Publikationen von Eve Udino

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Malkoc, K.; Hau, M.; McWilliams, S.; Sadowska, E. T.; Dzialo, M.; Pierce, B.; Trost, L.; Bauchinger, U.; Udino, E.; Casagrande, S.: Commentary on Thoral et al. (2024) "The relationship between mitochondrial respiration, resting metabolic rate and blood cell count in great tits". Biology Open 13 (11), bio061770 (2024)
Udino, E.; Oscos-Snowball, M. A.; Buchanan, K. L.; Mariette, M. M.: A prenatal acoustic signal of heat reduces a biomarker of chronic stress at adulthood across seasons. Frontiers in Physiology 15, 1348993 (2024)
Udino, E.; Pessato, A.; Addison, B.; Crino, O. L.; Buchanan, K. L.; Mariette, M. M.: Prenatal acoustic signals influence nestling heat shock protein response to heat and heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in a desert bird. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (22), 12194 (2024)
Pessato, A.; Udino, E.; McKechnie, A. E.; Bennett, A. T. D.; Mariette, M. M.: Thermal acclimatisation to heatwave conditions is rapid but sex-specific in wild zebra finches. Scientific Reports 13, 18297 (2023)
Udino, E.; Mariette, M. M.: How to stay cool: Early acoustic and thermal experience alters individual behavioural thermoregulation in the heat. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 818278 (2022)
Koch, R. E.; Buchanan, K. L.; Casagrande, S.; Crino, O.; Dowling, D. K.; Hill, G. E.; Hood, W. R.; McKenzie, M.; Mariette, M. M.; Noble, D. W. A. et al.; Pavlova, A.; Seebacher, F.; Sunnucks, P.; Udino, E.; White, C. R.; Salin, K.; Stier, A.: Integrating mitochondrial aerobic metabolism into ecology and evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36 (4), S. 321 - 332 (2021)
Udino, E.; George, J. M.; McKenzie, M.; Pessato, A.; Crino, O. L.; Buchanan, K. L.; Mariette, M. M.: Prenatal acoustic programming of mitochondrial function for high temperatures in an arid-adapted bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1964), 20211893 (2021)
Mariette, M. M.; Pessato, A.; Buttemer, W. A.; McKechnie, A. E.; Udino, E.; Collins, R. N.; Meillere, A.; Bennett, A. T. D.; Buchanan, K. L.: Parent-embryo acoustic communication: A specialised heat vocalisation allowing embryonic eavesdropping. Scientific Reports 8, 17721 (2018)
Udino, E.; Perez, M.; Carere, C.; d'Ettorre, P.: Active explorers show low learning performance in a social insect. Current Zoology 63 (5), S. 555 - 560 (2017)
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