Publications of Manfred Gahr

Journal Article (155)

Journal Article
Balthazart, J.; Gahr, M.; van Daele-Surlemmont, C.: Distribution of estrogen receptors in the brain of the Japanese quail: An immunocytochemical study. Brain Research 501 (2), pp. 205 - 214 (1989)
Journal Article
Gahr, M.; Konishi, M.: Developmental changes in estrogen-sensitive neurons in the forebrain of the zebra finch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 85 (19), pp. 7380 - 7383 (1988)
Journal Article
Gahr, M.; Flügge, G.; Güttinger, H.-R.: Immunocytochemical localization of estrogen-binding neurons in the songbird brain. Brain Research 402 (1), pp. 173 - 177 (1987)
Journal Article
Gahr, M.; Güttinger, H.-R.: Functional aspects of singing in male and female Uraeginthus bengalus (Estrildidae). Ethology 72 (2), pp. 123 - 131 (1986)
Journal Article
Gahr, M.; Güttinger, H.-R.: Korrelationen zwischen der sexualdimorphen Gehirndifferenzierung und der Verhaltensausprägung bei Prachtfinken (Estrildidae). Journal für Ornithologie 126 (3), p. 310 (1985)

Book Chapter (5)

Book Chapter
Gahr, M.: Seasonal hormone fluctuations and song structure of birds. In: Coding strategies in vertebrate acoustic communication, pp. 163 - 201 (Eds. Aubin, T.; Mathevon, N.). Springer, Cham (CH) (2020)
Book Chapter
Gahr, M.: Seasonal and life-history stage dependent vocal communication of birds. In: The senses: A comprehensive reference, Vol. 2, 2 Ed., pp. 163 - 186 (Ed. Fritzsch, B.). Elsevier Academic Press, Cambridge, MA (2020)
Book Chapter
Gahr, M.: All for One, One for All. Box 2.1: Auditolemetry of Vocal Behaviour. In: Field and Laboratory Methods in Animal Cognition: A Comparative Guide, pp. 42 - 44 (Eds. Bueno-Guerra, N.; Amici, F.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Port Melbourne (2018)
Book Chapter
Gahr, M.: Motivation und Emotion. In: Lehrbuch Neurowissenschaft, pp. 465 - 486. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (1996)
Book Chapter
Gahr, M.: Brain structure: Causes and consequences of brain sex. In: The differences between the sexes, pp. 273 - 302 (Eds. Short, R. V.; Balaban, E.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1994)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Gahr, M.: The role of estrogen in the differentiation of the vocal control system of songbirds. In: Perspectives in Comparative Endocrinology, Vol. 1994, pp. 455 - 463 (Ed. Davey, K. G.). XII International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology, Toronto, May 16, 1993 - May 21, 1993. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa (1994)
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