Publications of Niels Christian Rattenborg

Journal Article (87)

Journal Article
Mazengenya, P.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Manger, P. R.: Apparent absence of hypothalamic cholinergic neurons in the common ostrich and emu: Implications for global brain states during sleep. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 532 (2), e25587 (2024)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Sleep is dangerous: Historic hunting targeting fur seals sleeping unihemispherically at sea. Sleep 47 (4), zsae026 (2024)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.: A mammal and bird's-eye-view of the pupil during sleep and wakefulness. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 59 (4), pp. 584 - 594 (2024)
Journal Article
Libourel, P.-A.; Lee, W. Y.; Achin, I.; Chung, H.; Kim, J.; Massot, B.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Nesting chinstrap penguins accrue large quantities of sleep through seconds-long microsleeps. Science 382 (6674), pp. 1026 - 1031 (2023)
Journal Article
Nourani, E.; Safi, K.; de Grissac, S.; Anderson, D. J.; Cole, N. C.; Fell, A.; Grémillet, D.; Lempidakis, E.; Lerma, M.; McKee, J. L. et al.; Pichegru, L.; Provost, P.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ryan, P. G.; Santos, C. D.; Schoombie, S.; Tatayah, V.; Weimerskirch, H.; Wikelski, M.; Shepard, E.: Seabird morphology determines operational wind speeds, tolerable maxima, and responses to extremes. Current Biology 33 (6), pp. 1179 - 1184.e3 (2023)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Diverse sleep strategies at sea. Science 381 (6657), pp. 486 - 487 (2023)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.; Ungurean, G.: The evolution and diversification of sleep. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38 (2), pp. 156 - 170 (2023)
Journal Article
Soldatini, C.; Rosas Hernandez, M. P.; Albores-Barajas, Y. V.; Catoni, C.; Ramos, A.; Dell'Omo, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Chimienti, M.: Individual variability in diving behavior of the Black-vented Shearwater in an ever-changing habitat. Science of the Total Environment 880, 163286 (2023)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Behroozi, M.; Böger, L.; Helluy, X.; Libourel, P.-A.; Güntürkün, O.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Wide-spread brain activation and reduced CSF flow during avian REM sleep. Nature Communications 14, 3259 (2023)
Journal Article
Giambalvo, G.; de Albores-Barajas, Y. V.; Soldatini, C.; Rosas Hernandez, M. P.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Environmental drivers of sex-biased foraging behavior in Magnificent Frigatebird in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17 (2), 25 (2022)
Journal Article
Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: The missing cost of ecological sleep loss. SLEEP Advances 3 (1), zpac036 (2022)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Sleeping on the wing: Mythology, history, and science of avian sleep in mid-flight. Natural History 130 (10), pp. 30 - 35 (2022)
Journal Article
van Hasselt, S. J.; Verhulst, S.; Piersma, T.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Meerlo, P.: A comparison of continuous and intermittent EEG recordings in geese: How much data are needed to reliably estimate sleep-wake patterns? Journal of sleep research 31 (3), e13525 (2022)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Massot, B.; Libourel, P.-A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Pupillary behavior during wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep in birds is opposite that of mammals. Current Biology 31 (23), pp. 5370 - 5376.e4 (2021)
Journal Article
van Hasselt, S. J.; Hut, R. A.; Allocca, G.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Piersma, T.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Meerlo, P.: Cloud cover amplifies the sleep-suppressing effect of artificial light at night in geese. Environmental Pollution 273, 116444 (2021)
Journal Article
van Hasselt, S. J.; Mekenkamp, G.-J.; Komdeur, J.; Allocca, G.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Piersma, T.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Meerlo, P.: Seasonal variation in sleep homeostasis in migratory geese: A rebound of NREM sleep following sleep deprivation in summer but not in winter. Sleep 44 (4), zsaa244 (2021)
Journal Article
