Discrimination / harassment reporting form
Would you like to report something?
Have you experienced or witnessed discrimination, harassment, assaultive behavior or abuse of power, e.g. because of national origin, religion, gender, skin color, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship or similar?
You can use this form (LINK) to report unacceptable conduct (in the case of sexual misconduct in accordance with point 5c - MPG guidelines).
As an employee, student, applicant or other person working at the MPI-BI, please contact one of the following persons with your concerns:
Gender Equality Officers: If you want to report discrimination or harassment you can contact your local GEO. If you do not feel comfortable reaching out to a local person, you can also contact the Central Gender Equality Officer.
- Petra Winterholler (Gender Equality Officer)
- Susanne Hoffmann (Deputy Gender Equality Officer)
- Ulla Weber (Central Gender Equality Officer)
The Works Council or General Works Council (link to the MAX intranet)
The representative body for severely disabled employees (link to MAX)
Your direct supervisor or other persons with management and support tasks
The Internal Investigations Department of the MPG (link to website)
We would like to point out that a duty of confidentiality only applies to the Gender Equality Officers, while persons with management and supervisory duties in particular may be obliged to follow up on a report even without your consent and to take measures to investigate, prosecute and prevent (Section 12 AGG and 5c MPG Directive).
In the case of sexual misconduct, the following applies: A formal complaints procedure in accordance with 5d of the MPG Guideline only comes into effect if you submit a written complaint in accordance with the requirements of 5d of the MPG Guideline after initial consultation with one of the contact persons. The submission of the form linked on this page is expressly not considered a written complaint in accordance with the 5d MPG Guideline.
For other conflicts, you can find contact persons and help here: Link to MAX