Publications of Michaela Hau

Journal Article (122)

Journal Article
Elderbrock, E. K.; Brown, G. M.; Dochtermann, N. A.; Galante, H.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Daily activity is repeatable but varies across the breeding season in female great tits. Behavioral Ecology 36 (1), arae106 (2025)
Journal Article
Malkoc, K.; Hau, M.; McWilliams, S.; Sadowska, E. T.; Dzialo, M.; Pierce, B.; Trost, L.; Bauchinger, U.; Udino, E.; Casagrande, S.: Commentary on Thoral et al. (2024) "The relationship between mitochondrial respiration, resting metabolic rate and blood cell count in great tits". Biology Open 13 (11), bio061770 (2024)
Journal Article
Mentesana, L.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Baseline glucocorticoids alone do not predict reproductive success across years, but in interaction with enzymatic antioxidants. Ecology and Evolution 14 (4), e11193 (2024)
Journal Article
Oefele, M.; Hau, M.; Ruuskanen, S.; Casagrande, S.: Mitochondrial function is enhanced by thyroid hormones during zebra finch development. Royal Society Open Science 11 (7), 240417 (2024)
Journal Article
Taff, C. C.; Baldan, D.; Mentesana, L.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Vitousek, M. N.; Hau, M.: Endocrine flexibility can facilitate or constrain the ability to cope with global change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 379 (1898), 20220502 (2024)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Dzialo, M.; Trost, L.; Malkoc, K.; Sadowska, E. T.; Hau, M.; Pierce, B.; McWilliams, S.; Bauchinger, U.: Mitochondrial metabolism in blood more reliably predicts whole-animal energy needs compared to other tissues. iScience 26 (12), 108321 (2023)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Loveland, J. L.; Oefele, M.; Boner, W.; Lupi, S.; Stier, A.; Hau, M.: Dietary nucleotides can prevent glucocorticoid-induced telomere attrition in a fast-growing wild vertebrate. Molecular Ecology 32 (19), pp. 5429 - 5447 (2023)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Deimel, C.; Moiron, M.: Great tits differ in glucocorticoid plasticity in response to spring temperature. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1986), 20221235 (2022)
Journal Article
Malkoc, K.; Mentesana, L.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Quantifying glucocorticoid plasticity using reaction norm approaches: There still is so much to discover! Integrative and Comparative Biology 62 (1), pp. 58 - 70 (2022)
Journal Article
Mentesana, L.; Hau, M.: Glucocorticoids in a warming world: Do they help birds to cope with high environmental temperatures? Hormones and Behavior 142, 105178 (2022)
Journal Article
Culina, A.; Adriaensen, F.; Bailey, L. D.; Burgess, M. D.; Charmantier, A.; Cole, E. F.; Eeva, T.; Matthysen, E.; Nater, C. R.; Sheldon, B. C. et al.; Sæther, B.; Vriend, S. J. G.; Zajkova, Z.; Adamík, P.; Aplin, L. M.; Angulo, E.; Artemyev, A.; Barba, E.; Barišić, S.; Belda, E.; Bilgin, C. C.; Bleu, J.; Both, C.; Bouwhuis, S.; Branston, C.; Broggi, J.; Burke, T.; Bushuev, A.; Camacho, C.; Campobello, D.; Canal, D.; Cantarero, A.; Caro, S. P.; Cauchoix, M.; Chaine, A.; Cichon, M.; Ćiković, D.; Cusimano, C. A.; Deimel, C.; Dhondt, A. A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dominoni, D. M.; Doutrelant, C.; Drobniak, S. M.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K. E.; Espín, S.; Farine, D. R.; Figuerola, J.; Gülbeyaz, P. K.; Grégoire, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hau, M.; Hegyi, G.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Holtmann, B.; Ilyina, T.; Isaksson, C.; Iserbyt, A.; Ivankina, E.; Kania, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Komdeur, J.; Korsten, P.; Král, M.; Krist, M.; Lambrechts, M.; Lara, C. E.; Leivits, A.; Liker, A.; Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Massemin, S.; Martínez‐Padilla, J.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Mennerat, A.; Moreno, J.; Mouchet, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nilsson, J.; Norte, A. C.; van Oers, K.; Orell, M.; Potti, J.; Quinn, J. L.; Réale, D.; Reiertsen, T. K.; Rosivall, B.; Russel, A. F.; Rytkönen, S.; Sánchez‐Virosta, P.; Santos, E. S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Senar, J. C.; Seress, G.; Slagsvold, T.; Szulkin, M.; Teplitsky, C.; Tilgar, V.; Tolstoguzov, A.; Török, J.; Valcu, M.; Vatka, E.; Verhulst, S.; Watson, H.; Yuta, T.; Zamora‐Marín, J. M.; Visser, M. E.: Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), pp. 2147 - 2160 (2021)
