Publications of Peter Berthold

Conference Paper (24)

Conference Paper
Heim, M.; Berthold, P.; Kösters, J.; Gerlach, H.: Die aerobe Darmflora von freilebenden und in Gefangenschaft gehaltenen Mönchsgrasmücken (Sylvia atricapilla). In: Proceedings of the European Symposium Vogelziekten, pp. 154 - 163 (Ed. Nederlandse Vereniging van Dierenartsen voor Duiven). Europees Symposium Vogelziekten, Beerse, Belgium, March 05, 1987 - March 06, 1987. Amerongen (1987)
Conference Paper
Berthold, P.: Endogenous components of annual cycles of migration and moult. In: Acta XVIII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Vol. 2, pp. 922 - 929 (Eds. Ilyichev, V. D.; Gavrilov, V. M.). XVIII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Moscow, August 16, 1982 - August 24, 1982. Nauka, Moscow (1985)
Conference Paper
Aschoff, J.; Berthold, P.; Gwinner, E.; Pohl, H.; von Saint Paul, U.: Biological clocks in birds. In: Acta XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, pp. 113 - 136 (Ed. Nöhring, R.). XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Berlin, June 05, 1978 - June 11, 1978. Verlag der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Berlin (1980)
Conference Paper
Berthold, P.: Die endogene Steuerung der Jahresperiodik: Eine kurze Übersicht. In: Acta XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, pp. 473 - 478 (Ed. Nöhring, R.). XVII Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici, Berlin, June 05, 1978 - June 11, 1978. Verlag der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Berlin (1980)
Conference Paper
Berthold, P.: Concept of endogenous control of migration in warblers. In: Animal Migration, Navigation, and Homing, pp. 275 - 282 (Eds. Schmidt-Koenig, K.; Keeton, W. T.). Animal Migration, Navigation, and Homing, Tübingen, August 17, 1977 - August 20, 1977. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1978)
Conference Paper
Berthold, P.: Dependence of timing and pattern of annual events on the date of birth in birds. In: Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Vol. IX, p. 623. XXV. International Congress of Physiological Sciences, München, July 25, 1971 - July 31, 1971. Lehmanns, München (1971)

Report (1)

Bauer, H.-G.; Berthold, P.; Boye, P.; Knief, W.; Südbeck, P.; Witt, K.: Liste der Brutvogelarten Deutschlands mit Bestands- und Trendangaben für 1989-1999. (2004)