Fluorescence microscope image featuring individual cell as bright green dots and blue lines.

Imaging Facility

Our Imaging Facility supports scientists from both of the institute’s locations, Seewiesen and Martinsried. We help design experiments including the choice of fluorophores, clearing method, image modality and possible processing and analysis pipeline. We provide theoretical and practical trainings to students and postdocs. Furthermore, we assist in designing and purchasing commercially-available microscopes as well building complex prototypes and optical setups ranging from multi-photon microscopes to behavioral arenas.

Our instruments

For staff: Detailed information on all equipment is found in our MAX intranet

Olympus FV1000 with tunable MaiTai DeepSee laser unit (upright)

Olympus FV1000 with tunable MaiTai DeepSee laser unit (upright)

This microscope has a tunable femptosecond Ti:Sapphire laser and can host whole animals (e.g. Drosophila or zebrafish) as well as brain slices for functional or structural in-vivo studies.
Miltenyi Biotec Ultramicroscope II

Miltenyi Biotec Ultramicroscope II

This is a lighsheet microscope with a large chamber which can hold whole brains or small animals. It is equipped with many laser lines as well as magnification objectives ranging from 1x to 12x
STED STEDYCON microscope (upright)

STED STEDYCON microscope (upright)

This microscope can achieve superresolution imaging and is equipped with 488, 561, 633 nm lasers as well as a 775 nm STED beam.
Selection of optical and electronic devices.

Other optical devices

We also have a digital spectrometer for testing the absorption and emission spectra of fluorescent dyes, cleaning equipment for optics, an infrared viewer, a digital refractometer to measure the refractive index of fluids, and a variety of power meter and sensors. Feel free to reach out to us to borrow these devices!
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