Journal Article (169)

Journal Article
Lutz, J.; Dittmann, K.; Bösl, M. R.; Winkler, T. H.; Wienands, J.; Engels, N.: Reactivation of IgG-switched memory B cells by BCR-intrinsic signal amplification promotes IgG antibody production. Nature Communications 6, 8575 (2015)
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Gatto, G.; Morales, D.; Kania, A.; Klein, R.: EphA4 receptor shedding regulates spinal motor axon guidance. Current Biology 24 (20), pp. 2355 - 2365 (2014)
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Herberich, E.; Hassler, C.; Hothorn, T.: Multiple curve comparisons with an application to the formation of the dorsal funiculus of mutant mice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOSTATISTICS 10 (2), pp. 289 - 302 (2014)
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Klein, P.; Müller-Rischart, A. K.; Motori, E.; Schönbauer, C.; Schnorrer, F.; Winklhofer, K. F.; Klein, R.: Ret rescues mitochondrial morphology and muscle degeneration of Drosophila Pink1 mutants. The EMBO Journal 33 (4), pp. 341 - 355 (2014)
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Klein, R.; Kania, A.: Ephrin signalling in the developing nervous system. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 27, pp. 16 - 24 (2014)
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Leyva-Diaz, E.; del Toro, D.; Jose Menal, M.; Cambray, S.; Susin, R.; Tessier-Lavigne, M.; Klein, R.; Egea, J.; Lopez-Bendito, G.: FLRT3 is a Robo1-interacting protein that determines Netrin-1 attraction in developing axons. Current Biology 24 (5), pp. 494 - 508 (2014)
Journal Article
Mishra, A.; Traut, M. H.; Becker, L.; Klopstock, T.; Stein, V.; Klein, R.: Genetic evidence for the adhesion protein IgSF9/Dasm1 to regulate inhibitory synapse development independent of its intracellular domain. The Journal of Neuroscience 34 (12), pp. 4187 - 4199 (2014)
Journal Article
Schaupp, A.; Sabet, O.; Dudanova, I.; Ponserre, M.; Bastiaens, P.; Klein, R.: The composition of EphB2 clusters determines the strength in the cellular repulsion response. The Journal of Cell Biology 204 (3), pp. 409 - 422 (2014)
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Schoenberger, M.; Damijonaitis, A.; Zhang, Z.; Nagel, D.; Trauner, D.: Development of a new photochromic ion channel blocker via azologization of fomocaine. ACS Chemical Neuroscience 5 (7), pp. 514 - 518 (2014)
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Seiradake, E.; del Toro, D.; Nagel, D.; Cop, F.; Härtl, R.; Ruff, T.; Seyit-Bremer, G.; Harlos, K.; Border, E. C.; Acker-Palmer, A. et al.; Jones, E. Y.; Klein, R.: FLRT structure: Balancing repulsion and cell adhesion in cortical and vascular development. Neuron 84 (2), pp. 370 - 385 (2014)
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Serradj, N.; Paixao, S.; Sobocki, T.; Feinberg, M.; Klein, R.; Kullander, K.; Martin, J. H.: EphA4-mediated ipsilateral corticospinal tract misprojections are necessary for bilateral voluntary movements but not bilateral stereotypic locomotion. The Journal of Neuroscience 34 (15), pp. 5211 - 5221 (2014)
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Braunger, B. M.; Ohlmann, A.; Koch, M.; Tanimoto, N.; Volz, C.; Yang, Y.; Bösl, M.; Cvekl, A.; Jaegle, H.; Seeliger, M. W. et al.; Tamm, E. R.: Constitutive overexpression of Norrin activates Wnt/β-catenin and endothelin-2 signaling to protect photoreceptors from light damage. Neurobiology of Disease 50, pp. 1 - 12 (2013)
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Brito, V.; Puigdellivol, M.; Giralt, A.; del Toro, D.; Alberch, J.; Gines, S.: Imbalance of p75(NTR)/TrkB protein expression in Huntington's disease: Implication for neuroprotective therapies. Cell Death and Disease 4, e595 (2013)
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Dimidschstein, J.; Passante, L.; Dufour, A.; van den Ameele, J.; Tiberi, L.; Hrechdakian, T.; Adams, R.; Klein, R.; Lie, D. C.; Jossin, Y. et al.; Vanderhaeghen, P.: Ephrin-B1 controls the columnar distribution of cortical pyramidal neurons by restricting their tangential migration. Neuron 79 (6), pp. 1123 - 1135 (2013)
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Dudanova, I.; Klein, R.: Integration of guidance cues: Parallel signaling and crosstalk. Trends in Neurosciences 36 (5), pp. 295 - 304 (2013)
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Gatto, G.; Dudanova, I.; Suetterlin, P.; Davies, A. M.; Drescher, U.; Bixby, J. L.; Klein, R.: Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type O inhibits trigeminal axon growth and rranching by repressing TrkB and ret signaling. The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (12), pp. 5399 - 5410 (2013)
Journal Article
