Publikationen von Nicole Perfito

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Perfito, N.; Zann, R. A.; Hau, M.; Bentley, G. E.: Seasonal-like variation in song control system volume of wild zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A - Ecological Genetics and Physiology 323 (8), S. 586 - 591 (2015)
Bentley, G. E.; Tucker, S.; Chou, H.; Hau, M.; Perfito, N.: Testicular growth and regression are not correlated with Dio2 expression in a wild male songbird, Sturnus vulgaris, exposed to natural changes in photoperiod. Endocrinology 154 (5), S. 1813 - 1819 (2013)
Perfito, N.; Jeong, S. Y.; Silverin, B.; Calisi, R. M.; Bentley, G. E.; Hau, M.: Anticipating spring: Wild populations of great tits (Parus major) differ in expression of key genes for photoperiodic time measurement. PLoS One 7 (4), e34997 (2012)
Cornelius, J. M.; Perfito, N.; Zann, R.; Breuner, C. W.; Hahn, T. P.: Physiological trade-offs in self-maintenance: Plumage molt and stress physiology in birds. The Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (16), S. 2768 - 2777 (2011)
Perfito, N.; Zann, R. A.; Ubuka, T.; Bentley, G. E.; Hau, M.: Potential roles for GNIH and GNRH-II in reproductive axis regulation of an opportunistically breeding songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 173 (1), S. 20 - 26 (2011)
Perfito, N.: The reproductive and stress physiology of Zebra finches in context: Integrating field and laboratory studies. Emu 110 (3), S. 199 - 208 (2010)
Perfito, N.; Bentley, G. E.: Opportunism, photoperiodism, and puberty: Different mechanisms or variations on a theme? Integrative and Comparative Biology 49 (5), S. 538 - 549 (2009)
Hahn, T. P.; Cornelius, J. M.; Sewall, K. B.; Kelsey, R. T.; Hau, M.; Perfito, N.: Environmental regulation of annual schedules in opportunistically-breeding songbirds: Adaptive specializations, or variations on a theme of white-crowned sparrow? General and Comparative Endocrinology 157 (3), S. 217 - 226 (2008)
Hau, M.; Perfito, N.; Moore, I. T.: Timing of breeding in tropical birds: Mechanisms and evolutionary implications. Ornitologia Neotropical 19 (Suppl.), S. 39 - 59 (2008)
Perfito, N.; Kwong, J.; Bentley, G. E.; Hau, M.: Cue hierarchies and testicular development: Is food a more potent stimulus than day length in an opportunistic breeder (Taeniopygia g. guttata)? Hormones and Behavior 53 (4), S. 567 - 572 (2008)
Perfito, N.; Zann, R. A.; Bentley, G. E.; Hau, M.: Opportunism at work: Habitat predictability affects reproductive strategy in free-living zebra finches. Functional Ecology 21 (2), S. 291 - 301 (2007)
Perfito, N.; Bentley, G. E.; Hau, M.: Tonic activation of brain GnRH immunoreactivity despite reduction of peripheral reproductive parameters in opportunistically breeding zebra finches. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 67 (3), S. 123 - 134 (2006)