Publikationen von Anne Peters

Zeitschriftenartikel (88)

Eastwood, J. R.; Dupoué, A.; Delhey, K.; Verhulst, S.; Cockburn, A.; Peters, A.: When does early-life telomere length predict survival? A case study and meta-analysis. Molecular Ecology 32 (11), S. 3000 - 3013 (2023)
Eastwood, J. R.; Dupoué, A.; Verhulst, S.; Cockburn, A.; Peters, A.: Cool, dry nights and short heatwaves during growth result in longer telomeres in temperate songbird nestlings. Molecular Ecology 32 (19), S. 5382 - 5393 (2023)
Nolazco, S.; Delhey, K.; Fan, M.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Roast, M. J.; Teunissen, N.; Peters, A.: Which plumage patches provide information about condition and success in a female fairy-wren? Behavioral Ecology 34 (1), S. 50 - 62 (2023)
Eastwood, J. R.; Connallon, T.; Delhey, K.; Hall, M. L.; Teunissen, N.; Kingma, S. A.; La Porte, A. M.; Verhulst, S.; Peters, A.: Hot and dry conditions predict shorter nestling telomeres in an endangered songbird: Implications for population persistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (25), e2122944119 (2022)
Sheldon, E. L.; Eastwood, J. R.; Teunissen, N.; Roast, M. J.; Aranzamendi, N. H.; Fan, M.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Verhulst, S.; Peters, A.: Telomere dynamics in the first year of life, but not later in life, predict lifespan in a wild bird. Molecular Ecology 31 (23), S. 6008 - 6017 (2022)
Fan, M.; Hall, M. L.; Roast, M.; Peters, A.; Delhey, K.: Variability, heritability and condition-dependence of the multidimensional male colour phenotype in a passerine bird. Heredity 127 (3), S. 300 - 311 (2021)
Nolazco, S.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Delhey, K.; Peters, A.: No evidence for an adaptive role of early molt into breeding plumage in a female fairy wren. Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), S. 411 - 420 (2020)
Prasetya, A. M.; Peters, A.; Delhey, K.: Carotenoid‐based plumage colour saturation increases with temperature in Australian passerines. Journal of Biogeography 47 (12), S. 2671 - 2683 (2020)
Teunissen, N.; Kingma, S. A.; Peters, A.: Nest defence and offspring provisioning in a cooperative bird: Individual subordinates vary in total contribution, but no division of tasks among breeders and subordinates. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74 (7), 94 (2020)
Teunissen, N.; Kingma, S. A.; Peters, A.: Predator defense is shaped by risk, brood value and social group benefits in a cooperative breeder. Behavioral Ecology 31 (3), S. 761 - 771 (2020)
Eastwood, J. R.; Hall, M. L.; Teunissen, N.; Kingma, S. A.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Fan, M.; Roast, M.; Verhulst, S.; Peters, A.: Early‐life telomere length predicts lifespan and lifetime reproductive success in a wild bird. Molecular Ecology 28 (5), S. 1127 - 1137 (2019)
Eastwood, J. R.; Peacock, L.; Hall, M. L.; Roast, M.; Murphy, S. A.; da Silva, A. G.; Peters, A.: Persistent low avian malaria in a tropical species despite high community prevalence. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 8, S. 88 - 93 (2019)
Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; van de Pol, M.; Peters, A.: Rapid plastic breeding response to rain matches peak prey abundance in a tropical savanna bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (11), S. 1799 - 1811 (2019)
McQueen, A.; Kempenaers, B.; Dale, J.; Valcu, M.; Emery, Z. T.; Dey, C. J.; Peters, A.; Delhey, K.: Evolutionary drivers of seasonal plumage colours: Colour change by moult correlates with sexual selection, predation risk and seasonality across passerines. Ecology Letters 22 (11), S. 1838 - 1849 (2019)
Roast, M. J.; Aulsebrook, A. E.; Fan, M.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Teunissen, N.; Peters, A.: Short-term climate variation drives baseline innate immune function and stress in a tropical bird: A reactive scope perspective. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92 (2), S. 140 - 151 (2019)
