© Sue Anne Zollinger/MPIO 2012

Publikationen von Michaela Hau

Zeitschriftenartikel (122)

Elderbrock, E. K.; Brown, G. M.; Dochtermann, N. A.; Galante, H.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Daily activity is repeatable but varies across the breeding season in female great tits. Behavioral Ecology 36 (1), arae106 (2025)
Malkoc, K.; Hau, M.; McWilliams, S.; Sadowska, E. T.; Dzialo, M.; Pierce, B.; Trost, L.; Bauchinger, U.; Udino, E.; Casagrande, S.: Commentary on Thoral et al. (2024) "The relationship between mitochondrial respiration, resting metabolic rate and blood cell count in great tits". Biology Open 13 (11), bio061770 (2024)
Mentesana, L.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Baseline glucocorticoids alone do not predict reproductive success across years, but in interaction with enzymatic antioxidants. Ecology and Evolution 14 (4), e11193 (2024)
Oefele, M.; Hau, M.; Ruuskanen, S.; Casagrande, S.: Mitochondrial function is enhanced by thyroid hormones during zebra finch development. Royal Society Open Science 11 (7), 240417 (2024)
Taff, C. C.; Baldan, D.; Mentesana, L.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Vitousek, M. N.; Hau, M.: Endocrine flexibility can facilitate or constrain the ability to cope with global change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 379 (1898), 20220502 (2024)
Casagrande, S.; Dzialo, M.; Trost, L.; Malkoc, K.; Sadowska, E. T.; Hau, M.; Pierce, B.; McWilliams, S.; Bauchinger, U.: Mitochondrial metabolism in blood more reliably predicts whole-animal energy needs compared to other tissues. iScience 26 (12), 108321 (2023)
Casagrande, S.; Loveland, J. L.; Oefele, M.; Boner, W.; Lupi, S.; Stier, A.; Hau, M.: Dietary nucleotides can prevent glucocorticoid-induced telomere attrition in a fast-growing wild vertebrate. Molecular Ecology 32 (19), S. 5429 - 5447 (2023)
Hau, M.; Deimel, C.; Moiron, M.: Great tits differ in glucocorticoid plasticity in response to spring temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1986), 20221235 (2022)
Malkoc, K.; Mentesana, L.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Quantifying glucocorticoid plasticity using reaction norm approaches: There still is so much to discover! Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (1), S. 58 - 70 (2022)
Mentesana, L.; Hau, M.: Glucocorticoids in a warming world: Do they help birds to cope with high environmental temperatures? Hormones and Behavior 142, 105178 (2022)
Culina, A.; Adriaensen, F.; Bailey, L. D.; Burgess, M. D.; Charmantier, A.; Cole, E. F.; Eeva, T.; Matthysen, E.; Nater, C. R.; Sheldon, B. C. et al.; Sæther, B.; Vriend, S. J. G.; Zajkova, Z.; Adamík, P.; Aplin, L. M.; Angulo, E.; Artemyev, A.; Barba, E.; Barišić, S.; Belda, E.; Bilgin, C. C.; Bleu, J.; Both, C.; Bouwhuis, S.; Branston, C.; Broggi, J.; Burke, T.; Bushuev, A.; Camacho, C.; Campobello, D.; Canal, D.; Cantarero, A.; Caro, S. P.; Cauchoix, M.; Chaine, A.; Cichon, M.; Ćiković, D.; Cusimano, C. A.; Deimel, C.; Dhondt, A. A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dominoni, D. M.; Doutrelant, C.; Drobniak, S. M.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K. E.; Espín, S.; Farine, D. R.; Figuerola, J.; Gülbeyaz, P. K.; Grégoire, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hau, M.; Hegyi, G.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Holtmann, B.; Ilyina, T.; Isaksson, C.; Iserbyt, A.; Ivankina, E.; Kania, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Komdeur, J.; Korsten, P.; Král, M.; Krist, M.; Lambrechts, M.; Lara, C. E.; Leivits, A.; Liker, A.; Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Massemin, S.; Martínez‐Padilla, J.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Mennerat, A.; Moreno, J.; Mouchet, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nilsson, J.; Norte, A. C.; van Oers, K.; Orell, M.; Potti, J.; Quinn, J. L.; Réale, D.; Reiertsen, T. K.; Rosivall, B.; Russel, A. F.; Rytkönen, S.; Sánchez‐Virosta, P.; Santos, E. S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Senar, J. C.; Seress, G.; Slagsvold, T.; Szulkin, M.; Teplitsky, C.; Tilgar, V.; Tolstoguzov, A.; Török, J.; Valcu, M.; Vatka, E.; Verhulst, S.; Watson, H.; Yuta, T.; Zamora‐Marín, J. M.; Visser, M. E.: Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), S. 2147 - 2160 (2021)
Elderbrock, E. K.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Sex steroids modulate circadian behavioral rhythms in captive animals, but does this matter in the wild? Hormones and Behavior 128, 104900 (2021)
Greives, T. J.; Eshleman, M.; Galante, H.; Elderbrock, E. K.; Deimel, C.; Hau, M.: Early nighttime testosterone peaks are correlated with GnRH-induced testosterone in a diurnal songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 312, 113861 (2021)
Husak, J. F.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Johnson, M. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.: Life history and environment predict variation in testosterone across vertebrates. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 75 (5), S. 1003 - 1010 (2021)