Journal Article
Elderbrock, E. K.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Sex steroids modulate circadian behavioral rhythms in captive animals, but does this matter in the wild? Hormones and Behavior 128, 104900 (2021)
Journal Article
Greives, T. J.; Eshleman, M.; Galante, H.; Elderbrock, E. K.; Deimel, C.; Hau, M.: Early nighttime testosterone peaks are correlated with GnRH-induced testosterone in a diurnal songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 312, 113861 (2021)
Journal Article
Husak, J. F.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Johnson, M. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.: Life history and environment predict variation in testosterone across vertebrates. Evolution: International journal of organic evolution 75 (5), pp. 1003 - 1010 (2021)
Journal Article
Malkoc, K.; Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Inferring whole-organism metabolic rate from red blood cells in birds. Frontiers in Physiology 12, 691633 (2021)
Journal Article
Mentesana, L.; Andersson, M. N.; Casagrande, S.; Goymann, W.; Isaksson, C.; Hau, M.: Natural variation in yolk fatty acids, but not androgens, predicts offspring fitness in a wild bird. Frontiers in Zoology 18, 38 (2021)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Stier, A.; Monaghan, P.; Loveland, J. L.; Boner, W.; Lupi, S.; Trevisi, R.; Hau, M.: Increased glucocorticoid concentrations in early life cause mitochondrial inefficiency and short telomeres. The Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (15), jeb222513 (2020)
Journal Article
Injaian, A. S.; Francis, C. D.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Dominoni, D. M.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A. et al.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.; Vitousek, M. N.: Baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels across birds and reptiles do not reflect urbanization levels. Conservation Physiology 8 (1), coz110 (2020)
Journal Article
Norte, A. C.; Margos, G.; Becker, N. S.; Ramos, J. A.; Núncio, M. S.; Fingerle, V.; Araújo, P. M.; Adamík, P.; Alivizatos, H.; Barba, E. et al.; Barrientos, R.; Cauchard, L.; Csörgö, T.; Diakou, A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dubiec, A.; Eeva, T.; Flaisz, B.; Grim, T.; Hau, M.; Heylen, D.; Hornok, S.; Kazantzidis, S.; Kováts, D.; Krause, F.; Literak, I.; Mänd, R.; Mentesana, L.; Morinay, J.; Mutanen, M.; Neto, J. M.; Nováková, M.; Sanz, J. J.; da Silva, L. P.; Sprong, H.; Tirri, I.; Török, J.; Trilar, T.; Tyller, Z.; Visser, M. E.; de Carvalho, I. L.: Host dispersal shapes the population structure of a tick‐borne bacterial pathogen. Molecular Ecology 29 (3), pp. 485 - 501 (2020)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Telomere attrition: Metabolic regulation and signalling function? Biology Letters 15 (3), 20180885 (2019)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Gómez-Díaz, E.; Verhulst, S.: Developmental conditions modulate DNA methylation at the glucocorticoid receptor gene with cascading effects on expression and corticosterone levels in zebra finches. Scientific Reports 9, 15869 (2019)
Journal Article
Mentesana, L.; Isaksson, C.; Goymann, W.; Andersson, M. N.; Trappschuh, M.; Hau, M.: Female variation in allocation of steroid hormones, antioxidants and fatty acids: A multilevel analysis in a wild passerine bird. Journal of Avian Biology 50 (1), e01859 (2019)
Journal Article
