Publications of the department "Molecules - Signaling - Development"

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Burgold, J.; Schulz-Trieglaff, E. K.; Voelkl, K.; Gutierrez-Angel, S.; Bader, J. M.; Hosp, F.; Mann, M.; Arzberger, T.; Klein, R.; Liebscher, S. et al.; Dudanova, I.: Cortical circuit alterations precede motor impairments in Huntington's disease mice. Scientific Reports 9, 6634 (2019)
Journal Article
Cramer, K.; Bolender, A.-L.; Stockmar, I.; Jungmann, R.; Kasper, R.; Shin, J. Y.: Visualization of bacterial protein complexes labeled with fluorescent proteins and nanobody binders for STED microscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 (14), 3376 (2019)
Journal Article
Gong, J.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Luu, O.; Huang, Y.; Gaitanos, L.; Lindner, J.; Winklbauer, R.; Klein, R.: Gulp1 controls Eph/ephrin trogocytosis and is important for cell rearrangements during development. The Journal of Cell Biology 218 (10), pp. 3455 - 3471 (2019)
Journal Article
Paixao, S.; Loschek, L. F.; Gaitanos, L.; Alcala Morales, P. L.; Goulding, M.; Klein, R.: Identification of spinal neurons contributing to the dorsal column projection mediating fine touch and corrective motor movements. Neuron 104 (4), pp. 749 - 764.e6 (2019)
Journal Article
Stuerner, T.; Tatarnikova, A.; Mueller, J.; Schaffran, B.; Cuntz, H.; Zhang, Y.; Nemethova, M.; Bogdan, S.; Small, V.; Tavosanis, G.: Transient localization of the Arp2/3 complex initiates neuronal dendrite branching in vivo. Development 146 (7), dev171397 (2019)
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