Publikationen von Albertine Leitao
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (10)
121 (18), e2312323121 (2024)
Babbling opens the sensory phase for imitative vocal learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
15, 8970 (2024)
Unveiling the critical role of androgen receptor signaling in avian sexual development. Nature Communications
36 (1), S. 41 - 69 (2024)
Testosterone treatment unveils testosterone-insensitive song in an early-branched hummingbird. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 2020
117 (38), S. 23311 - 23316 (2020)
Acute social isolation alters neurogenomic state in songbird forebrain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015
3, 117 (2015)
Mismatch in sexual dimorphism of developing song and song control system in blue-capped cordon-bleus, a songbird species with singing females and males. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2006
71 (6), S. 1289 - 1296 (2006)
Within-song complexity in a songbird is meaningful to both male and female receivers. Animal Behaviour 2004
35 (3), S. 199 - 203 (2004)
Temporal variation in chaffinch Fringilla coelebs song: Interrelations between the trill and flourish. Journal of Avian Biology 2003
66 (1), S. 161 - 167 (2003)
Are good ornaments bad armaments? Male chaffinch perception of songs with varying flourish length. Animal Behaviour 2000
48 (2), S. 119 - 124 (2000)
Effect of blue tit song syntax on great tit territorial responsiveness – an experimental test of the character shift hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1999
136 (4), S. 481 - 493 (1999)
Geographical variation in blue tit song, the result of an adjustement to vegetation type? Behaviour Buchkapitel (1)
Écologie comportementale: Une approche évolutive du comportement. In: Biologie évolutive, S. 491 - 532 (Hg. Thomas, F.; Lefèvre, T.; Raymond, M.). De Boeck Université, Bruxelles (2010)