Fan, M.; Teunissen, N.; Hall, M. L.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Kingma, S. A.; Roast, M.; Delhey, K.; Peters, A.: From ornament to armament or loss of function? Breeding plumage acquisition in a genetically monogamous bird. Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (5), S. 1274 - 1285 (2018)
Teunissen, N.; Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Komdeur, J.; Peters, A.: More than kin: Subordinates foster strong bonds with relatives and potential mates in a social bird. Behavioral Ecology 29 (6), S. 1316 - 1324 (2018)
Brouwer, L.; van de Pol, M.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Bain, G.; Baldassarre, D. T.; Brooker, L. C.; Brooker, M. G.; Colombelli-Négrel, D.; Enbody, E.; Gielow, K. et al.: Multiple hypotheses explain variation in extra-pair paternity at different levels in a single bird family. Molecular Ecology 26 (23), S. 6717 - 6729 (2017)
Delhey, K.; Carrizo, M.; Mahler, B.; Peters, A.: Complex nest decorations of a small brown bird in the Pampas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (7), S. 406 - 407 (2017)
Delhey, K.; Peters, A.: The effect of colour-producing mechanisms on plumage sexual dichromatism in passerines and parrots. Functional Ecology 31 (4), S. 903 - 914 (2017)
Delhey, K.; Szecsenyi, B.; Nakagawa, S.; Peters, A.: Conspicuous plumage colours are highly variable. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1847), 20162593 (2017)
Fan, M.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Mandeltort, L. M.; Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Delhey, K.; Peters, A.: No fitness benefits of early molt in a fairy-wren: Relaxed sexual selection under genetic monogamy? Behavioral Ecology 28 (4), S. 1055 - 1067 (2017)
Medina, I.; Delhey, K.; Peters, A.; Cain, K. E.; Hall, M. L.; Mulder, R. A.; Langmore, N. E.: Habitat structure is linked to the evolution of plumage colour in female, but not male, fairy-wrens. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 35 (2017)
Hidalgo Aranzamendi, N.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Sunnucks, P.; Peters, A.: Incest avoidance, extrapair paternity, and territory quality drive divorce in a year-round territorial bird. Behavioral Ecology 27 (6), S. 1808 - 1819 (2016)
Delhey, K.; Delhey, V.; Kempenaers, B.; Peters, A.: A practical framework to analyze variation in animal colors using visual models. Behavioral Ecology 26 (2), S. 367 - 375 (2015)
Delhey, K.; Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Peters, A.: Increased conspicuousness can explain the match between visual sensitivities and blue plumage colours in fairy-wrens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1750), 20121771 (2013)
Delhey, K.; Smith, J.; Peters, A.: Colour-variable birds have broader ranges, wider niches and are less likely to be threatened. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (7), S. 1559 - 1568 (2013)
Hall, M. L.; Kingma, S. A.; Peters, A.: Male songbird indicates body size with low-pitched advertising songs. PLoS One 8 (2), e56717 (2013)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.: Breeding synchronization facilitates extrapair mating for inbreeding avoidance. Behavioral Ecology 24 (6), S. 1390 - 1397 (2013)
van de Pol, M.; Brouwer, L.; Brooker, L. C.; Brooker, M. G.; Colombelli-Negrel, D.; Hall, M. L.; Langmore, N. E.; Peters, A.; Pruett-Jones, S.; Russell, E. M. et al.: Problems with using large-scale oceanic climate indices to compare climatic sensitivities across populations and species. Ecography 36, S. 249 - 255 (2013)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.: Sperm storage reflects within- and extra-pair mating opportunities in a cooperatively breeding bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66 (8), S. 1115 - 1123 (2012)