Vitousek, M. N.; Johnson, M. A.; Downs, C. J.; Miller, E. T.; Martin, L. B.; Francis, C. D.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M. et al.; Husak, J. F.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.: Macroevolutionary patterning in glucocorticoids suggests different selective pressures shape baseline and stress-induced levels. American Naturalist 193 (6), pp. 866 - 880 (2019)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Garamszegi, L. Z.; Goymann, W.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.; Hau, M.: Do seasonal glucocorticoid changes depend on reproductive investment? A comparative approach in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), pp. 739 - 750 (2018)
Journal Article
Casagrande, S.; Hau, M.: Enzymatic antioxidants but not baseline glucocorticoids mediate the reproduction-survival trade-off in a wild bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1892), 2018.2141 (2018)
Journal Article
Francis, C. D.; Donald, J. W.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R.; Martin, L. B. et al.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.; Downs, C. J.: Metabolic scaling of stress hormones in vertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), pp. 729 - 738 (2018)
Journal Article
Garamszegi, L. Z.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Vitousek, M. N.; Williams, T. D.: Species-specific means and within-species variance in glucocorticoid hormones and speciation rates in birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), pp. 763 - 776 (2018)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Briga, M.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Male but not female zebra finches with high plasma corticosterone have lower survival. Functional Ecology 32 (3), pp. 713 - 721 (2018)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Corticosterone levels reflect variation in metabolic rate, independent of "stress". Scientific Reports 8, 13020 (2018)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Glucocorticoid–temperature association is shaped by foraging costs in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (23), jeb187880 (2018)
Journal Article
Martin, L. B.; Vitousek, M. N.; Donald, J. W.; Flock, T.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Johnson, M. A.; Kircher, B. K. et al.; Knapp, R.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Williams, T. D.; Francis, C. D.: IUCN conservation status does not predict glucocorticoid concentrations in reptiles and birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (4), pp. 800 - 813 (2018)
Journal Article
Torres-Medina, F.; Cabezas, S.; Marchant, T. A.; Wikelski, M.; Romero, L. M.; Hau, M.; Carrete, M.; Tella, J. L.; Blas, J.: Corticosterone implants produce stress-hyporesponsive birds. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (19), jeb173864 (2018)
Journal Article
Vitousek, M. N.; Johnson, M. A.; Donald, J. W.; Francis, C. D.; Fuxjager, M. J.; Goymann, W.; Hau, M.; Husak, J. F.; Kircher, B. K.; Knapp, R. et al.; Martin, L. B.; Miller, E. T.; Schoenle, L. A.; Uehling, J. J.; Williams, T. D.: Data Descriptor: HormoneBase, a population-level database of steroid hormone levels across vertebrates. Scientific Data 5, 180097 (2018)
Journal Article
Wingfield, J. C.; Hau, M.; Boersma, P. D.; Romero, L. M.; Hillgarth, N.; Ramenofsky, M.; Wrege, P.; Scheibling, R.; Kelley, J. P.; Walker, B. et al.; Wikelski, M.: Effects of El Niño and La Niña Southern Oscillation events on the adrenocortical responses to stress in birds of the Galapagos Islands. General and Comparative Endocrinology 259, pp. 20 - 33 (2018)
Journal Article
Baugh, A. T.; Davidson, S. C.; Hau, M.; van Oers, K.: Temporal dynamics of the HPA axis linked to exploratory behavior in a wild European songbird (Parus major). General and Comparative Endocrinology 250, pp. 104 - 112 (2017)
Journal Article
Baugh, A. T.; Senft, R. A.; Firke, M.; Lauder, A.; Schroeder, J.; Meddle, S. L.; van Oers, K.; Hau, M.: Risk-averse personalities have a systemically potentiated neuroendocrine stress axis: A multilevel experiment in Parus major. Hormones and Behavior 93, pp. 99 - 108 (2017)
Journal Article
