Publikationen von Richard A. Holland

Zeitschriftenartikel (23)

van Toor, M. L.; Arriero, E.; Holland, R. A.; Huttunen, M. J.; Juvaste, R.; Mueller, I.; Thorup, K.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.: Flexibility of habitat use in novel environments: Insights from a translocation experiment with lesser black-backed gulls. Royal Society Open Science 4 (1), 160164 (2017)
Wikelski, M.; Arriero, E.; Gagliardo, A.; Holland, R. A.; Huttunen, M. J.; Juvaste, R.; Mueller, I.; Tertitski, G.; Thorup, K.; Wild, M. et al.; Alanko, M.; Bairlein, F.; Cherenkov, A.; Cameron, A.; Flatz, R.; Hannila, J.; Hüppop, O.; Kangasniemi, M.; Kranstauber, B.; Penttinen, M.-L.; Safi, K.; Semashko, V.; Schmid, H.; Wistbacka, R.: True navigation in migrating gulls requires intact olfactory nerves. Scientific Reports 5, 17061 (2015)
Greif, S.; Borissov, I. M.; Yovel, Y.; Holland, R. A.: A functional role of the sky's polarization pattern for orientation in the greater mouse-eared bat. Nature Communications 5, 4488 (2014)
Holland, R. A.; Helm, B.: A strong magnetic pulse affects the precision of departure direction of naturally migrating adult but not juvenile birds. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 10 (81), 20121047 (2013)
van Toor, M. L.; Hedenström, A.; Waldenström, J.; Fiedler, W.; Holland, R. A.; Thorup, K.; Wikelski, M.: Flexibility of continental navigation and migration in European mallards. PLoS One 8 (8), e72629 (2013)
Karubian, J.; Browne, L.; Bosque, C.; Carlo, T.; Galetti, M.; Loiselle, B. A.; Blake, J. G.; Cabrera, D.; Durães, R.; Labecca, F. M. et al.; Holbrook, K. M.; Holland, R. A.; Jetz, W.; Kümmeth, F.; Olivo, J.; Ottewell, K.; Papadakis, G.; Rivas, G.; Steiger, S. S.; Voirin, B.; Wikelski, M.: Seed dispersal by neotropical birds: Emerging patterns and underlying processes. Ornitologia Neotropical 23 (Suppl.), S. 9 - 24 (2012)
Thorup, K.; Ortvad, T. E.; Holland, R. A.; Rabol, J.; Kristensen, M. W.; Wikelski, M.: Orientation of vagrant birds on the Faroe Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Ornithology 153 (4), S. 1261 - 1265 (2012)
Thorup, K.; Ortvad, T. E.; Rabol, J.; Holland, R. A.; Tottrup, A. P.; Wikelski, M.: Juvenile songbirds compensate for displacement to oceanic islands during autumn migration. PLoS One 6 (3), e17903 (2011)
Holland, R. A.: Differential effects of magnetic pulses on the orientation of naturally migrating birds. Interface: Journal of the Royal Society 7 (52), S. 1617 - 1625 (2010)
Holland, R. A.; Borissov, I. M.; Siemers, B. M.: A nocturnal mammal, the greater mouse-eared bat, calibrates a magnetic compass by the sun. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107 (15), S. 6941 - 6945 (2010)
Thorup, K.; Holland, R. A.; Tottrup, A. P.; Wikelski, M.: Understanding the migratory orientation program of birds: Extending laboratory studies to study free-flying migrants in a natural setting. Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (3), S. 315 - 322 (2010)
Wikelski, M.; Moxley, J.; Eaton-Mordas, A.; Lopez-Uribe, M. M.; Holland, R. A.; Moskowitz, D.; Roubik, D. W.; Kays, R.: Large-range movements of neotropical orchid bees observed via radio telemetry. PLoS One 5 (5), e10738 (2010)
Bisson, I.-A.; Safi, K.; Holland, R. A.: Evidence for repeated independent evolution of migration in the largest family of bats. PLoS One 4 (10), e7504 (2009)
Holland, R. A.; Thorup, K.; Gagliardo, A.; Bisson, I. A.; Knecht, E.; Mizrahi, D.; Wikelski, M.: Testing the role of sensory systems in the migratory heading of a songbird. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (24), S. 4065 - 4071 (2009)
Holland, R. A.; Wikelski, M.: Studying the migratory behavior of individual bats: Current techniques and future directions. Journal of Mammalogy 90 (6), S. 1324 - 1329 (2009)
Holland, R. A.; Wikelski, M.; Kuemmeth, F.; Bosque, C.: The secret life of oilbirds: New insights into the movement ecology of a unique avian frugivore. PLoS One 4 (12), e8264 (2009)
Thorup, K.; Holland, R. A.: The bird GPS - long-range navigation in migrants. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (22), S. 3597 - 3604 (2009)
Holland, R. A.; Kirschvink, J. L.; Doak, T. G.; Wikelski, M.: Bats use magnetite to detect the earth's magnetic field. PLoS One 3 (2), e1676 (2008)
Holland, R. A.; Thorup, K.; Wikelski, M.: Where the wild things go. Biologist (London) 54 (4), S. 214 - 219 (2007)
Holland, R. A.; Wikelski, M.: Orientation and navigation in bats: Known unknowns and unknown unknowns. Bat Research News 48 (4), S. 232 - 233 (2007)
Thorup, K.; Bisson, I.-A.; Bowlin, M. S.; Holland, R. A.; Wingfield, J. C.; Ramenofsky, M.; Wikelski, M.: Evidence for a navigational map stretching across the continental US in a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (46), S. 18115 - 18119 (2007)
Holland, R. A.; Thorup, K.; Vonhof, M. J.; Cochran, W. W.; Wikelski, M.: Bat orientation using Earth's magnetic field. Nature 444 (7120), S. 702 - 702 (2006)
Holland, R. A.; Wikelski, M.; Wilcove, D. S.: How and why do insects migrate? Science 313 (5788), S. 794 - 796 (2006)
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