal and its implications for conservation management. Conservation Genetics 16 (5), S. 1099 - 1113 (2015)
Poelstra, J. W.; Vijay, N.; Hoeppner, M. P.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Transcriptomics of colour patterning and coloration shifts in crows. Molecular Ecology 24 (18), S. 4617 - 4628 (2015)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Gattepaille, L. M.; Stewart, R. E. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Demographic inferences using short-read genomic data in an approximate Bayesian computation framework: In silico evaluation of power, biases and proof of concept in Atlantic walrus. Molecular Ecology 24 (2), S. 328 - 345 (2015)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Alves, P. C.; Bergstrom, L.; Bruford, M. W.; Brannstrom, I.; Colling, G.; Dalen, L.; De Meester, L.; Ekblom, R. et al.; Fawcett, K. D.; Fior, S.; Hajibabaei, M.; Hill, J. A.; Hoezel, A. R.; Hoglund, J.; Jensen, E. L.; Krause, J.; Kristensen, T. N.; Krutzen, M.; McKay, J. K.; Norman, A. J.; Ogden, R.; Osterling, E. M.; Ouborg, N. J.; Piccolo, J.; Popovic, D.; Primmer, C. R.; Reed, F. A.; Roumet, M.; Salmona, J.; Schenekar, T.; Schwartz, M. K.; Segelbacher, G.; Senn, H.; Thaulow, J.; Valtonen, M.; Veale, A.; Vergeer, P.; Vijay, N.; Vila, C.; Weissensteiner, M.; Wennerstrom, L.; Wheat, C. W.; Zielinski, P.: Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30 (2), S. 78 - 87 (2015)
von Rönn, J. A. C.; Harrod, C.; Bensch, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Transcontinental migratory connectivity predicts parasite prevalence in breeding populations of the European barn swallow. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28 (3), S. 535 - 546 (2015)
Weissensteiner, M. H.; Poelstra, J. W.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Low-budget ready-to-fly unmanned aerial vehicles: An effective tool for evaluating the nesting status of canopy-breeding bird species. Journal of Avian Biology 46 (4), S. 425 - 430 (2015)
Ekblom, R.; Wolf, J. B. W.: A field guide to whole-genome sequencing, assembly and annotation. Evolutionary Applications 7 (9), S. 1026 - 1042 (2014)
Krüger, O.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Jonker, R. M.; Hoffman, J. I.; Trillmich, F.: Disentangling the contribution of sexual selection and ecology to the evolution of size dimorphism in pinnipeds. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 68 (5), S. 1485 - 1496 (2014)
Mugal, C. F.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Kaj, I.: Why time matters: Codon evolution and the temporal dynamics of dN/dS. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31 (1), S. 212 - 231 (2014)
Poelstra, J. W.; Vijay, N.; Bossu, C. M.; Lantz, H.; Ryll, B.; Mueller, I.; Baglione, V.; Unneberg, P.; Wikelski, M.; Grabherr, M. G. et al.; Wolf, J. B. W.: The genomic landscape underlying phenotypic integrity in the face of gene flow in crows. Science 344 (6190), S. 1410 - 1414 (2014)
Abbott, R.; Albach, D.; Ansell, S.; Arntzen, J. W.; Baird, S. J. E.; Bierne, N.; Boughman, J.; Brelsford, A.; Buerkle, C. A.; Buggs, R. et al.; Butlin, R. K.; Dieckmann, U.; Eroukhmanoff, F.; Grill, A.; Cahan, S. H.; Hermansen, J. S.; Hewitt, G.; Hudson, A. G.; Jiggins, C.; Jones, J.; Keller, B.; Marczewski, T.; Mallet, J.; Martinez-Rodriguez, P.; Möst, M.; Mullen, S.; Nichols, R.; Nolte, A. W.; Parisod, C.; Pfennig, K.; Rice, A. M.; Ritchie, M. G.; Seifert, B.; Smadja, C. M.; Stelkens, R.; Szymura, J. M.; Väinölä, R.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Zinner, D.: Hybridization and speciation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (2), S. 229 - 246 (2013)
Lenz, T. L.; Mueller, B.; Trillmich, F.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Divergent allele advantage at MHC-DRB through direct and maternal genotypic effects and its consequences for allele pool composition and mating. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1762), 20130714 (2013)
Nabholz, B.; Ellegren, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.: High levels of gene expression explain the strong evolutionary constraint of mitochondrial protein-coding genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30 (2), S. 272 - 284 (2013)
Poelstra, J. W.; Ellegren, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.: An extensive candidate gene approach to speciation: Diversity, divergence and linkage disequilibrium in candidate pigmentation genes across the European crow hybrid zone. Heredity 111 (6), S. 467 - 473 (2013)
Shafer, A. B. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Widespread evidence for incipient ecological speciation: A meta-analysis of isolation-by-ecology. Ecology Letters 16 (7), S. 940 - 950 (2013)
Vijay, N.; Poelstra, J. W.; Künstner, A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Challenges and strategies in transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression quantification. A comprehensive in silico assessment of RNA-seq experiments. Molecular Ecology 22 (3), S. 620 - 634 (2013)
Wolf, J. B. W.: Principles of transcriptome analysis and gene expression quantification: An RNA-seq tutorial. Molecular Ecology Resources 13 (4), S. 559 - 572 (2013)
Ellegren, H.; Smeds, L.; Burri, R.; Olason, P. I.; Backstrom, N.; Kawakami, T.; Künstner, A.; Makinen, H.; Nadachowska-Brzyska, K.; Qvarnstrom, A. et al.; Uebbing, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: The genomic landscape of species divergence in Ficedula flycatchers. Nature 491 (7426), S. 756 - 760 (2012)
Mueller, B.; Porschmann, U.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Trillmich, F.: Growth under uncertainty: The influence of marine variability on early development of Galapagos sea lions. Marine Mammal Science 27 (2), S. 350 - 365 (2011)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Bryk, J.: General lack of global dosage compensation in ZZ/ZW systems? Broadening the perspective with RNA-seq. Biomedcentral Genomics 12, 91 (2011)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Traulsen, A.; James, R.: Exploring the link between genetic relatedness r and social contact structure k in animal social networks. The American Naturalist 177 (1), S. 135 - 142 (2011)