Malkoc, K.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Inferring whole-organism metabolic rate from red blood cells in birds. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 691633 (2021)
Mentesana, L.; Andersson, M. N.; Casagrande, S.; Goymann, W.; Isaksson, C.; Hau, M.: Natural variation in yolk fatty acids, but not androgens, predicts offspring fitness in a wild bird. Frontiers in Zoology 18, 38 (2021)
Casagrande, S.; Stier, A.; Monaghan, P.; Loveland, J. L.; Boner, W.; Lupi, S.; Trevisi, R.; Hau, M.: Increased glucocorticoid concentrations in early life cause mitochondrial inefficiency and short telomeres. The Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (15), jeb222513 (2020)
Injaian, A. S.; Francis, C. D.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Dominoni, D. M.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A. et al.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.; Vitousek, M. N.: Baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels across birds and reptiles do not reflect urbanization levels. Conservation Physiology 8 (1), coz110 (2020)
Norte, A. C.; Margos, G.; Becker, N. S.; Ramos, J. A.; Núncio, M. S.; Fingerle, V.; Araújo, P. M.; Adamík, P.; Alivizatos, H.; Barba, E. et al.; Barrientos, R.; Cauchard, L.; Csörgö, T.; Diakou, A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dubiec, A.; Eeva, T.; Flaisz, B.; Grim, T.; Hau, M.; Heylen, D.; Hornok, S.; Kazantzidis, S.; Kováts, D.; Krause, F.; Literak, I.; Mänd, R.; Mentesana, L.; Morinay, J.; Mutanen, M.; Neto, J. M.; Nováková, M.; Sanz, J. J.; da Silva, L. P.; Sprong, H.; Tirri, I.; Török, J.; Trilar, T.; Tyller, Z.; Visser, M. E.; de Carvalho, I. L.: Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick‐borne bacterial pathogen. Molecular Ecology 29 (3), S. 485 - 501 (2020)
Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Telomere attrition: Metabolic regulation and signalling function? Biology Letters 15 (3), 20180885 (2019)
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Gómez-Díaz, E.; Verhulst, S.: Developmental conditions modulate DNA methylation at the glucocorticoid receptor gene with cascading effects on expression and corticosterone levels in zebra finches. Scientific Reports 9, 15869 (2019)
Mentesana, L.; Isaksson, C.; Goymann, W.; Andersson, M. N.; Trappschuh, M.; Hau, M.: Female variation in allocation of steroid hormones, antioxidants and fatty acids: A multilevel analysis in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Avian Biology 50 (1), e01859 (2019)
Vitousek, M. N.; Johnson, M. A.; Downs, C. J.; Miller, E. T.; Martin, L. B.; Francis, C. D.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M. et al.; Husak, J. F.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.: Macroevolutionary patterning in glucocorticoids suggests different selective pressures shape baseline and stress-induced levels. American Naturalist 193 (6), S. 866 - 880 (2019)
Casagrande, S.; Garamszegi, L. Z.; Goymann, W.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.; Hau, M.: Do seasonal glucocorticoid changes depend on reproductive investment? A comparative approach in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), S. 739 - 750 (2018)
Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Enzymatic antioxidants but not baseline glucocorticoids mediate the reproduction-survival trade-off in a wild bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1892), 2018.2141 (2018)
Francis, C. D.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Martin, L. B. et al.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.; Downs, C. J.: Metabolic scaling of stress hormones in vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), S. 729 - 738 (2018)
Garamszegi, L. Z.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.: Species-specific means and within-species variance in glucocorticoid hormones and speciation rates in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), S. 763 - 776 (2018)
Jimeno, B.; Briga, M.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Male but not female zebra finches with high plasma corticosterone have lower survival. Functional Ecology 32 (3), S. 713 - 721 (2018)
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of "stress". Scientific Reports 8, 13020 (2018)
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Glucocorticoid–temperature association is shaped by foraging costs in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (23), jeb187880 (2018)
Martin, L. B.; Vitousek, M. N.; Donald, J. W.; Flock, T.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K. et al.; Knapp, R.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.; Francis, C. D.: IUCN conservation status does not predict glucocorticoid concentrations in reptiles and birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), S. 800 - 813 (2018)
