Events for the general public

Public events

The Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence regularly hosts events for the general public. The Open Day or the lectures in the series "Was Wissen schafft" (Science for everyone) offer scientifically interested visitors the opportunity to gain insights into the institute's research. The hands-on laboratory MaxLab provides visitors with the opportunity to slip into a lab coat themselves.

Lecture Series: What Knowledge accomplishes
In this lecture series for the general public, scientists from the MPI for Biological Intelligence, the MPI of Biochemistry, and the LMU Biocenter and Biomedical Center inform about their current research. (Further information and talks in German) more
MaxLab: Hands-on lab for students and visitors
With its wide range of courses, the MaxLab offers laboratory experiences for school classes, individual students of different ages, and groups of guests from other backgrounds more
Open Day - October 25, 2025 in Martinsried
Together, the MPI for Biological Intelligence and the MPI of Biochemistry open their doors in Martinsried. At the Seewiesen site, visitors can regularly gain insight into current research topics. (Further information in German) more
Girls’ and Boys’ Day
For the nationwide Boys' and Girls' Day, the MPI for Biological Intelligence and the MPI of Biochemistry regularly invite boys and girls in 8th - 10th grade for a visit. (Further information in German) more




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