Paixao, S.; Balijepalli, A.; Serradj, N.; Niu, J.; Luo, W.; Martin, J. H.; Klein, R.: EphrinB3/EphA4-mediated guidance of ascending and descending spinal tracts. Neuron 80 (6), pp. 1407 - 1420 (2013)
Journal Article
Seiradake, E.; Schaupp, A.; del Toro Ruiz, D.; Kaufmann, R.; Mitakidis, N.; Harlos, K.; Aricescu, A. R.; Klein, R.; Jones, E. Y.: Structurally encoded intraclass differences in EphA clusters drive distinct cell responses. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 20 (8), pp. 958 - 964 (2013)
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Dudanova, I.; Kao, T.-J.; Herrmann, J. E.; Zheng, B.; Kania, A.; Klein, R.: Genetic evidence for a contribution of EphA: EphrinA reverse signaling to motor axon guidance. The Journal of Neuroscience 32 (15), pp. 5209 - 5215 (2012)
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Eitzinger, N.; Surmann-Schmitt, C.; Bösl, M. R.; Schett, G.; Engelke, K.; Hess, A.; von der Mark, K.; Stock, M.: Ucma is not necessary for normal development of the mouse skeleton. Bone 50 (3), pp. 670 - 680 (2012)
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Fico, A.; De Chevigny, A.; Egea, J.; Bösl, M. R.; Cremer, H.; Maina, F.; Dono, R.: Modulating Glypican4 Suppresses tumorigenicity of embryonic stem cells while preserving self-renewal and pluripotency. Stem Cells 30 (9), pp. 1863 - 1874 (2012)
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Fontana, X.; Hristova, M.; Da Costa, C.; Patodia, S.; Thei, L.; Makwana, M.; Spencer-Dene, B.; Latouche, M.; Mirsky, R.; Jessen, K. R. et al.; Klein, R.; Raivich, G.; Behrens, A.: C-Jun in Schwann cells promotes axonal regeneration and motoneuron survival via paracrine signaling. The Journal of Cell Biology 198 (1), pp. 127 - 141 (2012)
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Hanell, A.; Clausen, F.; Djupsjo, A.; Vallstedt, A.; Patra, K.; Israelsson, C.; Larhammar, M.; Bjork, M.; Paixao, S.; Kullander, K. et al.; Marklund, N.: Functional and histological outcome after focal traumatic brain injury is not improved in conditional EphA4 knockout mice. Journal of Neurotrauma 29 (17), pp. 2660 - 2671 (2012)
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Herrnberger, L.; Seitz, R.; Kuespert, S.; Bösl, M. R.; Fuchshofer, R.; Tamm, E. R.: Lack of endothelial diaphragms in fenestrae and caveolae of mutant Plvap-deficient mice. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 138 (5), pp. 709 - 724 (2012)
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Hirner, H.; Guenes, C.; Bischof, J.; Wolff, S.; Grothey, A.; Kueh, M.; Oswald, F.; Wegwitz, F.; Bösl, M. R.; Trauzold, A. et al.; Henne-Bruns, D.; Peifer, C.; Leithaeuser, F.; Deppert, W.; Knippschild, U.: Impaired CK1 delta activity attenuates SV40-induced cellular transformation in vitro and mouse mammary carcinogenesis in vivo. PLoS One 7 (1), e29709 (2012)
Journal Article
Junglas, B.; Kuespert, S.; Seleem, A. A.; Struller, T.; Ullmann, S.; Bösl, M. R.; Bosserhoff, A.; Koestle, J.; Wagner, R.; Tamm, E. R. et al.; Fuchshofer, R.: Connective tissue growth factor causes glaucoma by modifying the actin cytoskeleton of the trabecular meshwork. American Journal of Pathology 180 (6), pp. 2386 - 2403 (2012)
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Klein, R.: Eph/ephrin signalling during development. Development 139 (22), pp. 4105 - 4109 (2012)
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Wahlbuhl, M.; Reiprich, S.; Vogl, M. R.; Bösl, M. R.; Wegner, M.: Transcription factor Sox10 orchestrates activity of a neural crest-specific enhancer in the vicinity of its gene. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 40 (1), pp. 88 - 101 (2012)
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Aron, L.; Klein, R.: Repairing the parkinsonian brain with neurotrophic factors. Trends in Neurosciences 34 (2), pp. 88 - 100 (2011)
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Boerdlein, A.; Scherthan, H.; Nelkenbrecher, C.; Molter, T.; Bösl, M. R.; Dippold, C.; Birke, K.; Kinkley, S.; Staege, H.; Will, H. et al.; Winterpacht, A.: SPOC1 (PHF13) is required for spermatogonial stem cell differentiation and sustained spermatogenesis. Journal of Cell Science 124 (18), pp. 3137 - 3148 (2011)
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Dudanova, I.; Klein, R.: The axon's balancing act: Cis- and trans-interactions between Ephs and Ephrins. Neuron 71 (1), pp. 1 - 3 (2011)
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Gallenberger, M.; Meinel, D. M.; Kroeber, M.; Wegner, M.; Milkereit, P.; Bösl, M. R.; Tamm, E. R.: Lack of WDR36 leads to preimplantation embryonic lethality in mice and delays the formation of small subunit ribosomal RNA in human cells in vitro. Human Molecular Genetics 20 (3), pp. 422 - 435 (2011)