Blumberg, M. S.; Lesku, J. A.; Libourel, P.-A.; Schmidt, M. H.; Rattenborg, N. C.: What is REM sleep? Current Biology 30 (1), pp. R38 - R49 (2020)
Journal Article
Ferretti, A.; McWilliams, S. R.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Maggini, I.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.: Energy stores, oxidative balance, and sleep in migratory garden warblers (Sylvia borin) and whitethroats (Sylvia communis) at a spring stopover site. Integrative Organismal Biology 2 (1), obaa010 (2020)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Somnovolarism. Sleep Medicine 67, pp. 246 - 247 (2020)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Barrillot, B.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Libourel, P.-A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Comparative perspectives that challenge brain warming as the primary function of REM sleep. iScience 23 (11), 101696 (2020)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; van der Meij, J.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Lesku, J. A.: Evolution and plasticity of sleep. Current Opinion in Physiology 15, pp. 111 - 119 (2020)
Journal Article
van der Meij, J.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Beckers, G. J. L.: Divergent neuronal activity patterns in the avian hippocampus and nidopallium. European Journal of Neuroscience: European Neuroscience Association 52 (4), pp. 3124 - 3139 (2020)
Journal Article
van der Meij, J.; Ungurean, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Beckers, G. J. L.: Evolution of sleep in relation to memory – A birds’ brain view. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 33, pp. 78 - 85 (2020)
Journal Article
van Hasselt, S. J.; Rusche, M.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Verhulst, S.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Meerlo, P.: The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) shows signs of NREM sleep homeostasis but has very little REM sleep and no REM sleep homeostasis. Sleep 43 (6), zsz311 (2020)
Journal Article
van Hasselt, S. J.; Rusche, M.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Verhulst, S.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Meerlo, P.: Sleep time in the European starling is strongly affected by night length and moon phase. Current Biology 30 (9), pp. 1664 - 1671.e2 (2020)
Journal Article
Allocca, G.; Ma, S.; Martelli, D.; Cerri, M.; Vecchio, F. D.; Bastianini, S.; Zoccoli, G.; Amici, R.; Morairty, S. R.; Aulsebrook, A. E. et al.; Blackburn, S.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Wams, E.; Porcheret, K.; Wulff, K.; Foster, R.; Chan, J. K. M.; Nicholas, C. L.; Freestone, D. R.; Johnston, L. A.; Gundlach, A. L.: Validation of ‘Somnivore’, a machine learning algorithm for automated scoring and analysis of polysomnography data. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 207 (2019)
Journal Article
Ferretti, A.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Ruf, T.; McWilliams, S. R.; Cardinale, M.; Fusani, L.: Sleeping unsafely tucked in to conserve energy in a nocturnal migratory songbird. Current Biology 29 (16), pp. 2766 - 2772.e4 (2019)
Journal Article
Massot, B.; Arthaud, S.; Barrillot, B.; Roux, J.; Ungurean, G.; Luppi, P.-H.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Libourel, P.-A.: ONEIROS, a new miniature standalone device for recording sleep electrophysiology, physiology, temperatures and behavior in the lab and field. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 316, pp. 103 - 116 (2019)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.; van der Meij, J.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Lesku, J. A.: Local aspects of avian non-REM and REM sleep. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 567 (2019)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.: REM-Sleep-Promoting ‘Goldilocks’ neurons. Current Biology 29 (13), pp. R644 - R646 (2019)
Journal Article
van der Meij, J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Intra-"cortical" activity during avian non-REM and REM sleep: Variant and invariant traits between birds and mammals. Sleep 42 (2), zsy230 (2019)
Journal Article
van der Meij, J.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Neurophysiology of avian sleep: Comparing natural sleep and isoflurane anesthesia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 262 (2019)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Q & A: Niels C. Rattenborg. Current Biology 28 (24), pp. R1368 - R1370 (2018)