Baugh, A. T.; Witonsky, K. R.; Davidson, S. C.; Hyder, L.; Hau, M.; van Oers, K.: Novelty induces behavioural and glucocorticoid responses in a songbird artificially selected for divergent personalities. Animal Behaviour 130, pp. 221 - 231 (2017)
Journal Article
Graham, J. L.; Cook, N. J.; Needham, K. B.; Hau, M.; Greives, T. J.: Early to rise, early to breed: A role for daily rhythms in seasonal reproduction. Behavioral Ecology 28 (5), pp. 1266 - 1271 (2017)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Dominoni, D. M.; Casagrande, S.; Buck, C. L.; Wagner, G.; Hazlerigg, D. G.; Greives, T. J.; Hut, R. A.: Timing as a sexually selected trait: The right mate at the right moment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1734), 20160249 (2017)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Briga, M.; Verhulst, S.; Hau, M.: Effects of developmental conditions on glucocorticoid concentrations in adulthood depend on sex and foraging conditions. Hormones and Behavior 93, pp. 175 - 183 (2017)
Journal Article
Jimeno, B.; Hau, M.; Verhulst, S.: Strong association between corticosterone and temperature dependent metabolic rate in individual zebra finches. The Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (23), pp. 4426 - 4431 (2017)
Journal Article
van der Veen, D. R.; Riede, S. J.; Heideman, P. D.; Hau, M.; van der Vinne, V.; Hut, R. A.: Flexible clock systems: Adjusting the temporal programme. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1734), 20160254 (2017)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Casagrande, S.; Ouyang, J. Q.; Baugh, A. T.: Glucocorticoid-mediated phenotypes in vertebrates: Multilevel variation and evolution. Advances in the Study of Behavior 48, pp. 41 - 115 (2016)
Journal Article
Laine, V. N.; Gossmann, T. I.; Schachtschneider, K. M.; Garroway, C. J.; Madsen, O.; Verhoeven, K. J. F.; de Jager, V.; Megens, H.-J.; Warren, W. C.; Minx, P. et al.; Crooijmans, R. P. M. A.; Corcoran, P.; Adriaensen, F.; Belda, E.; Bushuev, A.; Cichon, M.; Charmantier, A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Eeva, T.; Erikstad, K. E.; Fedorov, S.; Hau, M.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Krist, M.; Mänd, R.; Matthysen, E.; Nager, R.; Norte, A. C.; Orell, M.; Richner, H.; Slagsvold, T.; Tilgar, V.; Tinbergen, J. M.; Török, J.; Tschirren, B.; Yuta, T.; Sheldon, B. C.; Slate, J.; Zeng, K.; van Oers, K.; Visser, M. E.; Groenen, M. A. M.: Evolutionary signals of selection on cognition from the great tit genome and methylome. Nature Communications 7, 10474 (2016)
Journal Article
Spoelstra, K.; Wikelski, M.; Daan, S.; Loudon, A. S. I.; Hau, M.: Natural selection against a circadian clock gene mutation in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (3), pp. 686 - 691 (2016)
Journal Article
Greives, T. J.; Kingma, S. A.; Kranstauber, B.; Mortega, K. G.; Wikelski, M.; van Oers, K.; Mateman, A. C.; Ferguson, G. A.; Beltrami, G.; Hau, M.: Costs of sleeping in: Circadian rhythms influence cuckoldry risk in a songbird. Functional Ecology 29 (10), pp. 1300 - 1307 (2015)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Goymann, W.: Endocrine mechanisms, behavioral phenotypes and plasticity: Known relationships and open questions. Frontiers in Zoology 12 (Suppl. 1), S7 (2015)
Journal Article
Hau, M.; Haussmann, M. F.; Greives, T. J.; Matlack, C.; Costantini, D.; Quetting, M.; Adelman, J. S.; Miranda, A. C.; Partecke, J.: Repeated stressors in adulthood increase the rate of biological ageing. Frontiers in Zoology 12, 4 (2015)
Journal Article
Ouyang, J. Q.; de Jong, M.; Hau, M.; Visser, M. E.; van Grunsven, R. H. A.; Spoelstra, K.: Stressful colours: Corticosterone concentrations in a free-living songbird vary with the spectral composition of experimental illumination. Biology Letters 11 (8), 20150517 (2015)
Journal Article
Perfito, N.; Zann, R. A.; Hau, M.; Bentley, G. E.: Seasonal-like variation in song control system volume of wild zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A - Ecological Genetics and Physiology 323 (8), pp. 586 - 591 (2015)
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