Peters, A.; Roberts, M. L.; Kurvers, R. H. J. M.; Delhey, K.: Testosterone treatment can increase circulating carotenoids but does not affect yellow carotenoid-based plumage colour in blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus. Journal of Avian Biology 43 (4), S. 362 - 368 (2012)
Delhey, K.; Carrizo, M.; Verniere, L.; Mahler, B.; Peters, A.: Rejection of brood-parasitic shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis nestlings by the firewood-gatherer Anumbius annumbi? Journal of Avian Biology 42 (5), S. 463 - 467 (2011)
Gardner, J. L.; Peters, A.; Kearney, M. R.; Joseph, L.; Heinsohn, R.: Declining body size: A third universal response to warming? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26 (6), S. 285 - 291 (2011)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.: No evidence for offspring sex-ratio adjustment to social or environmental conditions in cooperatively breeding purple-crowned fairy-wrens. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65 (6), S. 1203 - 1213 (2011)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.: Multiple benefits drive helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding bird: An integrated analysis. American Naturalist 177 (4), S. 486 - 495 (2011)
Langmore, N. E.; Stevens, M.; Maurer, G.; Heinsohn, R.; Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.; Kilner, R. M.: Visual mimicry of host nestlings by cuckoos. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1717), S. 2455 - 2463 (2011)
Peters, A.; Kurvers, R. H. J. M.; Roberts, M. L.; Delhey, K.: No evidence for general condition-dependence of structural plumage colour in blue tits: An experiment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (5), S. 976 - 987 (2011)
Peters, A.; Magdeburg, S.; Delhey, K.: The carotenoid conundrum: Improved nutrition boosts plasma carotenoid levels but not immune benefits of carotenoid supplementation. Oecologia 166 (1), S. 35 - 43 (2011)
Delhey, K.; Burger, C.; Fiedler, W.; Peters, A.: Seasonal changes in colour: A comparison of structural, melanin- and carotenoid-based plumage colours. PLoS One 5 (7), e11582 (2010)
Delhey, K.; Carrizo, M.; Verniere, L. C.; Mahler, B.; Peters, A.: Seasonal variation in reprocuctive output of a neotropical temperate suroscine, the firefood-gatherer (anumbius annumbi). The Auk 127 (1), S. 222 - 231 (2010)
Delhey, K.; Roberts, M. L.; Peters, A.: The carotenoid-continuum: Carotenoid-based plumage ranges from conspicuous to cryptic and back again. BMC Ecology 10, 13 (2010)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Arriero, E.; Peters, A.: Multiple benefits of cooperative breeding in purple-crowned fairy-wrens: A consequence of fidelity? Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (4), S. 757 - 768 (2010)
Kurvers, R. H. J. M.; Delhey, K.; Roberts, M. L.; Peters, A.: No consistent female preference for higher crown UV reflectance in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus: A mate choice experiment. Ibis 152 (2), S. 393 - 396 (2010)
Peters, A.; Klonczinski, E.; Delhey, K.: Fat quill secretion in pigeons: Could it function as a cosmetic? Animal Biology 60 (1), S. 69 - 78 (2010)
Catoni, C.; Peters, A.; Schaefer, H. M.: Dietary flavonoids enhance conspicuousness of a melanin-based trait in male blackcaps but not of the female homologous trait or of sexually monochromatic traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (8), S. 1649 - 1657 (2009)
Hall, M. L.; Peters, A.: Do male paternity guards ensure female fidelity in a duetting fairy-wren? Behavioral Ecology 20 (1), S. 222 - 228 (2009)
Kingma, S. A.; Hall, M. L.; Segelbacher, G.; Peters, A.: Radical loss of an extreme extra-pair mating system. BMC Ecology 9, 15 (2009)
Roberts, M. L.; Peters, A.: Is testosterone immunosuppressive in a condition-dependent manner? An experimental test in blue tits. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212 (12), S. 1811 - 1818 (2009)
Roberts, M. L.; Ras, E.; Peters, A.: Testosterone increases UV reflectance of sexually selected crown plumage in male blue tits. Behavioral Ecology 20 (3), S. 535 - 541 (2009)