Journal Article
Tisdale, R. K.; Lesku, J. A.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Bird-like propagating brain activity in anesthetized Nile crocodiles. Sleep 41 (8), zsy105 (2018)
Journal Article
Tisdale, R. K.; Lesku, J. A.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: The low-down on sleeping down low: Pigeons shift to lighter forms of sleep when sleeping near the ground. The Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (19), jeb182634 (2018)
Journal Article
Tisdale, R. K.; Tieri, L.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Beckers, G. J. L.; Lesku, J. A.: Spectral properties of brain activity under two anesthetics and their potential for inducing natural sleep in birds. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 881 (2018)
Journal Article
Ungurean, G.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Fur seals don’t lose sleep over REM lost at sea. Current Biology 28 (12), pp. R699 - R701 (2018)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Sleeping on the wing. Interface Focus 7 (1), 20160082 (2017)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.: Schlaf zwischen Himmel und Erde. Jahrbuch - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2017)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.; de la Iglesia, H. O.; Kempenaers, B.; Lesku, J. A.; Meerlo, P.; Scriba, M. F.: Sleep research goes wild: New methods and approaches to investigate the ecology, evolution and functions of sleep. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 372 (1734), 20160251 (2017)
Journal Article
Scriba, M. F.; Dreiss, A. N.; Henry, I.; Béziers, P.; Ruppli, C.; Ifrid, E.; Ducouret, P.; Da Silva, A.; Monstiers, B. d.; Vyssotski, A. L. et al.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Roulin, A.: Nocturnal, diurnal and bimodal patterns of locomotion, sibling interactions and sleep in nestling Barn Owls. Journal of Ornithology 158 (4), pp. 1001 - 1012 (2017)
Journal Article
Scriba, M. F.; Gasparini, J.; Jacquin, L.; Mettke-Hofmann, C.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Roulin, A.: The effect of food quality during growth on spatial memory consolidation in adult pigeons. The Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (4), pp. 573 - 581 (2017)
Journal Article
Scriba, M. F.; Henry, I.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Mueller, J. C.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Roulin, A.: Ultradian rhythmicity in sleep-wakefulness is related to color in nestling barn owls. Journal of Biological Rhythms 32 (5), pp. 456 - 468 (2017)
Journal Article
Tisdale, R. K.; Vyssotski, A. L.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Sleep-related electrophysiology and behavior of tinamous (Eudromia elegans): Tinamous do not sleep like ostriches. Brain, behavior and evolution: Official journal of the J. B. Johnston Club 89 (4), pp. 249 - 261 (2017)
Journal Article
Aulsebrook, A. E.; Jones, T. M.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Roth, T. C. I.; Lesku, J. A.: Sleep ecophysiology: Integrating neuroscience and ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31 (8), pp. 590 - 599 (2016)
Journal Article
Chan, A.; Li, S.; Lee, A. R.; Leung, J.; Yip, A.; Bird, J.; Godden, K. E.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.; Rattenborg, N. C.; Balaban, E. et al.; Pompeiano, M.: Activation of state-regulating neurochemical systems in newborn and embryonic chicks. Neuroscience 339, pp. 219 - 234 (2016)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.; Voirin, B.; Cruz, S. M.; Tisdale, R. K.; Dell’Omo, G.; Lipp, H.-P.; Wikelski, M.; Vyssotski, A. L.: Evidence that birds sleep in mid-flight. Nature Communications 7, 12468 (2016)
Journal Article
Beckers, G. J. L.; Rattenborg, N. C.: An in depth view of avian sleep. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 50, pp. 120 - 127 (2015)
Journal Article
Rattenborg, N. C.; Martinez-Gonzalez, M. D.: Avian versus mammalian sleep: The fruits of comparing apples and oranges. Current Sleep Medicine Reports 1 (1), pp. 55 - 63 (2015)
Journal Article
Beckers, G. J. L.; van der Meij, J.; Lesku, J. A.; Rattenborg, N. C.: Plumes of neuronal activity propagate in three dimensions through the nuclear avian brain. BMC Biology 12, 16 (2014)
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