Publikationen von Tobias Bonhoeffer

Zeitschriftenartikel (138)

Engert, F.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Dendritic spine changes associated with hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity. Nature 399 (6731), S. 66 - 70 (1999)
Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Eyes wide shut. Nature Neuroscience 2 (12), S. 1043 - 1045 (1999)
Minichiello, L.; Korte, M.; Wolfer, D.; Kuhn, R.; Unsicker, K.; Cestari, V.; Rossi-Arnaud, C.; Lipp, H. P.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Klein, R.: Essential role for TrkB receptors in hippocampus-mediated learning. Neuron 24 (2), S. 401 - 414 (1999)
Sengpiel, F.; Stawinski, P.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Influence of experience on orientation maps in cat visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience 2 (8), S. 727 - 732 (1999)
Yousef, T.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Kim, D. S.; Eysel, U. T.; Toth, E.; Kisvarday, Z. F.: Orientation topography of layer 4 lateral networks revealed by optical imaging in cat visual cortex (area 18). European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 11 (12), S. 4291 - 4308 (1999)
Chapman, B.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Overrepresentation of horizontal and vertical orientation preferences in developing ferret area 17. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95 (5), S. 2609 - 2614 (1998)
Korte, M.; Kang, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Schuman, E. M.: A role for BDNF in the late-phase of hippocampal long-term potentiation. Neuropharmacology 37 (4-5), S. 553 - 559 (1998)
Löwel, S.; Schmidt, K. E.; Kim, D. S.; Wolf, F.; Hoffsummer, F.; Singer, W.; Bonhoeffer, T.: The layout of orientation and ocular dominance domains in area 17 of strabismic cats. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 10 (8), S. 2629 - 2643 (1998)
Sengpiel, F.; Gödecke, I.; Stawinski, P.; Hübener, M.; Löwel, S.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Intrinsic and environmental factors in the development of functional maps in cat visual cortex. Neuropharmacology 37 (4-5), S. 607 - 621 (1998)
Engert, F.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Synapse specificity of long-term potentiation breaks down at short distances. Nature 388 (6639), S. 279 - 284 (1997)
Gödecke, I.; Kim, D. S.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Singer, W.: Development of orientation preference maps in area 18 of kitten visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 9 (8), S. 1754 - 1762 (1997)
Griesbeck, O.; Korte, M.; Gravel, C.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Thoenen, H.: Rapid gene transfer into cultured hippocampal neurons and acute hippocampal slices using adenoviral vectors. Molecular Brain Research 44 (1), S. 171 - 177 (1997)
Hübener, M.; Shoham, D.; Grinvald, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Spatial relationships among three columnar systems in cat area 17. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (23), S. 9270 - 9284 (1997)
Korte, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Activity-dependent synaptic plasticity: A new face of action for neurotrophins. Molecular Psychiatry 2 (3), S. 197 - 199 (1997)
Maldonado, P. E.; Gödecke, I.; Gray, C. M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Orientation selectivity in pinwheel centers in cat striate cortex. Science 276 (5318), S. 1551 - 1555 (1997)
Schmidt, K. E.; Kim, D. S.; Singer, W.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Löwel, S.: Functional specificity of long-range intrinsic and interhemispheric connections in the visual cortex of strabismic cats. The Journal of Neuroscience 17 (14), S. 5480 - 5492 (1997)
Shoham, D.; Hübener, M.; Schulze, S.; Grinvald, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Spatio-temporal frequency domains and their relation to cytochrome oxidase staining in cat visual cortex. Nature 385 (6616), S. 529 - 533 (1997)
Bonhoeffer, T.: Neurotrophins and activity-dependent development of the neocortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6 (1), S. 119 - 126 (1996)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Gödecke, I.: Organization of the visual cortex - Reply. Nature 382 (6589), S. 306 - 307 (1996)
Chapman, B.; Stryker, M. P.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Development of orientation preference maps in ferret primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience 16 (20), S. 6443 - 6453 (1996)
Engert, F.; Paulus, G. G.; Bonhoeffer, T.: A low-cost UV laser for flash photolysis of caged compounds. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 66 (1), S. 47 - 54 (1996)
Gödecke, I.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Development of identical orientation maps for two eyes without common visual experience. Nature 379 (6562), S. 251 - 254 (1996)
Griesbeck, O.; Korte, M.; Staiger, V.; Gravel, C.; Carroll, P.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Thoenen, H.: Combination of gene targeting and gene transfer by adenoviral vectors in the analysis of neurotrophin-mediated neuronal plasticity. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 61, S. 77 - 83 (1996)
Korte, M.; Griesbeck, O.; Gravel, C.; Carroll, P.; Staiger, V.; Thoenen, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Virus-mediated gene transfer into hippocampal CA1 region restores long-term potentiation in brain-derived neurotrophic factor mutant mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (22), S. 12547 - 12552 (1996)
Korte, M.; Staiger, V.; Griesbeck, O.; Thoenen, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.: The involvement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in hippocampal long-term potentiation revealed by gene targeting experiments. Journal of Physiology-Paris 90 (3-4), S. 157 - 164 (1996)
Bonhoeffer, T.: Optical imaging of intrinsic signals as a tool to visualize the functional architecture of adult and developing visual-cortex. Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research 45-1 (3A), S. 351 - 356 (1995)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Kim, D. S.; Malonek, D.; Shoham, D.; Grinvald, A.: Optical imaging of the layout of functional domains in area 17 and across the area 17/18 border in cat visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 7 (9), S. 1973 - 1988 (1995)
Korte, M.; Carroll, P.; Wolf, E.; Brem, G.; Thoenen, H.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Hippocampal long-term potentiation is impaired in mice lacking brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (19), S. 8856 - 8860 (1995)
Kim, D. S.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Reverse occlusion leads to a precise restoration of orientation preference maps in visual cortex. Nature 370 (6488), S. 370 - 372 (1994)
Kisvarday, Z. F.; Kim, D. S.; Eysel, U. T.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Relationship between lateral inhibitory connections and the topography of the orientation map in cat visual cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 6 (10), S. 1619 - 1632 (1994)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Grinvald, A.: The layout of iso-orientation domains in area 18 of cat visual cortex: Optical imaging reveals a pinwheel-like organization. The Journal of Neuroscience 13 (10), S. 4157 - 4180 (1993)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Grinvald, A.: Iso-orientation domains in cat visual cortex are arranged in pinwheel-like patterns. Nature 353 (6343), S. 429 - 431 (1991)
Bolz, J.; Novak, N.; Götz, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Formation of target-specific neuronal projections in organotypic slice cultures from rat visual cortex. Nature 346 (6282), S. 359 - 362 (1990)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Kossel, A.; Bolz, J.; Aertsen, A.: Modified Hebbian rule for synaptic enhancement in the hippocampus and the visual-cortex. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 55, S. 137 - 146 (1990)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Staiger, V.; Aertsen, A.: Synaptic plasticity in rat hippocampal slice cultures: Local "Hebbian" conjunction of pre- and postsynaptic stimulation leads to distributed synaptic enhancement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86 (20), S. 8113 - 8117 (1989)
Caeser, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Bolz, J.: Cellular organization and development of slice cultures from rat visual cortex. Experimental Brain Research 77 (2), S. 234 - 244 (1989)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Staiger, V.: Optical recording with single cell resolution from monolayered slice cultures of rat hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters 92 (3), S. 259 - 264 (1988)
Palm, G.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Parallel processing for associative and neuronal networks. Biological Cybernetics 51 (3), S. 201 - 204 (1984)

