Publikationen von Marion Muturi
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (3)
9, 2489 (2019)
Seasonal reversible size changes in the braincase and mass of common shrews are flexibly modified by environmental conditions. Scientific Reports 2018
223 (6), S. 2823 - 2840 (2018)
Profound seasonal changes in brain size and architecture in the common shrew. Brain Structure & Function 2013
63 (5), S. 776 - 781 (2013)
Small increases in corticosterone before the breeding season increase parental investment but not fitness in a wild passerine bird. Hormones and Behavior Review Article (1)
Review Article
11 (6), S. 2431 - 2448 (2021)
Geographic patterns in seasonal changes of body mass, skull, and brain size of common shrews. Ecology and Evolution