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Kuespert, M.; Hammer, A.; Bösl, M. R.; Wegner, M.: Olig2 regulates Sox10 expression in oligodendrocyte precursors through an evolutionary conserved distal enhancer. Nucleic Acids Research (London) 39 (4), pp. 1280 - 1293 (2011)
Journal Article
Peng, C.; Aron, L.; Klein, R.; Li, M.; Wurst, W.; Prakash, N.; Le, W.: Pitx3 is a critical mediator of GDNF-induced BDNF expression in nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 31 (36), pp. 12802 - 12815 (2011)
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Wang, L.; Klein, R.; Zheng, B. H.; Marquardt, T.: Anatomical coupling of sensory and motor nerve trajectory via axon tracking. Neuron 71 (2), pp. 263 - 277 (2011)
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Yamagishi, S.; Hampel, F.; Hata, K.; del Toro Ruiz, D.; Schwark, M.; Kvachnina, E.; Bastmeyer, M.; Yamashita, T.; Tarabykin, V.; Klein, R. et al.; Egea, J.: FLRT2 and FLRT3 act as repulsive guidance cues for Unc5-positive neurons. The EMBO Journal 30 (14), pp. 2920 - 2933 (2011)
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Zhai, J.; Zhou, W.; Li, J.; Hayworth, C. R.; Zhang, L.; Misawa, H.; Klein, R.; Scherer, S. S.; Balice-Gordon, R. J.; Kalb, R. G.: The in vivo contribution of motor neuron TrkB receptors to mutant SOD1 motor neuron disease. Human Molecular Genetics 20 (21), pp. 4116 - 4131 (2011)
Journal Article
Aron, L.; Klein, P.; Pham, T. T.; Kramer, E. R.; Wurst, W.; Klein, R.: Pro-survival role for Parkinson's associated gene DJ-1 revealed in trophically impaired dopaminergic neurons. PLoS Biology 8 (4), e1000349 (2010)
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Bashaw, G. J.; Klein, R.: Signaling from axon guidance receptors. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 2 (5), a001941 (2010)
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Cossais, F.; Sock, E.; Hornig, J.; Schreiner, S.; Kellerer, S.; Bösl, M. R.; Russell, S.; Wegner, M.: Replacement of mouse Sox10 by the Drosophila ortholog Sox100B provides evidence for co-option of SoxE proteins into vertebrate-specific gene-regulatory networks through altered expression. Developmental Biology 341 (1), pp. 267 - 281 (2010)
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Dudanova, I.; Gatto, G.; Klein, R.: GDNF acts as a chemoattractant to support ephrinA-induced repulsion of limb motor axons. Current Biology 20 (23), pp. 2150 - 2156 (2010)
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Finzsch, M.; Schreiner, S.; Kichko, T.; Reeh, P.; Tamm, E. R.; Bösl, M. R.; Meijer, D.; Wegner, M.: Sox10 is required for Schwann cell identity and progression beyond the immature Schwann cell stage. Journal of Cell Biology 189 (4), pp. 701 - 712 (2010)
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Griciuc, A.; Aron, L.; Piccoli, G.; Ueffing, M.: Clearance of Rhodopsin(P23H) aggregates requires the ERAD effector VCP. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research 1803 (3), pp. 424 - 434 (2010)
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Griciuc, A.; Aron, L.; Roux, M. J.; Klein, R.; Giangrande, A.; Ueffing, M.: Inactivation of VCP/ter94 suppresses retinal pathology caused by misfolded Rhodopsin in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics 6 (8), e1001075 (2010)
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Klein, R.: Cell sorting during regenerative tissue formation. Cell 143 (1), pp. 32 - 34 (2010)
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Klein, R.: Topography in hippocampal mossy fiber plasticity. Neuron 65 (5), pp. 580 - 582 (2010)
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Luecking, C. B.; Lichtner, P.; Kramer, E. R.; Gieger, C.; Illig, T.; Dichgans, M.; Berg, D.; Gasser, T.: Polymorphisms in the receptor for GDNF (RET) are not associated with Parkinson's disease in Southern Germany. Neurobiology of Aging 31 (1), pp. 167 - 168 (2010)
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Ohlmann, A.; Seitz, R.; Braunger, B.; Seitz, D.; Bösl, M. R.; Tamm, E. R.: Norrin promotes vascular regrowth after oxygen-induced retinal vessel loss and suppresses retinopathy in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience 30 (1), pp. 183 - 193 (2010)
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Paixao, S.; Klein, R.: Neuron-astrocyte communication and synaptic plasticity. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 20 (4), pp. 466 - 473 (2010)
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Riedl, J.; Flynn, K. C.; Raducanu, A.; Gärtner, F.; Beck, G.; Bösl, M.; Bradke, F.; Massberg, S.; Aszodi, A.; Sixt, M. et al.; Wedlich-Söldner, R.: Lifeact mice for studying F-actin dynamics. Nature Methods 7 (3), pp. 168 - 169 (2010)
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