Buch (1)

Bonhoeffer, T.; Gruss, P. (Hg.): Zukunft Gehirn: Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Herausforderungen. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. C.H. Beck, München (2011)

Buchkapitel (11)

Bonhoeffer, T.; Caroni, P.: Structural plasticity in dendrites and spines. In: Dendrites, 3. Aufl. Aufl., S. 557 - 579 (Hg. Stuart, G.; Spruston, N.; Häusser, M.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2016)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: Intrinsic optical imaging of functional map development in mammalian visual cortex. In: Imaging in Neuroscience: A Laboratory Manual, S. 633 - 638 (Hg. Helmchen, F.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor (2011)
Korte, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Wie wir uns erinnern: Über Lernen und Gedächtnis. In: Zukunft Gehirn: Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Herausforderungen. Ein Report der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, S. 59 - 82 (Hg. Bonhoeffer, T.; Gruss, P.). C.H. Beck, München (2011)
Bonhoeffer, T.; Hübener, M.: A practical guide: Intrinsic optical imaging of functional map development in mammalian visual cortex. In: Imaging in Neuroscience and Development: A Laboratory Manual, S. 233 - 238 (Hg. Yuste, R.; Konnerth, A.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor (2005)
Hübener, M.; Bonhoeffer, T.: Optical imaging of functional architecture in cat primary visual cortex. In: The cat primary visual cortex, S. 131 - 165 (Hg. Payne, B. R.; Peters, A.). Academic Press, San Diego (2002)
Daw, N.; Ghosh, A.; Oleary, D. D. M.; LaMantia, A. S.; Molnar, Z.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Bolz, J.; Blakemore, C.; Levitt, P.; Rakic, P. et al.; Parnavelas, J. G.; Innocenti, G. M.: Subplate neurons and the patterning of thalamocortical connections - Discussion. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 165 - 172 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
Daw, N.; Oleary, D. D. M.; Kennedy, H.; Molnar, Z.; Levitt, P.; Bolz, J.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Rakic, P.; Jones, E. G.; LaMantia, A. S. et al.; Innocenti, G. M.: Plasticity in development of neocortical areas - Discussion. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 223 - 230 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
Daw, N.; Walsh, C.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Oleary, D. D. M.; Price, J.; LaMantia, A. S.; Blakemore, C.; Molnar, Z.; Bolz, J.; Krubitzer, L. A. et al.; Kennedy, H.; Rakic, P.; Rubenstein, J. L.; Parnavelas, J. G.; Boncinelli, E.; Bartlett, P.: Teleology for tangential migration - General discussion II. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 117 - 123 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
Krubitzer, L. A.; Levitt, P.; Ghosh, A.; Innocenti, G. M.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Bartlett, P.; Price, J.; LaMantia, A. S.; Walsh, C.; Blakemore, C.: Molecular contributions to cerebral cortical specification - Discussion. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 207 - 213 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
Rubenstein, J. L.; Daw, N.; Rakic, P.; Bolz, J.; Innocenti, G. M.; Parnavelas, J. G.; Blakemore, C.; Oleary, D. D. M.; Jones, E. G.; Schmutz, M. et al.; Ghosh, A.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Price, D.: Factors that are critical for plasticity in the visual cortex - Discussion. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 270 - 276 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
Walsh, C.; Bolz, J.; Bonhoeffer, T.; Innocenti, G. M.; Ghosh, A.; Molnar, Z.; Rubenstein, J. L.; Oleary, D. D. M.; Blakemore, C.; LaMantia, A. S. et al.; Maffei, L.; Jones, E. G.: The specificity of interactions between the cortex and the thalamus - Discussion. In: Development of the Cerebral Cortex, Bd. 193, S. 186 - 191 (Hg. Bock, G. R.; Cardew, G.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester (1995)
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