Torres-Medina, F.; Cabezas, S.; Marchant, T. A.; Wikelski, M.; Romero, L. M.; Hau, M.; Carrete, M.; Tella, J. L.; Blas, J.: Corticosterone implants produce stress-hyporesponsive birds. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (19), jeb173864 (2018)
Vitousek, M. N.; Johnson, M. A.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Uehling, J. J.; Williams, T. D.: Data Descriptor: HormoneBase, a population-level database of steroid hormone levels across vertebrates. Scientific Data 5, 180097 (2018)
Wingfield, J. C.; Hau, M.; Boersma, P. D.; Romero, L. M.; Hillgarth, N.; Ramenofsky, M.; Wrege, P.; Scheibling, R.; Kelley, J. P.; Walker, B. et al.; Wikelski, M.: Effects of El Niño and La Niña Southern Oscillation events on the adrenocortical responses to stress in birds of the Galapagos Islands. General and Comparative Endocrinology 259, S. 20 - 33 (2018)
Baugh, A. T.; Davidson, S. C.; Hau, M.; van Oers, K.: Temporal dynamics of the HPA axis linked to exploratory behavior in a wild European songbird (Parus major). General and Comparative Endocrinology 250, S. 104 - 112 (2017)
Baugh, A. T.; Senft, R. A.; Firke, M.; Lauder, A.; Schroeder, J.; Meddle, S. L.; van Oers, K.; Hau, M.: Risk-averse personalities have a systemically potentiated neuroendocrine stress axis: A multilevel experiment in Parus major. Hormones and Behavior 93, S. 99 - 108 (2017)
Baugh, A. T.; Witonsky, K. R.; Davidson, S. C.; Hyder, L.; Hau, M.; van Oers, K.: Novelty induces behavioural and glucocorticoid responses in a songbird artificially selected for divergent personalities. Animal Behaviour 130, S. 221 - 231 (2017)
Graham, J. L.; Cook, N. J.; Needham, K. B.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Early to rise, early to breed: A role for daily rhythms in seasonal reproduction. Behavioral Ecology 28 (5), S. 1266 - 1271 (2017)
Hau, M.; Dominoni, D. M.; Casagrande, S.; Buck, C. L.; Wagner, G.; Hazlerigg, D. G.; Greives, T. J.; Hut, R. A.: Timing as a sexually selected trait: The right mate at the right moment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1734), 20160249 (2017)
Jimeno, B.; Briga, M.; Verhulst, S.; Hau, M.: Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions. Hormones and Behavior 93, S. 175 - 183 (2017)
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Strong association between corticosterone and temperature dependent metabolic rate in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (23), S. 4426 - 4431 (2017)
van der Veen, D. R.; Riede, S. J.; Heideman, P. D.; Hau, M.; van der Vinne, V.; Hut, R. A.: Flexible clock systems: Adjusting the temporal programme. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1734), 20160254 (2017)
Hau, M.; Casagrande, S.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Baugh, A. T.: Glucocorticoid-mediated phenotypes in vertebrates: Multilevel variation and evolution. Advances in the Study of Behavior 48, S. 41 - 115 (2016)
Laine, V. N.; Gossmann, T. I.; Schachtschneider, K. M.; Garroway, C. J.; Madsen, O.; Verhoeven, K. J. F.; de Jager, V.; Megens, H.-J.; Warren, W. C.; Minx, P. et al.; Crooijmans, R. P. M. A.; Corcoran, P.; Adriaensen, F.; Belda, E.; Bushuev, A.; Cichon, M.; Charmantier, A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Eeva, T.; Erikstad, K. E.; Fedorov, S.; Hau, M.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Krist, M.; Mänd, R.; Matthysen, E.; Nager, R.; Norte, A. C.; Orell, M.; Richner, H.; Slagsvold, T.; Tilgar, V.; Tinbergen, J. M.; Török, J.; Tschirren, B.; Yuta, T.; Sheldon, B. C.; Slate, J.; Zeng, K.; van Oers, K.; Visser, M. E.; Groenen, M. A. M.: Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome. Nature Communications 7, 10474 (2016)
Spoelstra, K.; Wikelski, M.; Daan, S.; Loudon, A. S. I.; Hau, M.: Natural selection against a circadian clock gene mutation in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (3), S. 686 - 691 (2016)
Greives, T. J.; Kingma, S. A.; Kranstauber, B.; Mortega, K. G.; Wikelski, M.; van Oers, K.; Mateman, A. C.; Ferguson, G. A.; Beltrami, G.; Hau, M.: Costs of sleeping in: Circadian rhythms influence cuckoldry risk in a songbird. Functional Ecology 29 (10), S. 1300 - 1307 (2015)
Hau, M.; Goymann, W.: Endocrine mechanisms, behavioral phenotypes and plasticity: Known relationships and open questions. Frontiers in Zoology 12 (Suppl. 1), S7 (2015)
Hau, M.; Haussmann, M. F.; Greives, T. J.; Matlack, C.; Costantini, D.; Quetting, M.; Adelman, J. S.; Miranda, A. C.; Partecke, J.: Repeated stressors in adulthood increase the rate of biological ageing. Frontiers in Zoology 12, 4 (2015)
Ouyang, J. Q.; de Jong, M.; Hau, M.; Visser, M. E.; van Grunsven, R. H. A.; Spoelstra, K.: Stressful colours: Corticosterone concentrations in a free-living songbird vary with the spectral composition of experimental illumination. Biology Letters 11 (8), 20150517 (2015)
Perfito, N.; Zann, R. A.; Hau, M.; Bentley, G. E.: Seasonal-like variation in song control system volume of wild zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A - Ecological Genetics and Physiology 323 (8), S. 586 - 591 (2015)
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