Publikationen von Alfredo Sanchez Tojar

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Dunning, J.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Girndt, A.; Burke, T.; Hsu, Y.-H.; Nakagawa, S.; Winney, I.; Schroeder, J.: Extrapair paternity alongside social reproduction increases male lifetime fitness. Animal Behaviour 213, S. 117 - 123 (2024)
Bennett, S.; Girndt, A.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Burke, T.; Simons, M.; Schroeder, J.: Evidence of paternal effects on telomere length increases in early life. Frontiers in Genetics 13, 880455 (2022)
Plaza, M.; Burke, T.; Cox, T.; Flynn-Carroll, A.; Girndt, A.; Halford, G.; Martin, D. A.; Sanchez-Fortun, M.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Somerville, J. et al.; Schroeder, J.: Repeatable social network node‐based metrics across populations and contexts in a passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33 (11), S. 1634 - 1642 (2020)
Girndt, A.; Cockburn, G.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Hertel, M.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Male age and its association with reproductive traits in captive and wild house sparrows. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32 (12), S. 1432 - 1443 (2019)
Sanchez Tojar, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Sanchez-Fortun, M.; Martin, D. A.; Ramani, S.; Girndt, A.; Bókony, V.; Kempenaers, B.; Liker, A.; Westneat, D. F. et al.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Meta-analysis challenges a textbook example of status signalling and demonstrates publication bias. eLife 7, e37385 (2018)
Sanchez Tojar, A.; Schroeder, J.; Farine, D. R.: A practical guide for inferring reliable dominance hierarchies and estimating their uncertainty. Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (3), S. 594 - 608 (2018)
Schroeder, J.; Winney, I.; Bennett, S.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Girndt, A.: The secret life of the Lundy house sparrows. Journal of the Lundy Field Society 6, S. 101 - 104 (2018)
Winney, I.; Schroeder, J.; Nakagawa, S.; Hsu, Y.-H.; Simons, M. J. P.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Mannarelli, M.-E.; Burke, T.: Heritability and social brood effects on personality in juvenile and adult life-history stages in a wild passerine. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31 (1), S. 75 - 87 (2018)
Expósito-Granados, M.; Parejo, D.; Martínez, J. G.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Precioso, M.; Molina-Morales, M.; Avilés, J. M.: An experimental test of host's life history traits modulation in response to cuckoo parasitism risk. PLoS One 12 (6), e0179206 (2017)
Girndt, A.; Cockburn, G.; Sanchez Tojar, A.; Løvlie, H.; Schroeder, J.: Method matters: Experimental evidence for shorter avian sperm in faecal compared to abdominal massage samples. PLoS One 12 (8), e0182853 (2017)
Sanchez Tojar, A.; Winney, I.; Girndt, A.; Simons, M. J. P.; Nakagawa, S.; Burke, T.; Schroeder, J.: Winter territory prospecting is associated with life-history stage but not activity in a passerine. Journal of Avian Biology 48 (3), S. 407 - 416 (2017)
Sanchez Tojar, A.; Parejo, D.; Martínez, J. G.; Rodríguezruiz, J.; Avilés, J. M.: Parentage analyses reveal hidden breeding strategies of European rollers Coracias garrulus. Acta Ornithologica 50 (2), S. 252 - 258 (2015)
Moreno, J.; Martínez, J. G.; González-Braojos, S.; Ruiz-de-Castañeda, R.; Cantarero, A.; Sanchez Tojar, A.: Extra-pair matings, context-dependence and offspring quality: A brood manipulation experiment in pied flycatchers. Behaviour 150 (3-4), S. 359 - 380 (2013)
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