Künstner, A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Backstrom, N.; Whitney, O.; Balakrishnan, C. N.; Day, L.; Edwards, S. V.; Janes, D. E.; Schlinger, B. A.; Wilson, R. K. et al.; Jarvis, E. D.; Warren, W. C.; Ellegren, H.: Comparative genomics based on massive parallel transcriptome sequencing reveals patterns of substitution and selection across 10 bird species. Molecular Ecology 19 (1), S. 266 - 276 (2010)
Mugal, C. F.; Wolf, J. B. W.; von Grünberg, H. H.; Ellegren, H.: Conservation of neutral substitution rate and substitutional asymmetries in mammalian genes. Genome Biology and Evolution 2, S. 19 - 28 (2010)
Nam, K.; Mugal, C.; Nabholz, B.; Schielzeth, H.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Backstrom, N.; Künstner, A.; Balakrishnan, C. N.; Heger, A.; Ponting, C. P. et al.; Clayton, D. F.; Ellegren, H.: Molecular evolution of genes in avian genomes. Genome Biology 11 (6), R68 (2010)
Porschmann, U.; Trillmich, F.; Mueller, B.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Male reproductive success and its behavioural correlates in a polygynous mammal, the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki). Molecular Ecology 19 (12), S. 2574 - 2586 (2010)
Staubach, F.; Teschke, M.; Voolstra, C. R.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Tautz, D.: A test of the neutral model of expression change in natural populations of house mouse subspecies. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 64 (2), S. 549 - 560 (2010)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Bayer, T.; Haubold, B.; Schilhabel, M.; Rosenstiel, P.; Tautz, D.: Nucleotide divergence vs. gene expression differentiation: Comparative transcriptome sequencing in natural isolates from the carrion crow and its hybrid zone with the hooded crow. Molecular Ecology 19 (1), S. 162 - 175 (2010)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Lindell, J.; Backstrom, N.: Speciation genetics: Current status and evolving approaches. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 365 (1547), S. 1717 - 1733 (2010)
Eccard, J. A.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Effects of brood size on multiple-paternity rates: A case for "paternity share" as an offspring-based estimate. Animal Behaviour 78 (2), S. 563 - 571 (2009)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Künstner, A.; Nam, K.; Jakobsson, M.; Ellegren, H.: Nonlinear dynamics of nonsynonymous (d(N)) and synonymous (d(S)) substitution rates affects inference of selection. Genome Biology and Evolution 1, S. 308 - 319 (2009)
Kunc, H. P.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Seasonal changes of vocal rates and their relation to territorial status in male galapagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki). Ethology 114 (4), S. 381 - 388 (2008)
Trillmich, F.; Rea, L.; Castellini, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Age-related changes in hematocrit in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) and the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii). Marine Mammal Science 24 (2), S. 303 - 314 (2008)
Trillmich, F.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Parent-offspring and sibling conflict in Galapagos fur seals and sea lions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62 (3), S. 363 - 375 (2008)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Harrod, C.; Brunner, S.; Salazar, S.; Trillmich, F.; Tautz, D.: Tracing early stages of species differentiation: Ecological, morphological and genetic divergence of Galápagos sea lion populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8, 150 (2008)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Trillmich, F.: Kin in space: Social viscosity in a spatially and genetically substructured network. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 275 (1647), S. 2063 - 2069 (2008)
Hoffman, J. I.; Steinfartz, S.; Wolf, J. B. W.: Ten novel dinucleotide microsatellite loci cloned from the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki) are polymorphic in other pinniped species. Molecular Ecology Notes 7 (1), S. 103 - 105 (2007)
Jehle, R.; Sztatecsny, M.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Whitlock, A.; Hodl, W.; Burke, T.: Genetic dissimilarity predicts paternity in the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris). Biology Letters 3 (5), S. 526 - 528 (2007)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Mawdsley, D.; Trillmich, F.; James, R.: Social structure in a colonial mammal: Unravelling hidden structural layers and their foundations by network analysis. Animal Behaviour 74 (5), S. 1293 - 1302 (2007)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Tautz, D.; Trillmich, F.: Galápagos and Californian sea lions are separate species: Genetic analysis of the genus Zalophus and its implications for conservation management. Frontiers in Zoology 4, 20 (2007)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Trillmich, F.: Beyond habitat requirements: Individual fine-scale site fidelity in a colony of the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) creates conditions for social structuring. Oecologia 152 (3), S. 553 - 567 (2007)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Tautz, D.; Caccone, A.; Steinfartz, S.: Development of new microsatellite loci and evaluation of loci from other pinniped species for the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki). Conservation Genetics 7 (3), S. 461 - 465 (2006)
Wolf, J. B. W.; Kauermann, G.; Trillmich, F.: Males in the shade: Habitat use and sexual segregation in the Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 59 (2), S. 293 - 302 (2005)
Ahad, A.; Wolf, J. B. W.; Nick, P.: Activation-tagged tobacco mutants that are tolerant to antimicrotubular herbicides are cross-resistant to chilling stress. Transgenic Research 12, S. 615 - 629 (2003)
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