Illustration of two speech bubbles, various special characters, a fountain pen and a cell phone

Communications and Graphics (PR Office)

Listening, asking questions, providing straightforward explanations - science communication is much more than just passing on information. We use and develop a wide variety of formats and channels to make our research, but also the spirit of our institute, more tangible. A task as diverse as the people we communicate for.

The team of Communication (PR) & Graphics is your central contact for all questions regarding the institute and its scientific work. In case you are looking for answers to specific questions, seek general information, or search for contact details of scientific experts - please do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help you.

We regularly summarize current research results as news for the public and provide information on events and other activities. This information is found on our website, or you can register for our (German) e-mail notifications of public events and lectures. If you would like us to add your contact to our press distribution list, please let us know.

As a service group of the institute, we not only cater to the public outside the institute, but of course first and foremost to our employees. Our team supports all members of the institute in their public outreach and communication of their research.

Examples of research communications

Max Planck goes Superbloom

Max Planck goes Superbloom

October 09, 2023
So much fun is science and its communication! more
An info board showing text and pictures of a researcher and a bird is standing underneath cherry trees in blossom in front of a building.
New walkaround at the Campus Martinsried provides exciting insights into research and everyday life at the institutes more
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